Global Warming Getting Way Out Of Hand? - Comments

  • SuperGeek

    SuperGeek (350)

    United States
    I like this article (despite the lack of sources). You backed things up with relevant facts.

    I especially liked where you said An Inconvenient Truth was packed with misinformation, because it definitely was-about halfway through, they show a graph for three seconds, and then flash back to him talking and count on American stupidity to NOT READ THE GRAPH, because what the graph shows and what he says contradict each other. (Also, in England, it was outlawed from public schools because it was ruled a political indoctrination video.)

    Back in the 70s, it was global cooling. I guarantee that in thirty years, it will be back to that and they'll be making fun of the new millenarians for getting worked up about something so obviously blown way out of proportion.
    November 26th, 2009 at 05:20pm
  • Midnight Ruby

    Midnight Ruby (100)

    United States
    yes the earth is always changing but because of humans the is make worse and don't you like where you live. When i have grandchildren i don't want to have to tell them what it was like when there was polar bears and a Florida, which if we don't do anything to help our earth that's going to happen
    November 20th, 2009 at 11:07pm
  • Happenis

    Happenis (100)

    United States
    I think global warming is a bit of an overreaction, a way to make money because were greedy creatures. PLUS the earth is ever changing, you can't expect it to stay the same forever, eventually the tropical islands will be frozen over with miles of ice, and the arctic a tropical rain forest. Earth will be just fine, we might not be, and a lot of animals might not be, but Earth will be fine, and will find a way to make things work, maybe for a new generation. :3

    This was a great article -- despite lack of resources. It was well written. :)
    November 20th, 2009 at 08:23pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    You didn't mention any sources for your article, do you have any factual evidence at all to support your theory?
    November 20th, 2009 at 01:32pm
  • debzxxx

    debzxxx (660)

    This is a really good article. I've been listening to the radio recently, and they have been discussing whether there even [i]is[/i] global warming. In Australia, Kevin Rudd wants to impose a carbon emission trading scheme. In other words - a tax. Now, Kevin Rudd wants to earn money from Australians and its not even helping the earth! The earth is always cooling and warming up. In summer it is hot. In winter it is cold. None of the nonsense of "It MUST be global warming!". The radio station I was listening to, talked to many scientists and climatologists. There are many scientists that believe that this global warming nonsense has gone out of control. They say that carbon dioxide may effect the global climate temperature, but only by a minimal amount. I heard in America, 30,000 scientists signed a petition on the myth of climate change, 10, 000 of them having their pHD's.
    I may be young, but I understand what is going on out there. People really need to be taught sense into this type of situation because sooner or later, the Government will be taxing your money for something that won't help the earth.
    November 20th, 2009 at 11:00am