Global Warming - Fact or Fiction?

Global Warming - Fact or Fiction? In recent months all I have heard about on the news is global warming, so I decided to do some research on it and after I watched a few programs, looked over dozens of pages on the internet, I've come to a conclusion that global warming dosen't exist. My theory to support this is as follows.

Millions of years ago there was an age (actually I think there's been 3 but I'm talking about the most recent one). Most of the Northen hemisphere was completely covered in ice. When the water in the ground froze it expanded, causing land to split (thus why France and England are no longer conjoined).

A majority of the North part of the northern hemisphere used to be completely water, and it still is today, but it's known as ice. When the Earth froze over all those millions of years ago, all the water up there froze, and it's still frozen now. As the Sun, and natural temperature from the Earth melted the rest of the ice, the water flowed into the bits of land that had been expanded, creating rivers, lakes and even the English channel. The Sun however did not melt the ice at the North pole, as it was still far too cold up there, and it still is now.

Our government is warning us not to release to much CO2 in the air, because of global warming and how it will melt the North pole ect... But CO2 isn't doing as much damage as the government would have us think. The Earth is still recovering from the last ice age hence all the ice at the North pole. The North pole has already been melting for thousands of years, so we can't stop it! All CO2 is doing is damaging the ozone layer, causing the suns rays to get stuck inside the Earth's atmostphere which is making the Earth a bit hotter, causing the ice to melt a bit faster.

Government also says that sea levels are rising, and yes they are, but the ice that's melting is just going back to where it was before it froze up.

Local animal charities are trying to protect the polar bears that could die if the ice melts. Polar bears aren't stupid creatures, they won't die, they will just adapt. They did it before. Archaeologists have found fossils and bones of polar bears in places such as Africa, India and even America. This is because all polar bears are bears that probably went North when all the ice was there and due to natural selection they managed to adapt to the weather, so who's saying they can't do this again?

Global warming is an issue that is affecting us, but not as much as it is made out to be.

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