Can We Save the Blobfish or Is It Too Late?

Ever heard of the blobfish? I don't expect you to. But here's a few reasons why you should care about the future of these sea creatures.

This interesting sea creature is being made extinct thanks to deep-sea trawling. As the blobfish is nothing but a large mass of gelatinous goo, it will always get tangled in the nets. As the air pressure is drastically different on the sea floor than on the surface, their bodies will not be used to the pressure which is any bit different from the sea floor. The ocean bottom has such a deep pressure that gas bladders, which maintain buoyancy in fish, would not provide buoyancy. Scientists believe that that's why the blobfish look the way they do.

When not on the sea floor, their bodies expand until they are practically a puddle. In a nutshell, their bodies slowly explode.

The only way to prevent this, is to ban deep-sea trawling, a law that has not been passed yet. The last time multiple blobfish were spotted in their natural habitat of Australia and Tasmania was in 2006. Scientists speculate that the numbers of blobfish in the world ranges from zero to very few.

The Ugly Animal Preservation Society adopted the blobfish as their mascot. The Society says that too much focus is put on the cute animals such as dogs, cats and rabbits.

The Blobfish and their existence should be made aware so we can preserve their numbers. Over 90% of the ocean is unexplored and billions of other species like the Blobfish could exist.

Almost next to nothing is known about the blobfish, another reason why their remaining numbers should be preserved. What is their breeding patterns? When are their young bared?

As of now, the only way to keep the blobfish alive, if the species is not already extinct, is to ban deep-sea trawling.

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