Wild Animals as Pets

Wild Animals as Pets Dogs, cats, and horses. These are most of the normal safe animals people usually keep as pets. Those animals make for a nice companion whether you are a child or an adult. If you ask around you will find out that dogs and cats are definitely the most popular. Wild animals should NOT be kept as pets. They belong in the wild: their natural habitat. They can not be tamed only somewhat controlled. They can also be viscous, so they can attack you at any time.

How would you feel if you got taken out of your home and forced to live in a small secluded area strangers of not even the same species as you? You probably wouldn’t like it very much. And if you had the ability to attack and escape would you? Exotic and wild animals are forced in to that kind of life. Wild animals need specifics in their habitat, only zoos can come close to what the animals need.

Bears, snakes, and wild cats are all very dangerous. Wild animals do not lose their wild instincts when in captivity. If they are provoked or feel threatened they can be dangerous and harm or kill its owner or anybody around. It is not completely uncommon for any animal to attack. But wild animals can do a lot more damage than a normal house cat. Who would want to put themselves or their family in the slightest possibility of an attack occurring?

Baby wild and exotic animals normally look tame and manageable and of course “cool”. People think that they can buy baby animals and tame then and when they grow up and grow bigger they will be tame and calm. That is not the case. Many cases have been documented where an exotic animal was abandoned when its owner moved or found it difficult to manage. After hurricane Katrina a gator farm got hit by a 15-foot tall wall of water. That wall of water washed out 50 alligators from their 132-acre farm. They were only able to recover 80% of them. This shows that even if you think that you are prepared to house wild or exotic animals anything can happen.

People who own wild or exotic animals may say that having these animals as pets are a “learning experience”. They are wrong because if you wanted to learn about wild animals then they can just go to the zoo. They aren’t putting themselves or their family at such a high risk of danger. They also think that having wild animals as pets is an “awesome idea”. They are absolutely wrong because when the animals get bigger as they get older they can become a nuisance to manage and become more dangerous when they are grow adults then when they are babies.

I am sure you now understand the reasons as to why it is such a bad idea to have wild or exotic animals as pets. They are a nuisance, they are dangerous, and they need to be left alone in their own habitat. So keep the life of you and your family safe: leave wild animals in the wild where they belong.

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