Hunting and the Morality Contained in the Sport - Comments

  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    Good article, WoT. I'm not personally interested in hunting, but I'm not a vegetarian or anything, so I do eat meat that has been hunted, therefore I don't have anything against it as long as it is done the way you do it, i.e. legally and morally.

    To Dookie face down there, you really need to get off your high horse and lay off this guy's perfectly reasonable article. Your sarcasm is really not endearing, but actually make me want to hit you. The slaughter of animals as opposed to people are two completely different things.

    Sorry, WRITERofTRUTH, nobody should have to put up with pieces of dookie like that.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:26am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    In all honestly we should just leave wild animals alone.
    To me killing an animal for sport is disgusting and inhuman. Why would you kill an innocent animal just for fun? It's not right. It's wrong.
    If the human really [i]needs[/i] the food then I have no problem with it. But if the human is doing it just for 'fun' then I have a major problem with it. People like that disgust me.
    This is what I don't get, people complain about wild animal populations being too big but what about humans? We have over populated now. Since most hunters say let's kill animals to control them, why not start killing humans to control our reproducing?
    Does that sound like a good idea now?
    January 11th, 2009 at 04:01am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    I think we should leave wild animals alone. Their habitats too. If we didn't destroy so much of their natural habitats, they would have enough food to survive, and they'd be killed off by their natural predators instead of some freak with an orange vest and a rifle.

    I realize that humans are natural predators as well, but guess what? We're pretty clever little creatures, and we've invented a thing called [i]agriculture.[/i] As in, we [i]raise[/i] our own food--including animals--so we don't have to go marching into the forest and pop off the first deer we see.

    For me, the very idea that killing an innocent creature just for [i]sport[/i] is absolutely disgusting. I know that I would never have the heart to do it, and I can't imagine how people are actually able to do it and consider it [i]fun.[/i]
    January 11th, 2009 at 03:41am
  • horsie890

    horsie890 (200)

    United States
    You might want to add something like this. Where my dad and I hunt deer, the animals' habitat has been shrinking drastically in the past few years. They don't have enough food to survive. A shot through the heart with little to no suffering is a much more humane way to die than weeks of starvation, isn't it?
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:30am
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    You are so right asteroid, you have completely turned me around. I should help control the population. In fact since it's all good, I'll start human hunting! Yeah, we need to control this nasty human population.
    No, seriously, let's kill humans instead.
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:24am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    And I may want to add to my argument that my biology teacher actually agrees with hunting as long as it's done in moderation. Just_call_me_dookie, there's more to life than black and white. Not everything is completely right or completely wrong.
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:19am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    Just_call_me_dookie, hunting actually helps the enviornment. How? It keeps certain species from overpopulating. It keeps things in check. It helps other species from being killed from the overpopulation of predators. If you want to refrain from doing it, that's fine. Just remember that hunting has rules and regulations to keep it from killing off the species.
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:18am
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    [i]Hunting allows you to take a closer look at not only the animals, but also the nature around you that people seem to miss out on in their everyday lives. [/i]
    I'm pretty sure you can do that without killing animals the last time I checked.

    [i]The hunter gets to see things such as the sunrise and sunset. [/i]
    I can also do this without killing stuff.

    [i]Hunting and being out in the wilderness allows you to have some peaceful and quiet time to think about things in life, whether it be your problems, your sadness, or the happiness and blessings you have received in life so far.[/i]
    They make pills for that now.

    [i]For me, being Catholic, hunting is a chance for me to be thankful and marvel at the beautiful creation of God Himself.[/i]
    Thank you God for not making me an object of a poor human's bloodthirsty affection!

    [i]Hunting is very fun and adrenaline filled when you see an animal and take a good clean shot at it. When you have done that you feel great and then you get to see if you have killed the animal or missed it. If you have killed it, you get to enjoy the meat of that animal in different foods and case your trophy[/i]
    Well, I'll just hunt you and mount you on my wall then since this is all good sport. :D

    Once again this prooves to me that religion never solves anything. :]
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:07am