Do You Want To Know The Truth About Snakes?

Do You Want To Know The Truth About Snakes? Pets like dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and fish are pets most people have. Some people like to keep pet snakes. There are snakes that are venomous and poisonous, which are very dangerous. Most snakes are constrictors, which means they have to squeeze their pray until it is dead or immobile. A few examples of constrictor snakes are pythons, boas, anacondas, kingsnakes, cornsnakes and ratsnakes.

There are few snakes that can be kept as pets like corn snakes, kingsnakes, gopher snakes, and ball pythons. These snakes will bite you, so if you're afraid to get bit you shouldn't get a snake. Snakes only will bite you if it fells hungry or threatened. There are snakes that are very dangerous like tiger snakes, brown snakes, coral snakes, fierce snakes, taipan snakes and beaked sea snakes. Some snakes belong in the wild not in the zoo or as people pets.

There are many myths about snakes like snakes are slimey and snakes chase people. Everyone that has ever touched a snake knows snakes are not slimey. Snakes don't chase people, they only chase their pray. Snakes are cold blooded, which means their body temperature changes according to the suroundings. Most people are afraid of snakes because of the myths, scary movies about snakes, snakes that are poisonous or venomous and stories.

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