Why Choose Drugs? - Comments

  • I don't understand why people would do that, probably because they're not thinking about how this could affect them in the future; achedemicly, health-wise, or criminaly. Kids at my school roam the halls durring lunch after smoking weed among the smokers. Some go to class while tripping out on hollucinogins. Its hard to understand what goes through the head of someone like that, after prolonged use, probably not much.
    July 14th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • I see people who do drugs and are excellent in school and I see others who do poorly in school. Drugs can addict you but it depends on the person as well like others have said. Some people are great at keeping it in balance and not having it ruin their lives while other people are not. Ever heard of people with addictive personalities? No joke there. I'm not saying there are people who can't get addicted to things because the truth is anybody and everybody can but some people are better at not getting addicted.
    July 9th, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • This is pure ignorance. Why don't you do your own research instead of campaigning for others to do so. Follow your own advice and realize, IT'S A PERSONAL CHOICE AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL OTHERS WHAT TO DO.
    March 9th, 2009 at 07:01pm
  • well everyone goes through stages. I use drugs on [b][i] Rare[/i][/b] occasions. I haven't touched anything besides the odd [b]puff[/b] of pot since October. Although your article does make a good point. Many of the people I know used to do drugs...and quit a while ago. I have just one question have [i]You[/i] ever done drugs? cause I have. It did screw me over for a little bit, because I was doing them at a younger age than most. But I am doing really really well now. And I still do them on odd occasions [b] But[/b] I never let it interfere with my life. For example, never do them on a school night, or on a weekend unless it is an extended one. I smoke and drink regularly, but I keep it in check. There are certain people that can use drugs in a recreational manner and others that simply cannot handle keeping their lives and the times they use drugs separate.

    like say...You use drugs on some long weekends...yeah, you have it in check.
    but if you do them daily and drop out of school, you are having issues and the drugs have gone from being fun to a necessity, that is where the major problem lies.

    And just to let you know. It isn't the teens that are killing people for money for their drugs... Do you ever see 15-17 year old hookers. If you do its rare, okay yeah maybe in the 70's-80's it was a real problem with teens. But now its the late 20's-40 year old's that you need to look out for. Its those that inject heroin and smoke crack and meth that are the problems. I mean, teenagers actually have a chance to clean their act up! but those 40 year old's are gone, they are lost causes.

    So before you say teen drug use is a problem go to the downtown of a large city at night. Is it the 17 years old's you see selling their body's for drug money? Or 14 year olds mugging people...NO its the older crack heads. So do keep that in mind next time... K thanx
    January 3rd, 2009 at 11:14am
  • I must admit that it wasn't the best-written article I've read, but I agree with your point.
    I know plenty of people who do drugs, and it becomes a major part of their lives. They were once good friends of mine but now all the do is talk about how many bikkies they dropped over the weekend. Their grades DO fall. Their futures fuck up, because they would rather go to tafe or a school for druggo kids that get a proper education.
    I used to do drugs, until I noticed this happening around me. Admittedly, I still smoke, but I quit marijuana, speed, ecstacy and magic mushrooms.
    I noticed that I was wasting my intelligence, and others should do the same.
    November 19th, 2008 at 06:45am
  • Actually, (poison X_X pills)
    the honor roll means alot more than u think.

    It means you know how to conrol your time and school work and colleges alos look at it and it is also your GPA. so ya

    and your not stupid if u do drugs. you may have problems or not have anything else to turn to be u just cant automatically call someone stupid when you dont know them or their situation.

    July 11th, 2008 at 06:14pm
  • too late. i started smoking, drinking and drugs when i was 11 because i had a lot of older friends. and i've always been a dumb kid
    July 10th, 2008 at 10:39am
  • here i only created this account for myself to read other people's writing. so since i haven't published my material on this site i won't attack your writing per se. i use a better site to criticise and publish material :P

    but this caught my eye. and i thought i'd leave a comment.

    first off. i do drugs. i smoke weed on a regular basis (being that since it's the summer i'll do it once a week :P). it hasn't ruined me. and i never intend on doing any of the harder drugs.

    i KNOW cannabis is a gateway drug. but i know PLENTY of people who dabble but go no further than weed. and also, the only people i know who are addicted, came this way by choosing to drop out of life completely and since they had nothing better to do, devoted their life to pills.

    [nb - they didn't do hard drugs because they dropped out and didn't influence their choices in any way.]

    also - i'm a chainsmoker and drink on a regular basis. i'm fifteen years old. i love cannabis. i'm strong willed. these aren't the cause of peer pressure. i do it cause i enjoy it. i still achieve high grades. i know exactly what i want to do. i'm hoping for 540 out of 600 points in the leaving cert. i can get that, i know it myself. and i'll manage it still drinking and doing weed the odd times.

    i personally myself dont want to go any further. frankly it just scares me. but i know people who do acid and mushies and pills - and ARENT ADDICTED. They're fine. Happy. enjoyed the trip.

    i dont need counselling. i didnt turn to drugs cause ive got problems. open your eyes to recreational drug use. read up on a man called Zinberg and calm down. not everyone has to live inside the lines.
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:37pm
  • I totally agree with Poison Pills.
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:16pm
  • This is for all the people that are doing drugs and hating this article.

    [b]Drugs are bad, they will kill you. Not right away, it takes time. But even if you aren't addicted, and you keep taking them you'll ruin your life.I don't honestly care that you're on the honor roll if you're high. If you take drugs you are stupid.The honor roll bit means nothing[/b

    Plus, why take drugs anyway? You feel good for what an hour? A day maybe? But reality hits, and it hits hard. If you get caught, you're going to get in serious trouble. Weather its getting in trouble from your parents, your school, or getting in trouble from the law, drug use/abuse isn't dealt with kindly.

    [b]Drugs are illegal for a reason[/b].

    Now, I have never taken drugs. Point taken. But, thats because I'm smart enough to know I don't want to, and to know that amphetamines increase my heart rate,breathing, and blood pressure, and they can also cause sweating, shaking, headaches, sleeplessness, and blurred vision. And that crack can give me a fatal heart attack, plus injecting cocaine with a shared needle can give me AIDS or hepatitis.

    Plus, drugs cloud your judgment. You could end up killing yourself like Kurt Cobain (Rest in Peace), having unprotected sex (Whats the big deal? How about a pregnancy? Plus, you might get an STD), or killing/harming others.

    Listen, people are telling you not to take drugs because they want you to be safe, and they care about what happens to you. They don't try to keep you from drugs to stop you from having a good time. Besides, if you need drugs to have a good time, then something is wrong with you.
    July 8th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • I think this was a good article, to those telling you off and what not, they are wrong, you are just giving a good perspective out there for the people to see.

    I use to do drugs and drink, back in freshmen year, now I can't really remember stuff and in school I was always the random chick who'd just suddenly start laughing because my emotions are screwed up.

    Some times I just randomly get this surge threw my body to scream and laugh about it, I'm always telling the younger generation (although I'm only 17) about the effects and how it really isn't cool.

    Whether it's their life or not, they're a bit ignorant and only do what's cool. Probably felt the same way I did "lets try everything once" type of thing... So I hope this reaches out to them....
    July 8th, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • I know friends who snort cocaine, inject heroin and take so much drugs they are constantly walking around in a trance. It doesn't bother me.

    Yes they are my friends but you know you have to let people get on with their lives, irespective of what you think is wrong in right because that's their decisions to make. Not every single person who drops some acid, puffs a spliff is going to drop out of school or be branded a junkie. Because it's bullshit.

    Everyone does it for their own reasons and I don't condemn people for doing it because you don't know whats around the next corner and you don't know how you'll react to anything in the future.
    July 8th, 2008 at 06:36pm
  • I resent this article greatly. Whilst everyone should be able to express their opinion; yours is poorly researched and innacurate. You don't get addicted after doing a drug one time. Also, perhaps "being yourself" [i]means[/i] taking drugs for some of us. Drugs can be used for recreational, medicinal or plenty of other purposes. I for one am tired of people constantly acting like drugs are this huge bad thing- not all of them are. I would take a wild guess here and say you've never done drugs? Nobody you love has? In fact, you've probably never been in a 30 mile radius of an illegal substance to your knowledge? [b]Newsflash:[/b] people aren't living their lives for you. I'm sorry if i sound harsh, but this article was completely inncaurate.

    Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to smoke some dope.
    July 8th, 2008 at 05:36pm
  • i found this video, i think it was pretty powerful, and was linked to drugs. it just shows, doesn't it?

    [DON'T WATCH IF SQUEMISH[sp?]] shows needles/blood/sick.

    July 8th, 2008 at 05:20pm
  • Who else thinks Trippy's comment it ironic?
    July 8th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • Thoough then again, It's your own choice.
    I don't do drugs, and don't know too many people in school who do engage in this activity (or anyone who'll admit it anyway).

    But I dont think taking one hit will destroy your life. I know people who have done weed, cocain meth and oddly enough they are all highly intelligent and respected people.
    July 8th, 2008 at 01:22pm
  • Kids my age are starting to go against drugs. Now if you do drugs, drink alcohol or smoke, your reputation and coolness goes dooooooowwwn.

    How fucking ironic is that?
    I think it's because at an early age, we were taught the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and here where I come from we have advertisments against smoking and they show nausiating, foul, DISGUSTING images, videos of mouth cancer gangrene, emphasima, lung cancer,stroke etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
    July 8th, 2008 at 01:10pm
  • If someone wants to drop ex at a rave, snort ketamine from their palm, take a hit off a bong, or drop acid, then people should let them do it. Whether you like it I'd not, drugs are not going to go away. There will always be someone out there who wants to get high, whether it be to escape depression, to impress people, or have a good time. People shops leave people alone and let them do what they want. If you arent doing it then great for you.
    also, people who use drugs seem to be categorized askow lifes who never make it anywhere. Take me for example. While I was in high school I smoked pot weekly, did ex, acid, shrooms, and tried ketamine. But I'm still going to college to become an anesthesiologist. Not all users of drugs are failures.
    July 8th, 2008 at 12:36pm
  • Why do people that do drugs have to have a low self asteem?
    I know when I did weed and coke it wasn't because I had a low self asteem. It was generally after a fight with one of my parents, family members, or I came home from school. Mainly because the people around me made me feel like sh*t and I didn't know a better way to handle it. Drugs are just as bad as cutting or burning, self mutilation is an addiction, too. Self mutilation can kill you just as easily as drugs can. It's not a matter of what it can do to you, it's a matter of your up bringing and who you have around you most of the time whether you do drugs or not.

    In my opinion anyway.
    July 8th, 2008 at 11:00am
  • Drugs effect everyone differently. Most of my friends do pot and sometimes duster. Things I've noticed is that they ramble alot while high and sometimes do stupid stuff. One thing that annoys me is when they constantly talk about being high or how they want to be high or tell story about being high. I love them and all but I sometimes wish they would shut up about pot. I don't do drugs and I never plan to they respect that and don't force me to. Sometime they'll ask me if I want to I always say no. not everyone pressures you into doing drugs. At my school we have end of the day announcements and they always say "Don't drink do drugs or get in a car with anyone who does. Always wear your seat belt you are important too us.". I'm okay with people doing pot but anything more. No, you don't do that.
    July 8th, 2008 at 07:27am