Homosexuality vs. or With Christianity? - Comments

  • Love is love.It over-rides religion,gender,everything.....

    Even though I'm Christian,some of the Bible's rules make me sick.So many people hate them,but they won't say anything about it.How closely they clutch the chains that bind them!It makes me want to renounce my faith.Yes,I hate it that much.

    I'm barely able to go to my best friend's house any more.The entire family is strictly Christian.Her Mom is against gays,gay marriage,and she doesn't even think two people from a different race should be together.I don't go over because my friend & I always end up talking about them.
    August 14th, 2008 at 10:58pm
  • Jesus had sexual relations with a man.

    Christianity preaches that being gay is apparenlty wrong and a sin (I don't see [i]where[/i] it directly says it's a sin, as the Bible contradicts itself so many times), and yet the son of God, the only perfect being to ever walk the Earth without sin, had gay sex with a man.

    Google that shit.
    August 8th, 2008 at 11:38pm
  • John Barrowman did a show were they were on their way to proving that homosexuality is something you are born with.

    With every older brother a man has, he has something like a 30% increased chance of being gay. Because when a woman has a male child, there are foreign things like testosterone floating around in her blood stream, so eventually her body grows a resistance to them. Or something like that, anyway.

    So, if everything really is controlled by "God", it's him who's making people gay - homosexuals aren't choosing for themselves. It was pointed out to me that because "God" gave us free will, it's natural that we chose to do "bad" things, (personally I don't agree that homosexuality is a bad thing, but just sayin').

    So, yeah. "God" is choosing who we are, or at least our DNA, if we're not on about religion. So for all religious intents and purposes, there should be nothing about homosexuality seen as "wrong".
    July 31st, 2008 at 10:33pm
  • Fucked. Up.

    If your religion is telling you how to live and who to love, why are you practicing it?
    Religion in my opinion should be more about spirituality and believing, not a set of rules that tell you how to live.
    July 28th, 2008 at 07:59pm
  • Love knows no bounds.

    That is all I'm going to say.
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:30am
  • The bible says a lot of things, but we as people evolved. We changed for the better, and this can be something we can change for better or worse...
    Depending how thick-headed people are. ;)
    July 17th, 2008 at 05:03am
  • As a Satanist, I think there are SO many things wrong with the bible. The biggest reason I don't understand why homosexuality is shunned upon in the xian religion is the bible tells us to LOVE. And, just being humans, we know love is one of, if not the strongest, emotions the body feels and reacts to. I would think, considering the xian's idea of "purity" includes loving, that the xian church would allow homosexuality. I view it as they are calling you a sinner for loving somebody. Please, I beg you, remember this is my own personal opinion and part of the reason I stopped worshipping the nazarene, I just beg you to not send me hate mail or try to e-bash me. Mostly because I will laugh at your message and delete and the comment section is here for people to express their own opinions.
    July 16th, 2008 at 05:10am
  • do you bath everyday?
    do you spend at least 25-30 min on you hair?
    do you wear make up?
    do look at you self in the mirror every day?
    well that vanity!
    and you think its right
    thats no differnt from the gay communtity
    if god loves us then love us for who we are!
    if dont obey hell send us to hell
    god could almost be compared as in abusive farther
    like he put rule up the put temptation infron of us only to watch us break them so he can punish us?
    gays were always around they are just now being accepted
    let them live their life and back the hell off
    July 16th, 2008 at 05:07am
  • I beg to differ. There is a theory that some things in Leviticus were considered a sin because it was unhealthy. Did you know Leviticus says it's a sin to eat shellfish? People probably ate some and got sick from it, and took that as a sign from God that shellfish should not be eaten. I wouldn't think sodomy was the healthiest thing back then, too, seeing as, well... you know.
    Also, a gay person can be a Christian. Not every Christian is saintly and sin-free. I know people who consider themselves Christian who fight and curse, so on and so forth. It would be inhumane to tell someone they can't follow and believe in God just because they're gay, sin or not.
    Did you know that many years ago it was considered immoral to be left-handed? People are left and right handed due to a inbalance of chemicals. The same goes for being straight or gay. It's an inbalance of chemicals.
    I am a Christian person, but I don't think being gay is bad.
    Your opinion is your opinion, and I respect that, but I'm just telling you I disagree.
    July 16th, 2008 at 02:36am
  • The Bible also instructs fathers how to sell their daughters into sexual slavery, but you don't see anyone pointing out that verse as a reason to start up the sex trade, do you?

    The Bible was not written by God. The Bible was not written by Jesus. Why are we still using it as an excuse?
    July 15th, 2008 at 11:35pm
  • Almost everyone sins. Even Christians.
    I'm Christian and some of the things I do would be considered sins.
    But Jesus died for our sins. If we accept him our sins are forgiven. So even if homosexuality is a sin it doesn't mean it isn't forgiven.
    That is so unfair to say homosexuals can't be Christians.
    I guess that means people who steal can't be Christians. People who commit adultery can't be Christians. People who lie can't be Christians.
    July 14th, 2008 at 08:30pm
  • Putting it very briefly, a lot of things in the Bible were sadly mistranslated. I believe that passage was one of them.

    I could argue you couldn't be sensible and Christian, but that would clearly be rubbish wouldn't it? Or you couldn't be... mixed race and Christian. All rubbish. The Bible is seen in so many different ways by so many different people, I personally think it's all a lot of noise. Worship however you want. If it doesn't affect me, I don't mind.

    Meaning that homosexual couples can be Christian. They just [i]are[/i] Christian, it's as much a part of them as their sexual orientation.
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:22pm
  • The way I understood it, Christian's believe that God made everyone the way he wanted them, and therefore they should love people for that. Surely they should accept that a person is homosexual because God wanted them to be that way, and therefore they should accept the person for what they are, and not hate them for it?
    July 14th, 2008 at 03:09pm
  • I doubt that God would send thousands of His children to Hell for being the way He made them. You said gays are akin to, what was it? Earthquakes and stuff? Those, I think, are supposed to teach people lessons. One of those, 'I'm glad it wasn't me, nor anyone I know' things. People open their eyes to all the things they take for granted.

    I think things happen, or things are the way they are, for a reason. He's got everything all worked out. And somehow, I really don't think He would make a whole bunch of people who will be condemned to Hell.

    Everyone sins. And not everyone is sorry. It's normal. *shrugs*

    But that's just what I think. I like how you managed to get your point across in your article, yet you were quite polite in doing so. :)
    July 14th, 2008 at 03:02pm
  • There's nothing in the bible telling people who to love, but just telling you to love. I'm sure God doesn't mind gays, after all, he invented the rainbow.
    July 14th, 2008 at 11:09am
  • Oh, rofl. This made me laugh, it really did.

    Do you even know what you're talking about?
    I know so many Christians that are gay, dear. They believe in God, they follow their religion but so what if they're in love with the person that's the same sex?

    And marriage? Man. They're not asking to be married under God. That's against the church, I do agree.
    But they can get married civilly, to get the rights of a married couple.

    It's incredibly wrong for people to be partners for years and not be able to have any rights to their lover in death or sickness.
    Christianity is just a religion.
    It's nothing. It's an idea, and people shouldn't have to follow it because people say so.
    I was raised catholic, and my mother was converted to Christianity. She still believes gays should have the rights to be married; but not under God.

    It's not a choice to be gay, and they shouldn't be discriminated. Same as someone with a different heritage. It's not right.
    If "God" hates homosexuals, why would he make them that way?
    July 14th, 2008 at 08:05am
  • I agree with you, and I'm not a Christian.
    July 14th, 2008 at 07:42am
  • I am who I am, and I'm not going to let a book tell me what I can and can't do. If I go to hell for being myself and doing what makes me happy then I guess there's nothing I can do to change that.
    July 14th, 2008 at 07:09am
  • I find it hard to believe that god sends you to hell just because your gay.
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:48am
  • This made me facepalm. That's all I have to say for now...

    For now.
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:28am