Are Teenagers Under Too Much Stress? - Comments

  • darlingdany

    darlingdany (100)

    United States
    thank you.
    September 2nd, 2009 at 05:56am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States

    Holy crow, you're a size six and get dirty looks when you where short shorts?! Hang on a second, I'm looking out the window, because the four horsemen and reign of fire should be here any second.


    That's just sick. I mean, I'm a size sixteen. Sometimes I can fit into a size twelve or fourteen, but I'm a far cry from a six. Jiminy.

    I think that as long as you're healthy, then it doesn't really matter how big or small you are. We were all made with different types of bodies, and the world would be a boring, boring place if we were all designed like Victoria's Secret models. Albeit, swimsuit shopping would be much less emotionally scarring, but I'll take my strong, imperfect, lumpy bumpy, uniquely me body any day. :D
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • SuperGeek

    SuperGeek (350)

    United States
    I'm in band at school. For concert band, my friend wears a size two dress. I wear a size 24. Her marching uniform is number six; mine is 97 (numbered by size). She thinks she needs to lose weight.

    She's only an inch shorter than me. Yeah, I can stand to lose twenty pounds, but she can stand to gain them.
    July 26th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • Kiss Me Deadly.

    Kiss Me Deadly. (100)

    United States
    I think that this is a great article, but people [i]have[/i] to stress over what they look like or else they'll be made fun of and put under more pressure.

    I'm a bit [i]overweight[/i], which has ruined many opportunities in my life. I can't wear short shorts to school without being made fun of, or a skirt. I can't wear a bikini without getting some looks, good or bad looks.

    This one time I was just swimming at the pool, then decided to go into the hot tub. These two guys got in with me, and they both started flirting with me. I felt like leaving so I got out, but then one of them started laughing at me, so I just sadly walked away. The other one still showed interest, but I felt horrible.

    I do understand the part where we can't even be over a size 4. I'm, I believe a size 6, so just because of that, I'm made fun of at school. I don't want to continue to what I'm doing! It's horrible! I think that you should do what will help improve [i]your[/i] happiness in life.
    July 24th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • BurnOutBrighter

    BurnOutBrighter (150)

    United States
    i always stress over all the little things.....and even get sick of the way life is--- We get up, do what we're told, and then go back to sleep....and when we're comitting an act of rebellion, we always think "geeee, i wonder what my parents are going to say??"

    i think we need to get the fact that there is no way we should compare our anatomy to others-- skinny girls vs. fat girls.

    i myself see skinny girls and then all of sudden, change my diet in order to look like them....

    every body is different;....i don't know why we look at other poeple and compare ourselves--- we're all different.
    every b
    May 26th, 2009 at 04:13am
  • beacatastrophe

    beacatastrophe (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm 5'6, 129 pounds, and a size 1 short. And I'm not anerexic. I eat whatever I want to eat as long as it has no meat in it. Society does judge on what size you are, but it only takes one famous person to change that. It's always been this way. Take the 50s for example. Women didn't eat nearly as much as we do now, and look how skinny they were. It was a must that you were skinny back then, until the days of Marilyn Monroe came around. (Norma Jean) if you call her by her real name, was not a size 1. She was a size 16 if I am correct, and was not even close to being skinny. After her, many women began to feel good about themselves at any size. Stress happens to everyone at some time, no matter how big or small. Everyone cares about their image in some way. I know mine is to make sure my thighs never get too big. Everyone does it. It's something that can't change, no matter how old you are. Even take Eleanore Roosevelt for example during the 40s. For older women, she was a huge role model, and she wasn't the skinniest woman on the planet. People still respected her, and people still respect you, no matter what size you are.

    You write a nice article, but it's only stressing the points of very self concious teenagers. Not the older people, not the ones that don't care as much. I liked it, but it was very specific and gave the idea that it affected all teenagers.

    April 5th, 2009 at 06:57pm
  • Draco_Familiar

    Draco_Familiar (100)

    United States
    Oh, and our forefathers had different worries, and they were more pressing. It's just that people nowadys let stuff get to them.

    I might not worry abut my weight, but I worry about getting grounded because my strict mother didn't like the B I got on my report card. Or something like that. Not to mention my family is a whole lot of drama wrapped up in one house.

    We kids have to deal with a lot of stress these days, more than our parents really did, ask them if you're skeptical. But that doesn't mean the world's going to end because you ate a carb more than you wanted to.

    All in all, LIGHTEN UP!
    July 23rd, 2008 at 11:59pm
  • TheRandomJohnny

    TheRandomJohnny (100)

    United States
    Nope. I do not think we are under to much stress. I mean come on, our forefathers had a farm, were worried about rain or droughts, and had a family at our ages! And we are worried while growing up in America, the land of oppurtunities? Nope. Do not think so sorry ^_^
    July 14th, 2008 at 12:26am
  • Demi.

    Demi. (100)

    United States
    I agree with everything you wrote about. I am a teen too, and I go through that whole image crisis. I always feel fat, no matter what I eat. I can't help it anymore, and I really wish the media wouldn't be so uptight about how someone has to be a perfect size. I want to be famous one day, but this whole "Omg, look at Britney, she's not a twig!" needs to stop.
    July 11th, 2008 at 12:37pm
  • Moyar

    Moyar (100)

    United States
    Yes thank you. I'm a teenager and I sometimes stress out. My mother pressures me about my weight,My dad pressures me about my grades,and sometimes I can't take it anymore.
    July 10th, 2008 at 02:19am
  • BrionnaxROCKETSHIP

    BrionnaxROCKETSHIP (1000)

    United States
    yes! thank you SO MUCH for making sense. one of my friends is super tiny. she's still basically in kids sizes or extra smalls. i slept at her house once and we went downstairs for food. fruit. very good fruit. and she was like "i feel like a fattie." why? because she had more than me. it kills me everytime she says something like that.

    no one should feel the need to look exactly like this person, or that person, or sadly everyone in the media [basically]. but people have told me not to eat something because it will make me fat. i don't even care. i am a teenager and will eat whatever the freck i want. i am not fat and don't try to tell me otherwise.

    there's all sorts of pressure on teens but people don't realize that. no pregnant woman has a baby and then still looks like paris hilton. it's disgusting.
    July 10th, 2008 at 02:12am
  • lake effect kid.;;

    lake effect kid.;; (100)

    I hate it when I just don't do nothing and people start telling me that I'm fat, a doughnut, a balloon etc.

    But I just chill out. I think that at this age, we have other stuff to concern us. Like school, for example. When you want to get into a big high school, people won't look at you for your 'fatness' or for the fact that you look like a stick.

    Some of my 'friends' were always making fun of me. And now I'm cooler than them. [this last sentence was just random, sorry.]
    July 9th, 2008 at 10:56am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    If I'm ever under stress, it's not because of the way I look. I don't stress much anyhow.

    Anyway, your article did bring to light some things and that's always good.
    July 9th, 2008 at 07:59am
  • Gibbers

    Gibbers (150)

    United States
    awesome, i am so damn tired of all my friends/sisters complaining to me that they're fat when they're skinnier that i am, i get that there's pressure, i get pressure too, there are scars on my wrist that i'm not proud of, i don't like that i cut myself, but god it felt so good, just like spilling blood is releasing the pressure, the question is how to deal with the pressure without cutting yourself, starving yourself, or anything else, that's what we need to find out.
    July 9th, 2008 at 07:03am
  • Ivillessence

    Ivillessence (150)

    amen i agree comeplty with you, and to answer the comment below, fat can also mean unhealthy and society looks down on it for several reasons thats why it is considered an insult. Skinny on the other hand is praised, weather you consider it an isult or not is your problem and you should confront people about that. Try and take it as a compliment, but if you are made fun of becuase of that or you feel bad that you are then please comfront them or nothing will change. Yet this was an amazing article and I am very happy you decided to write it!
    July 9th, 2008 at 05:30am
  • kalen

    kalen (100)

    United States
    Well written and a very nice message, but.... UGH I hate myself for saying this, but I am getting a little annoyed with everyone taking up for the fat people.

    Does anyone else think it's wrong for Jane, who isn't as thin as Susan, to walk up to Susan and say, "My gosh, you are soooo skinny, Susan!"
    This situation is perfectly acceptable.

    Why can't it be ok for Susan to walk up to Jane and say, "My gosh, you are soooo fat, Jane!"

    I struggled with a self-image problem for many years because of the swarms of people who would gawk at me and say how skinny I am.

    Idk. Skinny is just as offensive, to me, as fat.

    : /
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:42am
  • Static Age

    Static Age (200)

    United States
    This is a wonderful article. *hug*

    I know what you mean about pressure, although, I've only ever been pressured by myself. I have body issues, but I'm taking care of them. At the moment I'm 5'3" and I used wear a size 9 in jeans. But I'm exercising and eating right and I've already lost 12 pounds and I'm down to a size 7. ^_^

    But I'm doing it for [i]me[/i]. Which is the difference between me and most people who are trying to lose weight. They do it for everyone else, but no one should have to be what other's think they should be. I agree with you. Just love yourself and the rest will fall into place.
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:39am
  • onehope2love

    onehope2love (100)

    United States
    I'm 5'31/2, 140ish lbs, size 10/11, and have hips that absolutely rock. I'm completly fine with being called short and too "curvashious." It's who I am, and I like it. I didn't always like it... but I've grown into loving myself, and I think that's healthy for everyone to do. It doesn't matter weather you have long, slender legs, a six pack, or are completly round, it's what you think and feel about yourself that really matters. I think more teens have to realize that.
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • Opium.Rainbows

    Opium.Rainbows (100)

    Anyway I was 5'5 when was ELEVEN lanky, sallow, acne faced and had coarse frizzy black hair.
    I got teased so much at school. Even by my "friends".

    It wasnt until when I was 12 that I started to make new friends,grew an ounce of self esteem, started taking proper care of my skin and hair and a few people caught up to my height.
    I was still feeling low about myself and I'd wear HEAPS of makeup, pluck non-existent eyebrows. I looked disgusting.

    And when I was 13 I started getting even more depressed because I was average height compared to every body else and I thought my tall-ness as the only thing I could offer,
    It wasnt until I was 14 that I thought "why bother? Everything has it's own beauty, not everyone can see it any way just live life the way you want. Fuck all your imperfections.Your not doing any good moaning, and trying to cover it up HAVE FUUUUUUUUUUUN! your not 70!"

    So here I am loving life. I dont see myself as ugly anymore. I now see myself as slender intead of stick skinny. I straighten my hair, wear NO make up. I just exfoliate my skin twice a week. I was wondering why my skin was flawless and glowing the other day and I soon found out that stress leads to breakouts.
    So there.
    Living proof!
    July 9th, 2008 at 03:23am
  • Opium.Rainbows

    Opium.Rainbows (100)

    Inspirational and a well written artical, though I'd advise you not to eat junk food when your stressed. Your blood-sugar levels will soar, then plummet which will leave you in a shittier state.
    Nontheless, great article!
    July 9th, 2008 at 03:04am