Homosexuality vs. or With Christianity? - Comments

  • this article, it's just silly.

    i was a christian until i was about two years ago. i've tried to get back into it since then, but y'know what? it's articles like this that make me think, "ah, screw this, atheism it is."

    if "god" didn't like homosexuals, he wouldn't have "made" certain people gays. simple as. if "god" was a caring being, he wouldn't give certain people cancer genes. if "god" loved his children, he wouldn't "make" child molesters and abusers.

    and whoever said homosexuality is a fad, you're just stupid. i'm sorry, there's just no other word for it. :/
    July 13th, 2008 at 11:57am
  • stating*
    July 13th, 2008 at 09:51am
  • There are gay priests, and I think that they are better priests because they've faced discrimination and know what it's like. Your argument does have substantial backing, but I do believe that the Old Testament is slightly outdated in some areas. I'm not saying that incest and bestiality are right, I'm simply staing my belief that the Old Testament is outdated in some areas.
    July 13th, 2008 at 09:44am
  • I don't have a religion but I do believe in God.
    What I don't understand is how come everyone says that God is forgiving and loves his children, but then he sends anyone who shows the slightest interest in the same sex into Hell? That's a wee bit hypocritical. Sure, God may come off as bloodthirsty or something but sending a person to Hell because they stayed how they were? That's harsh. Why would He hate us for being the way we were born to be? You know what, anybody can get into Heaven if they really wanted it. All they have to do is ask and really want it and they'll get there, despite all these lunatic rantings from Christians.
    Also, the Bible is just a BOOK. It's practically just an encyclopedia. It was written and read by humans. The majority of these so-called holy people never even talked to God. I mean, it's not like they could walk to his house and say "Yo, my G-man, what is up?"
    The Bible is just a bunch of stories based on the beliefs of people from that time who thought that only their opinions were correct. That's it.

    And really, all the homosexuals out there in the world are not the ones going to Hell. It's the people who keep hating on them and ruining everyone else's lives just because they are so close-minded that are.
    July 13th, 2008 at 08:35am
  • I loved what Koffin Kat and La Vie Boheme said.
    I would love for Harry Potter to be the new bible! I would be like the crazy religious person who could ^_^
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:44am
  • Oh, and one more thing. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I honestly believe it's people like you who slow down the progress of tolerance. In America, people talk about how progressive we are because there was a white woman and a black man running for president, but you know? If we were really all that progressive, race and gender wouldn't MATTER. Religion, mainly Christianity and the book, is the major force in keeping people down. Religion was created as a means to control people. And control it did. Women were inferior to men. Slavery was fine. Keeping the poor poor was great. The word for homosexual was only put in the Bible in the 50s. Before it was used to support slavery and apartheid.

    So, thanks alot for helping to keep good people down. It must be nice to know that you're part of a huge majority.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:06am
  • Obviously the "Christians" who believe this [i]view[/i] have never seen two male fruit bats going at it.

    Homosexuality is actually pretty common in the animal kingdom, the highest rates of it found amongst fruit bats. Do you see any little bats flying around with a big ol' bible trying to tell their friends that they should be quit their sodomy least they burn in little bat Hell for eternity? Didn't think so.

    If animals can have stuff like homosexuality, periods and disobedient children without condeming it, why can't us glorified apes do so to? The Bible is a book, written by humans. Quite frankly, I think people would benefit more from Harry Potter being the main book for Christianity. After all- it does have a lot of better, more tolerant teachings.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:05am
  • I don't believe in God, but the Bible does say to not judge. You. Are. a HUMAN. You don't HAVE that right to judge a homosexual. Only God does. The Bible is so full of ridiculous shit that it's unbelievable people still believe in it. The Bible also says to kill a lot of people, including children who disobey parents and those who eat shellfish. Not to mention that a woman should marry a rapist if she becomes pregnant.

    The Bible was written more 2000-3000 years ago. The laws were put in place to protect people because they didn't understand enough. You couldn't eat shellfish because people would get sick and die. You had to slaughter an animal a certain way so that you wouldn't get sick when you ate it later.

    We're living in 2008, honey. Not 2008 BC. It's time to get past this hunk of junk.

    And if you refuse, stop being a cherrypicker.
    July 13th, 2008 at 06:52am
  • I wanted to read these comments because I kind of figured this article would be flamed.

    I understand that this is your opinion and you're entitled to it. Want to know my opinion? Fuck. The. Bible. Flame me for that and I don't care.

    The Bible makes people into drones. I want to be my own person and seriously, if the Bible doesn't allow me to do it then fuck it.

    I grew up with a father who thought beating kids was good and homosexuals should be shot between their eyes. He preached about how he "chose" to be straight and he's proud, blah, blah, blah. He doesn't like that I stand up to him and state my opinion. He's disapointed in me because I didn't turn out how he wants. I'm my own person and he fell into the trap along time ago.

    People need to learn to accept other people regardless to anything. Discrimination is so 1999. It's the 2000's wake up and make a fucking change.

    When I read Carbon. Copy's comment I just had to put this here because I'm in love with this song:

    "Love your neighbor as yourself
    If I loved myself last night does that mean I need to jerk my neighbor off as well?"

    Handjobs For Jesus- Goldfinger feat. Bert McCracken and Monique Powell
    Copyright 2008
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:57am
  • I was half tempted to go off on a rant, but then thought otherwise.
    Me, being bisexual, would naturally go and defend my notion, but then again, being raised Christain, I could see where you are coming from. (Not saying that I am Christain)
    But it is true, love is love, you are only using the Old Testament, and not the New Testament. Didn't Jesus preach about love and forgiveness? Or was that a lie?

    "Love your neighbor as yourself." So if the person next to you is gay, then love them for it, don't preach to them that they are living their life in sin, it would just leave you open to be preached at yourself for the sins [b]you[/b] have committed.

    If "God" is all forgiving of things that we actually are remorseful for then this should be just another thing.
    It's just like being a child and your mother telling you not to have the cookie before supper, and yet you'll still sneak to have that cookie, but feel sorry for disobeying your mother. She forgives you for it. (No, I'm not saying that a cookie is comparing to having sexual relations with someone of the same sex; it's more to be a metaphore.)

    So, actually go, and be Christain, love, live, and forgive, for that is what "God" and Jesus wanted :]
    July 13th, 2008 at 04:50am
  • I agree with [b]ZombieBunnyKILL[/b]. Gays have [b]always[/b] existed. But back in the 1700's, if a man was caught with another man, (or a woman was caught with another woman) and they were having sexual relations or in a sexual relationship, they were executed.

    And usually in some very unhumane ways. So way back then, men and women lied about who they really loved and commited to a traditional man-woman marriage to avoid being killed.

    But seriously, if "God" gave us free will and chose not to interfer with it, he basically allowed us to choose our own paths in life. Correct?

    Anyways, I'm not one for believing in "God". (Actually, I'm not even Christian.) But personally, to me, this article makes absolutely no sense. (No offense to those of you who [b]are[/b] Christian.)
    July 13th, 2008 at 04:37am
  • This is one of the reasons I really don't like religion.
    It makes it close to impossible for people to respect one another's life choices, which therefore spawns into chaos and hatred between one another.
    Pisses me off, really.

    And Koffin Kat, thank you for posting that. :3
    July 13th, 2008 at 04:03am
  • Alright. If being a homosexual preacher is just so wrong, then what about all the priests out there who like to molest little boys? God forbid two men or women in a consensual, loving relationship teach others about the teachings of Jesus - which, as I believe, was to love [i]everybody[/i] - but when an older man takes sexual advantage of a young child, scarring them mentally and emotionally for life, well, thats AWWWRIGHT. WTF?!

    There's a big problem with using the Bible for moral behavior and moral thought; which parts are you gonna use and which parts aren't you gonna use? By your logic, you must obey all rules set down by the Bible or else off to the fiery pits of Hell it is for you. And yes, many people would disagree with the thought of fucking a goat or marrying your cousin - which, if I may, is practiced in some fundamental sects of Christianity. But I digress.

    Look, in the one passage that conservatives always cite - [i] If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be on them[/i] - yeah, well, go to the next chapter where it says that we should stone to death disobedient children; do you agree with that? Hell, I'm gonna go further simply because this is fun, using the Bible to impeach the Bible. Check this out, no out of context bullshit, this is what it says: Exodus 21, verse 7 says that it's okay to sell your daughter into slavery. NOT EVEN IN NEVADA!!!! Exodus 35, verse 2 clearly states that anyone working on the Sabbath shall be put to death. Are you really gonna feel good about enforcing that one? Oh, and look at this one: Corinthians 11-14, [i]doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him.[/i] Well I guess Jesus himself is totally screwed. And continuing on, verse 19 through 24 commands that a man should not go near a woman when she's on her period. That one made me ROFL.

    Moving on: the part where you compared homosexuals to a disease, disability or a disaster is just plain ignorant. Sexuality is largely determined by hormones and genetic factors, and comparing it to an earthquake or to West Nile Virus or to being stuck in a wheelchair is just rude.

    And to sammi;;, : Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of civilization. Take a good read through any college level history book and you'll find that in ancient Greece, relationships with both woman and men were the essential foundation of a normal man's love life. In ancient Rome, all the emperors except for Claudius took male lovers. In East Asia, same sex love has been referred to since the EARLIEST FUCKING RECORDED FUCKING HISTORY. The reason homosexuality wasn't a "problem" back in the 1700's was because of the social code and because of the times. It doesn't mean that there were no homosexuals, it just means that they weren't coming out of the closet for fear of being hung or killed. Homosexuality a fad? How dare you. Do you honestly believe that the homosexuals would want to have this kind of prejudice and hatred put onto them by close minded people who follow the rules of a book written over 2000 years ago? For that matter, do you think anyone would want that for themselves? I don't think so.

    I think this had gotten quite long enough :)
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:34am
  • And to Sammi;;: Gays always existed. People just don't know it because if they were open with it, guess what? EXECUTION.
    So, would you rather lie about what you are, or get killed for what you are?
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:15am
  • Christians sin all the time. Therefore, homosexuals can so be Christian, or no one else can be. Don't take that literaly.
    And although what you said in the article was pretty smart, how you backed it up, I was still offended. I don't see how it's fair to compare homosexuality to a disease or a disaster, or a flaw. No, people aren't perfect, but it's not like gays are Charles Mansons or something.
    Further more, not everyone believe in god, or is christian. So, I'm assuming this doesn't apply to them either.
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:12am
  • I agree, I back that verse and I am a Christian. I believe that homosexuality is just a fad. People argue that 'love is love no matter the sex' but that's not how it mean't to be; this wasn't a problem back in 1700 but it is now. I hope anyone who reads this isn't offended but realizes the truth.
    God Bless.
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:11am
  • I almost want to say that I am offended by this article, but in a sense, I'm not.

    Judging by this article, I am assuming you're backing up Leviticus. Well then, do you follow its other rules as well? Do you agree with Lev's idea of menstruating women being unclean and that everything they touch will be unclean?

    Leviticus 20:18
    "And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people."

    I'm sorry, but if you're still going by Leviticus...you're a pig.
    July 13th, 2008 at 02:33am
  • This is the one thing that makes it hard to follow my own religion, my being bisexual. I'm not sorry because I do not personally believe it is a sin. There are religions that are okay with homosexuality. It shouldn't be a sin if God is forgiving. In fact...

    If it's true that He treats all sins as equal, than why should being gay be any different from killing someone? I think it's being hyped up because people don't pay attention to the other sins as much. Sex before marriage? Oh, everyone does it, right? The fact that there are so many homophobes and so many people fighting against it makes it seem like such a bigger deal than it has to be.

    The one thing I can't do is regret, er, repent. Because I do not believe it is a sin. I guess I'll see all of you in hell. We'll have a big gay party...

    July 13th, 2008 at 02:13am
  • I've always wondered what does [i]love[/i] have to do with religion?
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • So I'm going to hell because I've had feelings for the same sex and I'm not sorry for it?
    Radical, I'm glad "God" is so forgiving.
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:23am