Why Choose Drugs?

Why Choose Drugs? It is surprising to learn how many teenagers are doing drugs. But it's not only teeangers, but adults as well. But the issue is teens and drugs.

Sometimes I find myself asking, "Why do they do drugs? Don't they know what it can do to them"? I think a lot of teens don't know the affects. Just because something feels good for a few hours doesn't mean you should do it. When you do drugs, you are ruining your life! Not only is what you're doing illegal, but you can get addicted.

You will do anything and everything to get the drugs. Your grades can fall. And you might have trouble remembering things. I wouldn't want my childhood to be a blurry haze. You stop being yourself with drugs! You might do stupid things you wouldn't normally do while high. And by doing drugs, you aren't only hurting yourself. You're hurting everyone around you. The people you love. Your friends and your family. It hurts them to see you hurting yourself. You are letting others down while doing drugs.

So why do teens do drugs? There are various reasons. When you get to high school, a lot more pressure will be put on you. There are going to people who will pressure you to do drugs and alcohol. These people will make it seems like if you want to be cool, you will do drugs. They might threaten your friendship. You should always refuse. If they're doing drugs, you shouldn't be hanging out with them anyway.

And your friendship should be worth more than drugs. Other times, people do drugs to feel better about themselves. They have a low self esteem. They think drugs will numb the pain, make them feel better. Drugs might make them forget temporarily, but as soon as they are off their high the pain returns. You could be experimenting and think "oh, why don't I try it? It's only one time. It won't hurt me". But it will hurt you. You could become addicted after that "one time". You could have tried drugs to have a good time, but acting stupid and doing drugs is not cool. So step apart from the crowd. Say no to drugs. Don't conform! Always remember: be yourself!

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