Can We Save the Blobfish or Is It Too Late? - Comments

  • aubree james.

    aubree james. (300)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    While I'm usually usually overjoyed to read someone other then me hoping to protect our planet...I'm going to start by saying that you need to edit this (it's too disorganized to follow) and that you should not copy from wikipedia, especially if you're not going to cite it as a reference (your second paragraph for instance).

    Secondly, I think you're a bit confused. The blob fish does not have swim bladder, so it's actually better off then most fish who when brought up to the surface. Fish with slim bladders are forced to spit their organs out of their mouths. Since the blobfish doesn't have a swim bladder it's actually better off then most fish.

    Thirdly, the blobfish looks like a totally normal fish in its natural habitat (which is why it should not have been voted the worlds ugliest animal, it's not actually ugly). It forms a blob under low pressure because it requires the high pressure to stay intact. It does not explode. It expands, similar to the ideal gas law, and because of its soft bones it is hypothesized that the fish feels nothing. However, since it doesn't have a skeleton or any real muscles it can't swim or fend for itself too well once it is brought up to the surface.

    Lastly, we have no idea how many blobfish there are because they live at great depths. We cannot explore that deeply.

    As an Earth Science University student and as an individual I'm more concerned for the fact that deep sea trawling has had a serious impact on ecosystems (destroying coral and over-fishing) then picking up a fish whom is a miracle of nature, not ugly, and doing quite well for itself.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off rudely. I respect the fact that you want to protect the environment and I encourage it, but you should always check your facts. There are many more dangerous effects of bottom trawling, and therefor, better arguments.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:44pm