Nature Articles

  • Animal Abuse: Horse Meat in the Black Market

    Animal Abuse: Horse Meat in the Black Market

    We all know that animal abuse means mistreating an animal either physically or mentally. In Florida about 17 horses have been killed this year (so far) and it is suspected that they are killed for their meat and sold in the black market.

    July 29th, 2009 at 06:37pm

  • Past the Universe

    Past the Universe

    How can something go on forever if nothing ever last that long? The universe; it goes on forever, but where does it go to and just what might be outside of the universe?

    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:11am

  • Fur Farms?

    Fur Farms?

    Image a place where animals are robbed of two of the most important things to them - their fur, and their life. An animal rights activists nightmare, right? Sadly, this is a reality in several places in the world. Please note: this article is not for the faint of heart.

    July 14th, 2009 at 10:20pm

  • Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain must Stop #2

    Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain must Stop #2

    In my last article (Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain Must Stop Part One) many of you expressed that you believe animal experimentation is wrong but then we would have to test on humans but this is simply not true! In this article I explain what alternatives there are to animal testing.

    July 14th, 2009 at 09:11pm

  • Animal Experimentation - Why The Pain Must Stop

    Animal Experimentation - Why The Pain Must Stop

    Imagine animals infected with deseases that they never would normally - kittens blinded, tiny mice growing tumors the size of their bodies, rats forced to have seizures. Animals force fed chemicals, surgeries repeatedly conducted on them, wires implanted in their brain, spines crushed. This is what happes in an animal expeimentation facility.

    July 14th, 2009 at 07:05am

  • Do You Want To Know The Truth About Snakes?

    Do You Want To Know The Truth About Snakes?

    Pets like dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and fish are pets most people have. Some people like to keep pet snakes. There are snakes that are venomous and poisonous, which are very dangerous.

    July 13th, 2009 at 12:58am

  • Gardening On Small Scale And Budget

    Gardening On Small Scale And Budget

    Do you live in the city and want a small garden, without busting your wallet? Here's how.

    June 25th, 2009 at 12:46am

  • Hummingbird Feeder Pests

    Hummingbird Feeder Pests

    Hummingbird feeders attract many pests. Learn how to stop them in their tracks.

    June 20th, 2009 at 09:58pm

  • Antarctica - Will It Survive To See Another Day?

    Antarctica - Will It Survive To See Another Day?

    Antarctica is being serious affected by Global warming as everyone is familiar with but have we really destoried the last unspoilt and completely natural place on our planet through greed?

    May 22nd, 2009 at 08:10pm

  • Is Now Really The Time For An Enviromental Revolution?

    Is Now Really The Time For An Enviromental Revolution?

    Environmental engineering: paramount or not?

    April 23rd, 2009 at 02:11am