Hunting and the Morality Contained in the Sport - Comments

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    October 16th, 2023 at 09:34pm
  • im a hunter and an animal lover thear are some hunters that overhunt land but the magority will not thay want ther grandchildren to be abel to still hunt in the same place thay do hunting helps keep population down if the population becoms to high animels slowly starve to death althow i am a vegiterian i bring back the deer i hunt and suply familys that otherwise cant aford meat peaple say bad things about hunting ild mutch prefer to hunt for my food whear it has lived a natrel and happy life thern a misrebel caged animel that is pumped full of drugs

    i apologise for the spelling i seem to have miss placed my glasses
    July 14th, 2009 at 08:25am
  • If you believe in evolution, then humans are higher on the food chain than the other animals/ mammals/ breathing things/ whatevever and "survival of the fittest"..."natural selection" and all that. Humans are more capable or rational thought and have been eating animals since we were here at all. Other animals lower than us on the food chain eat other animals. Some even try [or succeed] to eat humans.

    If you believe some higher form of life that created us, then just as well, God put animals here for us to eat. They are not sacred - unless you're not a Bible sort of religious person; I can't quite think of a religion that worships animals at the moment, but my point is understood. As I have been taught, God put animals on earth to be eaten by us. I don't amazingly understand going out like "let me shoot this animal randomly to put it on my wall", but that's my opinion, and because I'm not much of a hunter myself.

    If someone wants to be a vegitarian, okay. I admire your self-control to not eat meat. I love cheeseburgers, so I could never behave as such. I don't particularly agree that animal shouldn't be killed for the mindset that they have feelings, because it is my opinion that they have instincts alone [note that I say my opinion; I'm not shoving my ideas down your throat].

    This was all in response to the ongoing debate of religion versus evolution relavancy to animal comsumption.

    As for the author of this article, I appreciate your well-rounded writing points and commend you for not insulting any opposing party in your piece. =)
    April 18th, 2009 at 06:52am
  • And can we like get a petition to get that gretchen chick to stop commenting? It's a little obsessive and annoying at this point. Really, the moment you bring God into your argument the whole thing falls to little bits and pieces because religion is more of an opinion than a fact.
    And one more little tidbit, the thing about vegetarians and such "killing plants" yada, yada, bullshit, etc... Well, the plant doesn't feel pain. When you kill that plant, almost in defiantly another will grow. If you keep shooting deer to a point of where there are none left whose going to continue the population?
    And don't talk to Iago Disco like that, at least he has common sense. I mean, I've proposed twice and he still hasn't called the cops on me.
    March 18th, 2009 at 03:00am
  • Yeaaaah, hanging the dead animal's head on the wall is real "respectful" And I really don't think you should "enjoy" killing a living thing... that's a little sick.
    March 18th, 2009 at 02:49am
  • I'm fine with hunting, the meat tastes good [even though I no longer eat it <3]
    January 13th, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • just_call_me_dookie, does it for the lulz. I found their comment quite amusing, in a bitterly misanthropic way.
    January 13th, 2009 at 12:34am
  • Iago Disco: Hunting is in fact part of the natural balance. People have been hunting animals since creation. While sometimes we do abuse our position of top of the food chain, its just the way the world goes, and how it has been for a very very long time now.

    And you know, even if we didn't kill wild game, we'd still be killing domestic animals in slaughter houses. You can't argue that hunting wild animals is inhumane, but be perfectly fine with killing domestic animals. Thats more than a bit hypocritical.
    January 13th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • I don't like hunting. In the UK it was generally a sign of "I'm wealthy and can afford to ride horses, shoot guns and breed ginormous packs of dogs to attack foxes, then smear the foxes' blood on the face of children for whom it was their first hunt."
    If you're killing for food, fair enough, but if you're doing it to show off (eg mounting the heads onto walls) then boo you.
    Balenced article for the most part, you acknowledged both sides. : ) I think you're getting better. ^^ I think that a little less religion might swing more people to your side of the argument.
    January 13th, 2009 at 12:21am
  • **(let me rephrase that I do believe evolution is correct, but I don't by any means believe it is the only theory out there)
    January 12th, 2009 at 09:57pm
  • Personally I see nothing wrong with hunting. I've grown up with it. My mom's half of the family are hunters, myself included.

    I believe in evolution (but am in no way saying that it is correct) it's what I believe. And in believing in evolution I believe animals higher up on the food chain are meant to kill animals below them. Humans are animals. Sure raising animals to be killed is good for mass feeding, but hunting doesn't have to be horrible.

    Hunting is a basic human instinct as for all omnivores. As long as certain percautions are taken such as hunting in an area where there is an overpopulation of certain animals, or where the habitat isn't being destroyed. As humans we are given the gift of thought and making decisions. We need to use that to make hunting less cruel and less hurtful to the enviroment.
    January 12th, 2009 at 09:56pm
  • Well.. man, where the hell is all the hate. There's Dookie, goin it alone. I mean seriously.

    In my mind, anyone who takes pleasure or satisfaction from killing anything is quite obviously damaged. Just before i talk morals here, i'd like to touch on some of the ridiculous things said about the practicalities of hunting stuff..

    Firstly that its good for the environment. Thats absolute nonsense; hunting actually throws out of balance the natural equilibrium. What tends to happen is humans kill too many predators which leads to an increase in their prey.
    The only times humans are required to reinstate this equilibrium is when they've screwed it up themselves.
    unfortunately i have to go before i can finish this, but don't worry, i'll be back

    January 12th, 2009 at 12:34pm
  • Its only more accurate if you choose to believe it. And your so called "science" isn't always that accurate either. You can have your science, I'll have my God. My faith is more important to me than what you and your scientists hypothesize about.
    January 12th, 2009 at 05:03am
  • [b]DRAMA.QUEEN:[b]
    First off, don't call me sweetie.

    It's been scientifically proven that humans are a species of animals. I don't care what your so called 'God' has to say about it. Science is much more accurate than religion is.
    January 12th, 2009 at 03:40am
  • I think DRAMA.QUEEN has a very valid point.
    And sorry, dookie, I'm not just pissy because you hate everything.
    [i]I[/i] think it's amusing that you find us entertaining
    when your username has the word 'dookie' in it.
    January 12th, 2009 at 02:25am
  • Escape The Fate:

    Better at thinking? Sweetie, they weren't even created with brains big enough to handle thinking. Its called instincts. And improving their society? What society do they have to improve?

    And honestly, I don't believe humans are a species of animal. We were created in God's image. And I don't mean we look like Him. I mean we were created to be able to think for ourselves and function intelligently, and to be perfect, like Him.[Yeah, I'm pulling the religion card]. God is not an animal.
    January 11th, 2009 at 11:02pm
  • [b]DRAMA.QUEEN:[/b]
    Humans [i]are[/i] a species of animal. We [i]are[/i] animals. We are just a more advanced species of animal. So really we are just like animals only we are better at thinking and improving our society than they are.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:50pm
  • Magg is just pised because I hate everthing.
    I love how everyone is completely missing the point on my comment. It really shows me that human's intelligence levels are way down. I'm on no high horse, I think very lowly of myself actually and I think I'm no better than the common rat. But I do love to observe and point out how all you folks amuse me.
    January 11th, 2009 at 04:03pm
  • I was going to comment on the fact the article is fairly well written ((although, perhaps the retorts to animal activist problems should of came before the "Hunter's, believe it or not, enjoy Nature" monologue)), but it seems others already have. So I'll move on.

    Either the people commenting on this already believe in the sport, or say as such now because it is the usual thing to be against it; Conformity is an odd thing. Teenagers and writers seem to wish to appear that they rebel against it.
    But I'd say a fair amount of them, if asked before this article whether they would want a gun to go shooting some rabbits and their offspring, they would of somewhat considered turning down the offer.
    I bring up these points because (1) I care absolutely nothing about what others will angrily say to me when they are up on THEIR high-horses against me for supposedly being on mine, and (2)... because if your articles point was to convince others that hunting isn't all barbaric slaughtering "I'll drink the blood of my kill to prove I'm a man" --which, as far as my own knowledge extends, it could be like OR it could actually be as you speak--, then you've failed. I'm sorry;

    But I can see the sky is blue, and didn't implant bullets into any birds to be able to.
    Again, though, the article was fairly well done.
    January 11th, 2009 at 11:45am
  • Ok. Animals are not humans. They aren't. I'm sorry, all you animal lovers/activists. But they aren't. Stop trying to say hunting animals is like hunting humans. Its laughable that you think those things are even close to being equal.

    And calling animals "innocent creatures" is bullshit. Plain and simple. Wild animals are not like your freaking pet bunny. They kill things too. Sometimes when its not even needed for food. Some would kill you too because they want too. And because humans are just really annoying in general.

    And you know, all meat comes from a dead animal. If you think hunting is so inhumane, isn't it a bit hypocritical to be ok with domestic animals like cows and pigs being raised with the sole purpose of being our lunchmeat?

    So ok. Your vegetarien/vegan then. But wait! Your killing trees and plants now! How can you live with yourself???? Those poor, innocent little ferns! They're suffering so much!

    Somehow, an eyeroll just doesn't seem to cover it.

    But the main point is, if animals weren't supposed to be killed, they wouldn't be below us in the food chain.
    January 11th, 2009 at 06:27am