Exclusion: It's Not Okay - Comments

  • Momma Danger.

    Momma Danger. (150)

    United States
    You are so right. I listen to My Chem and other supposedly "emo" bands and I'm trying to be white because I don't where giant hoops, and apple bottom jeans. I mean, I don't wear all black or anything, but still, it's like people think I'm a freak because I don't choose to be something, I choose to be someONE.

    It sucks.
    September 4th, 2009 at 04:54pm
  • Beatus

    Beatus (100)

    I can totally relate! Before I went to high school in a different city everyone was making fun of me! the entire fucken class and the teachers! my parents didnt understand what was going on so they would yell at me for listening to them. so yeah..it /was/ me against EVERYONE! but its good to wait tho..i belive that things DO even out! now being at school i have loads of new friends and this schools population is 99.9% rocker/goth etc so yeah... i can only laugh at the ppl back home :)) it really is true that hhe who laughs last has the bast laugh! so never give up ^.^
    September 4th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • pixy

    pixy (200)

    United Kingdom
    This is actually a very addictive article. As soon as I started reading, I couldn't stop, and I read it three times.
    I know how you feel.
    This bullying thing has to stop.
    Most people who bully only do it to take their mind off the fact that they have the worst lives you can imagine. If I were you, I'd stay out of Lars' way and completely ignore him.
    Don't let him get you down, hun, you're better than that.
    August 9th, 2008 at 01:11pm
  • guilty pleasure

    guilty pleasure (100)

    United States
    I know how that is. I've been picked on for being overweight and "emo" ever since 7th grade, and no one does anything to try and stop it because everyone that picks on me is a "good kid", meaning preppy sluts that suck up to the teachers.
    August 9th, 2008 at 03:17am
  • AndyChaotic;

    AndyChaotic; (100)

    United States
    I totally understand what you are saying.
    I'm black so there is like this UNWRITTEN law that says if you're black you HAVE to dress ghetto and act ghetto. But I don't, I'm a "scene" kid and I hang out with all the emo and scene kids at my school and I've grown apart from all my preppy friends and I get picked on by all the black people at my school because I dress and act "white". It doesn't matter if your black, white, asian, hispanic people should just be the way they want to be, and not have to worry about anything.
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:17pm
  • Dreams.of.Someday

    Dreams.of.Someday (900)

    United States
    I've been bullied my whole life, and guess what the teachers, principals, etc. do. NOTHING. Nobody EVER got suspended or ANYTHING! I got suspended, though, for something that was a game and was not harmful at all. Some retard had brought it to the teacher with half of it ripped up. The teachers, principal, and guidance counselor thought it was a hit list, so I was sent to a psychiatrist and suspended for three days.

    Life fuckin' sucks.
    July 9th, 2008 at 05:31am
  • electricgirls.

    electricgirls. (100)

    United States
    I fucking hate bullying and harassment. And whatever that asshole "Lars" (or anybody else) said about you is an incredible pile of bullshit that you definitely shouldn't believe.
    Personally, I don't get a lot of the emo crap. I get the whore thing. I think I've had a billion and one rumors fly around about me that I was either pregnant or sleeping with some jerk off that I actually hated in real life or went to a party and got drunk off my ass and I just couldn't keep my skirt on.

    Of course its all untrue, but, honestly, high school is hell on earth if you don't get it right and climb the dreaded social ladder properly. And it probably won't get any better.

    Loved the article.
    July 8th, 2008 at 06:11pm
  • Lizardd

    Lizardd (100)

    United States
    I agree.

    It's been happening to me, in middle school too.
    I have to put up with this for 3 more years.

    I'm changing schools just to get rid of my problems because I don't want to face them.
    July 8th, 2008 at 05:06am
  • n0thing

    n0thing (150)

    I don't think it matters what group you're in people always will get tortured in school. Its usually the minority group that gets the boot. I went to two different high schools. The first one I went to for a year was in a richer neighborhood and who ever dressed ghetto got seriously bashed, mocked, and made fun of. No one would take these kids seriously (the very few that existed) because most of these kids were wealthy. When I moved back to my home town it was the opposite. Most kids here are ghetto and listen to hip hop and rap. Then when I was a sophomore there was a shift and as the emo sub culture became popular the younger kids entering the high school were, I guess, emo. To be honest I didn't know what it meant to be "emo" because stereotypes irritate the hell out of me. I stood up for a few people who were being called cutters because that is not something anyone should joke about. However, by the time I was a junior the amount of emo kids were growing and no one was really harassed. The people who had it the worst were the goth kids. At first there was only one, which was a child hood friend of mine. And then the second was a younger girl. On here first day of school people were hollering and shouting at her because she wears red contacts. My point is that it doesn't matter what social group you're in kids in general are jerks. So my solution is ignore the jerks and keep on living. Once you do you forget they even exist. I know I do. Labels are stupid and nature is cruel. Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
    July 7th, 2008 at 12:29am
  • havesomepoptartsdude

    havesomepoptartsdude (100)

    United States
    the same thing happened to me too, except mine was less harsh, but just as annoying. I never went to my teachers because I go an all-girls school, but I know how you feel and I totally agree with you.
    Your article makes a good point. I thought it was very factual.
    July 6th, 2008 at 04:07am
  • La La Love

    La La Love (250)

    United States
    yes I totally agree, i go so bad that I had a mental breakdown and have been homeschooled for the past two years. Now that I'm going back to school I have an attitude, no one can tell me what I am because what I am has nothing to do with you. So there to all the Larses and Callies out there. :] good article
    July 4th, 2008 at 11:37pm
  • batbrat

    batbrat (100)

    United States
    Wow, I have a lot to look out for in high school...
    I was hoping people would be more mature, but looks like I was wrong xD
    I'm so sorry about the whole Lars and Callie situations, I've been there. It totally sucks, and you don't deserve that. No one does.
    sounds like things got pretty intense :/ this sickens me.
    July 4th, 2008 at 06:27am
  • Coramandelianum

    Coramandelianum (200)

    United States
    it's awful to hear that you are a victim of such a cruel environment.
    articles like this and the experiences of other people make me want to go to these schools, smack the assholes with a couple of bricks and exclaim WHY DID NOBODY DO ANYTHING?!?!
    i hope that soon you find more positivity in your school- or that the lars kid or callie girl get mysteriously relocated to siberia and they'd have to wear "cutsie" clothes in the harsh climate.
    July 4th, 2008 at 05:31am
  • aloadedpen

    aloadedpen (100)

    United States
    you shouldn't have to put up with that shit, "Lars" is such a judgemental asshole. why can't they fuckin stop? this isnt right.
    July 4th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • brand new hope.

    brand new hope. (150)

    United States
    I feel the same way
    Same thing goes on in my school and teachers never help.
    Its insane
    July 4th, 2008 at 04:29am
  • RealityOfDreams

    RealityOfDreams (100)

    I wish you didnt have to put up with it no one should ever have to. school was like that in grade 9 for me cause I was living in a small town and going to a small high school. I was one of maybe 5 people in the entire school that stood out and didnt want to be a clone so I was continuously bashed for it. I'm lucky though, I moved in with my dad and transfered schools ( not because of the bashing I transfered for a better art program) . Where I am now there are so many different people who have thier own unique style that nost dont care enough to discriminate, and the ones who do back off if you bitch them out.
    July 4th, 2008 at 04:11am
  • God Save The Queen

    God Save The Queen (150)

    United States
    I know how you feel, this one girl, for my three years of middle school, would verbally and sometimes physically abuse me. But the way she did it, was that the teachers would never notice. At my school, most of the teachers are white, and she was black (i'm not being racist, simply stating my idea) and i think they never did anything, because of having the race issue thrust at them. I was friends with one of the black teachers son's and so she knew me well enough to know that i wasn't joking around, and she couldnt have the race issue used against her, so she finally did something, and i got peace for maybe a week. Then it worsened. Honestly, i dont know why she did it, but the events do relate to your story i beleive.
    So, i say sorry, with sympathy, and the knowledge of what you went through.

    You wrote and excellent article, with a great point. And i love the My Chem 'quote' type thing ;]
    July 4th, 2008 at 04:08am
  • LipstickLullaby!

    LipstickLullaby! (105)

    United States
    Hey great article sorry to hear about the whole bullying thing the same thing happened to me in the 5th grade and the only reason it stopped was because I changed schools.
    Sorry for rambling hope things get better if they haven't.
    July 4th, 2008 at 02:28am
  • hkittyly

    hkittyly (150)

    United States
    No, youre right, it's not okay.
    People, some of our parents, are bashing kids based on their style, apperance, and likes.

    Unfortunately, they can not seem to pay attention to history, the history that some of them were even victims of:

    During the Vietnam war, some of our parents or elders were the "hippes," harrassed, sometimes killed, because of their long hair and the music they listened to.

    In the "roaring twenties" the kids that "bobbed" their hair and listened to "crazy" music and "danced wild dances, too provacative"

    There are so many examples, and yet the ignorance continues to spread decade from decade, the parents usually handing down the ignorance to their children, probably like your harrassing friend their, taught and infected by the ignorance and hate of his family and peers.

    All we can do really is prevail over their hateful ways, standing above it all and showing them for our true characted, confronting this adversity.
    And, probably most importantly, teach the future to stop this total insanity.
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:52am
  • VileVenom

    VileVenom (255)

    United States
    o_o that's my picture.......
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:08am