Animal Experimentation - Why The Pain Must Stop - Comments

  • Well I for one say.
    If you people don't get a freak and are just here to post rude comments. DON'T. Simple as that.

    LittleMissHyper29, You already know what I think of this which is well...
    Animal tessting is bad! Simple plain ol' horrible.
    It should not happen and etc...
    I've talked to you in person about this do I really have to say it again?
    September 8th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • Iams is an animal product... So it SHOULDN'T be tested on animals? And for your information, Iams doesn't even test on animals. That's just a rumor. Even if they did, Iams is an animal product! So, animals shouldn't be tested for animal products? That doesn't make any sense. I'm just saying.
    August 20th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • LovelyTorture... please calm down. Articulate your words.
    August 9th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • v I think you acted like more of a four year old than anyone else really.
    August 1st, 2009 at 04:35am
  • Oh, and humans are NOT the most important animal. Get off yer high horse. Where would we be without dogs, horses, cows, pigs, chickens (you get the idea)? DOGS, help us find people where our HUMAN-MADE technology failed. HORSES, were our transportation, and sometimes still are when HUMANS were too STUPID to build a car. without COWS,CHICKENS (or any poultry, really), and PIGS, half of our food supply would be gone. And that's just the essential animals.
    What about the pets you might own? They aren't important? Go to hell.
    Humans are the reason our planet is so screwed up. We kill more animals then the animals killing themselves! All because we think we're the most important animal. I'm ashamed to be a human being.
    July 30th, 2009 at 09:44am
  • Okay. Everyone on mibba is stupid. ALL OF YOU are fighting like 4 yr olds. It's funny, actually.
    I feel bad for the animals. I really do. I come from a family who's always had animals. Now, we've got 4 dogs, 14 cats, 26 horses, and 4 chinchillas. I love them all to death. Animal testing makes me sick. I'm not fighting with anyone, I'm just stating.
    And, before you say something like 'You take medication that was once tested on medication;, I take no medication. I'm suppossed to be on Prozac, won;t touch it. I refuse pain meds for anything. And nothing else is necessary. So, I'm not a hypocrite, thank you.
    July 30th, 2009 at 09:40am
  • I'm torn on the medical testing part.

    Cosmetics? F*ck that.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 07:55am
  • ...To be honest, I'd rather have it tested on kittens than tested on human babies.
    It's stuff we need, and no one should be hurt in the process. Sometiems they have to be. And the animals will ahvew the last laugh anyways, they'll outlive us.
    But really?
    I bet all of you have rat traps, or mouse traps.
    Whats the difference for killing them cause their invading your home, or killing them to find a cure for cancer?
    Or the farmers who drown kittens because they have to means of supporting them.
    Would you rather waterlogged carcasses, or a new vaccine?
    It's all in how you look at it.
    July 20th, 2009 at 06:15pm
  • Oh, I forgot to proof read my comment, so I meant "I love animals to no end" and that I wouldn't know where I'd be without my cat! Sorry.
    July 15th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • I love animals to know end, and I don't know where I'd be, but I'm fine with medical testing on animals. Now cosmetics? Really? What cosmetics do they test on animals? Mascara, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, lipstick, shampoo, conditioner, perfume? Deodorant, maybe?

    I find that along with the cruelty that's behind it, completely ridiculous. Honestly, I don't think humans are as heartless and disgusting as every teenager on this website seems to think so, so that means I don't think that scientists would really put an animal through such torture for [i]cosmetics[/i] or even just our medicines.
    July 15th, 2009 at 03:50am
  • I think it's sick what they do to animals. People that are for it wouldn't too much appreciate being stuck in the same situation.

    And while we may not consider animals lives to be as "relavant" as ours, they can't help they are only animals. They were born what they are and have no means of speaking up for themselves.

    I, for one, am one-hundred percent against animal testing. It's sick, wrong and it depresses me to even think about it.
    July 15th, 2009 at 03:41am
  • Also, just in case some people misunderstand me, in my comment below I'm strictly talking about testing animals for medical purposes.

    Testing cosmetics on animals is an entirely different argument.
    July 15th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • @sirius

    The argument is valid in most cases because it seems that the people who are against animal testing (at least, the majority of people I've discussed it with) think that because it's a product that will benefit humans, it should be tested on humans.

    I mean, someone said a few comments down that "it's our medication and our scientific breakthrough, so we should take the losses". That person said right there that we should test things for humans on humans. Personally, I see nothing wrong with animal testing, but if those people think that way, then why shouldn't they volunteer themselves to be tested on? (Besides the fact that it would take years for results, seeing has humans have a longer life-span than most of the animals that are tested on -- of course taking in to consideration that the product being tested on them doesn't kill them before scientists can get results.)

    Animal testing is necessary until we find a solid, truly effective alternative. Until then, are you saying that we should stop testing medications/etc that could possibly save thousands of lives? Should we let disease spread because people have some warped idea of what really goes on in animal testing for medical purposes? (Btw, just so you know, scientist try their hardest to limit the amount of pain and stress the animal feels, because both of those factors could affective the outcome of the test.)

    There's a big difference in alternatives being RESEARCHED and alternatives that have been researched and are proven to be just as effective (which HAS NOT been found yet).
    July 14th, 2009 at 11:59pm
  • First off: If you're all for animal testing, why even read these articles? Are you really that big of an attention whore? Or do you just like starting arguments? Do you think its funny to piss people off?
    Also, there ARE alternatives to animal testing. Plus things can affect people differently than they affect animals, thats what they have those experiments where they give half the people fake shit and half the people the real thing. So animal testing is really not that useful.
    And I know I'm gunna have a bunch of you biting my head off and telling me childish things like 'then why don't sign up for being tested on!' I'm amazed no ones said 'if you love animals so much why don't you marry them' yet, cause you sure are acting like a bunch of four year olds.
    Personally I think animal testing is wrong. I think any animal (humans included) being injured or tormented is a horrible thing. In my mind animal testing is as bad as those animal "crush" videos.
    July 14th, 2009 at 11:54pm
  • This whole "if you don't like animal testing, let's do it on you!" argument is complete bullshit. There are alternatives to animal testing being researched all the time, heart surgery was set back years because of results that worked for animals but not on humans.
    What do you think clinical trials for? Things have to be tested on humans anyway, there's no point in pointlessly doing it on animals in the first place.
    July 14th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • dudes chill!! its what she wrote and you guys dont have to be so mean! animal testing is horrible. before you tell her to go get tested on, do it yourselves. tell me how it goes k? great article anyhoo
    July 14th, 2009 at 11:00pm
  • These animals were born for this. So they wouldn't be alive if there wasn't animal testing. K?
    You don't like animal testing? Go sign ya selves up for testing instead. I'm sure then you'll not mind animal testing.
    Plus, the websites, 'youthsagainstanimaltesting', obviously they're gunna make it out to be terrible, but what if they're lying? Ever thought of that?
    July 14th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • I really don't care if animals are tested on or not.
    July 14th, 2009 at 09:46pm
  • Animal testing is so wrong!! I hate it!!! In my opinion there is no point to it, animals have completely different body's than us and can't promise acurate results so in the end it's pointless!!
    July 14th, 2009 at 09:36pm
  • As much as the notion of animal testing for medication and the betterment of humanity is incredibly upsetting, I don't see any other option unless scientists discover a way to replicate human cells without it being creepily Frankenstein-esque.

    If scientists wanted to test a drug that may cure cancer, do you think it's morally wrong for them to kill ten monkeys in exchange for thousands of people's lives?
    July 14th, 2009 at 09:26pm