Homosexuality vs. or With Christianity? - Comments

  • City on Fire!

    City on Fire! (150)

    United States
    p.s. Also thank you for making this a polite, dignified and well-written article instead of just insulting people. That I very much apprechiate :)

    Although, one last little point (sorry, I know you're getting an earful already :D) as you mention, all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord, but the only "mortal sin" i.e. sin you go to hell for is suicide, because you can't repent if your already dead (btw, the girl who told me that claimed lesbians were "fucking gross". Again, thank you for your intellegent and dignified argument, without slander). Then again, in your point of view, homosexuals don't repent for that "sin" then they'd go to hell just like if they didn't for any other sin, so maybe it's hearsay. Just throwing it out there.

    Also, like a bunch of people said, there are many versions of the Bible, not to mention even if their weren't the Bible has been translated into many different languages, therefore interpretation is tricky and therefore can be highly inaccurate. For instance, there's a passage that says women are unclean during menstration and that men who touch them during this time are also this clean. Some people use this as an example of hypocracy and sexism in the Bible, but actually all it's supposed to mean is that the woman's body has not reproduced a new life, meaning that her body is, in essence, in mourning, and out of respect for that loss of life a man should honor that woman's loss by not touching her. I got that out of the book "The Year of Living Bibically", if you are interested.

    Finally (yes, I promise to hush after this one) towards the end of your post, you seemed to imply that homosexuality is a choice. You can't chose who you fall in love with. The end. Technically that's an opinion, but honestly: if you could chose who you fall in love wtih, we wouldn't have such classics as Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, or-- arguably the most famous love story of all time-- Romeo and Juliet.

    And now I'm done. Or at least I'll restrain myself :) Really, I enjoy hashing out these issues, and am glad to see someone with opposing views who can argue in a civil manner.
    July 14th, 2008 at 02:11am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    The bible never condemns sexuality.
    It says homosexuality is an abomination which, at the time, simply meant 'not traditional'.
    July 14th, 2008 at 02:02am
  • lawliets

    lawliets (100)

    I'm sorry, but the Bible was not written by God.
    The Bible that Christians read today, is one of the many versions that was chosen to represent the Christian faith.
    I mean, what if another version had been chosen, and that version said nothing against homosexuality?
    In that case, I'm pretty sure everyone's opinons would change.
    Man wrote the Bible. Plain and simple.

    Christianity teaches many good things, but we need to stop focusing so much on the little things.
    If a man natually loves a man, or a woman naturally loves a woman, why should they repent for who they are? It's not really like they are doing anything terrible. A murderer, I can see needing to 'change his ways' because when you murder someone, you are causing them bodily harm and taking away their life. But when a man loves a man, that man is not essentially doing any other person harm.
    Forcing themselves to love the opposite gender will not make them any happier in life, and God wants us to be happier, does he not?
    Then again, this is all just my opinion on the matter :]
    I am definately not a professional source, so I am not saying that my opinon is any better or more right that yours. Please don't take this that way.

    Very well-written article, though :]
    You structured it well, and it wasn't choppy or anything.
    The only thing I didn't like was that your opinon was clearly stated. And I'm not saying that just because I disagree with your opinon :] In our English classes, we learned that an article should be completely unbiased. But then again, I guess that all depends on the type of article you are writing? I don't know.
    Bah. Well-written article.
    July 14th, 2008 at 01:37am
  • City on Fire!

    City on Fire! (150)

    United States
    The link below basically covers all I wish to say on this subject (though some of the contradictions in the Bible they point out are meant to be interpreted figuratively):


    In addition, I would like to state that in the New Testament (sorry, don't know the exact psalm, but it is only a few pages before the "Our Father" is introduced) Jesus states that while Moses stated a list of sins and punishments from God in that passage you quoted, now that the Savior had arrived they were to be revoked. That's why not only can you be gay, you can also wear two different fabrics at the same time without it being a sin. He does not list any sexual laws after this point. Therefore, under the Christian faith, homosexuality is not a sin. However, if you chose not to believe this is how to be interpretted, it also means that you should think wear mixed fibers too if you don't want to pick and choose which laws to obey, to use your arguement.

    Also, this is just my opinion, but the Anglician church was founded purely because King Henry wanted a divorce, and the Pope told him no, that was against Christianity, and would ruin the sancitity of marriage. So I have no idea how they get the nerve to say that about gays.

    I respect your opinion, however, just as I respect the opinions of atheists and other religions. However, in this case, I wish you would gain some more facts. On the other hand, provided you are not discriminate against homosexuals or treat them unhumanily (please note people used Bibical references to justify racism in less pleasant times), I have no choice but to accept your views and hope you realize that this is a struggle many gay Christians must face, and realize this is not a choice, and love them as you would any other human being.

    Peace and blessings to you.
    July 14th, 2008 at 01:30am
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    The Bible wasn't written by God.
    He wrote the Ten Commandments.
    And they don't say a thing about homosexuality.
    July 14th, 2008 at 12:12am
  • Scottie

    Scottie (100)

    United States
    i think that everything happens for a [i]reason[/i] so somehow it fits into this big ol' master plan... so if your gay/bi... i'm pretty sure that's the way your supposed to be. but hey... i'm not a huge Christian... so idk. but it's wrong for a church to shun someone because of their sexuality. cuz your supposed to love everyone... right? and no, you won't go to hell if your gay/bi. because if you believe in Christ as your savior you will be saved. ok... now i'm starting to sound like my aunt. O.o
    July 13th, 2008 at 11:41pm
  • aimless_ramble

    aimless_ramble (100)

    United States
    all I heard was: blahbity blahbity blah, sin,sin,sin,crappty crap crap, go to hell if u believe homosexuality is ok and u supprt it. in other words all i heard was BULLSHIT. I am striaght and have beem raised christian. i like to believe that i still am christian but its things like this that make me feel otherwise...the problem here isnt god. because god is ALL LOVING and FORGIVING. at least last time i checked he was...the problem here is PEOPLE LIKE YOU who claim to be christian and and say theyre doing it for the 'good' of people and what not. its not surprising since us as humans can be naturally unfair like that....u see? NATURALLY. unfortunately some people cant stand to see others happy and succeed and are quick to judge, they are what i like to call 'messy people' its messy people like you who make it hard for me to go to church, or even sometimes believe in my faith. but i am trying. as for the bible is a bunch of crap full of lies. made my man who got to decide what we get to know about and what we dont. not to mention its been remade how many times??? THE only reason homosexuality is looked down apon is becuz it wasnt except back in the old times and it just happen to stick in many peoples mind as BAD. but this is 2008, we have different beliefs and morals now. because we are more understanding and caring. it takes time to grow and love...to become 'wise' as some would say. please tell me. If it was looked down apon to show affection towards a sibiling at all. what wud you do? ur a firm believe in Christ but according to him and what ppl say its a sin to even hug ur sibiling. becuz showin affection to a sibiling is unclean and leads to unfaithful thoughts. you know that u dnt feel that way and u love ur sibiling as much as u love your parents so u want to show them u feel the same way but cant. Are u telling me u wouldnt show ur own sister or brother any kind of love becuz of what ppl say and think? it u really wanna be a good christian try living more CHRIST-LIKE. because JESUS was friends with ALL the sinners that ppl hated and looked down apon. HE treated everyone EQUAL AND LOVED US ALL.
    July 13th, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • spreadlegsnotlies

    spreadlegsnotlies (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'll happily burn in hell if that's what's going to happen to me. I won't admit that i'm commiting a sin or ask for forgivness, because i'm doing nothing wrong.
    The only person i have ever worried about what they think is my mother, she's ok with it so why would i be worried about what supposed 'god' would think? We don't even know if he exists but people are basing their lives around 'him', or judging other people due to his teachings, or causing wars in the name of 'god'. It's ridiculous.

    It's things like this that remind me why i despise religion.
    July 13th, 2008 at 10:43pm
  • Ms. Mothersound

    Ms. Mothersound (100)

    United States
    And for the record, I was being sarcastic when I said "I love all that you said."
    Nice argument. But I'm seriously offended.
    July 13th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • Ms. Mothersound

    Ms. Mothersound (100)

    United States
    I love what all you said, very very nicely written artical, dear. And I love where I'm coming from on this situation too. I'm bisexual, and that's just me. I am all for same-sex marriage and what not, and I don't believe in this God character. I was raised as an aethiest, my Mother doesn't believe in God, both my fathers (bio and step) do not believe in God, my grandparents don't believe in God, and it goes on and on. My uncle's a Buddist though, and he's very wise, he was the one that told me time nd time again that people who mary the same gender are great people, they're still just like you and me, and that it's okay to do.

    If God was to amazing and thankful and forgiving, would I be bi? Would my friends be gay? Would my two friends, who are both men, be getting married in a few days? Would we have homosexuality to begin with? I don't think so. And supposedly, when what's-his-face (forgot his name) lead his people to the promised land, they didn't take it and the world became poisoned or something like that. I believe that's a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo.

    I say this: Fuck it. I'm gonna go kiss my girlfriend and tell her I love her. And no other-worldly being is gonna tell me that I'm wrong. Because LOVE is RIGHT.
    July 13th, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    Great article =]
    I'm (kind of) a Christian but a firm believer in rights for gay/bi people.
    I mean, how can something you are born with and can't change, be a sin?? Would God really hold something against you that you can't even help?
    July 13th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • ZombieBunnyKILL

    ZombieBunnyKILL (100)

    United States
    Um, yeah, sorry to return again, but, um,
    Dogs can be gay as well as people.
    I think my dog is bi. Really. He is. I'm not kidding you.
    I think it's [i]completely[/i] natural to be gay or bi.
    July 13th, 2008 at 08:58pm
  • BlueMoon

    BlueMoon (100)

    United States
    This is going to become an unnecessarily heated debate, they always do. My opinion on this matter, homosexuality is simply one of the more unique, but necessary, behavioral traits that exist in the living organisms mind. In humans, due to the fact that their minds are so large and complex, creates a whole new level of homosexual behavior, that is observed and shunned or accepted. No other species, based on what we know, will create such behavior to counter a behavior, but does this mean we should?

    Also, another major question that follows such debates, is whether homosexuality is genetic, or psychological. I, personally, believe it is genetically based, but this is simply my opinion. If it is indeed genetic, there will always be homosexual behavior in humans, and in all organisms with complex enough minds. If it is indeed psychological, the extent to which a revolution of heterosexual ideals and influences, will be to the point of near impossibility, and will take the entire world, to cooperate.

    Basically what I'm saying is, everyone will have their opinion, that was mine.
    July 13th, 2008 at 08:45pm
  • sansa.

    sansa. (250)

    United Kingdom
    i didn't say that any one has no right to their own opinion, and i do respect people's opinions if they back it up, like i suppose GreyWings did, if one of those comments down there was directed at me, but really, there is [i]no[/i] backing for 'homosexuality is a fad'.

    that's a pretty withstanding fad - much longer than ugg boots or pink eyeshadow will last. can anyone remember ancient greece?
    July 13th, 2008 at 08:24pm
  • Bad Luck.

    Bad Luck. (450)

    It's not like homosexuality is a sickness, it's just a part of who a person is. They can't force themselves to like the opposite sex if they want to be more religious.

    I doubt that you actually know how it feels to be shunned out of something like Church just for who you like.

    I completely disagree with you, but the article was well written, I have to admit.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • likeitmatters

    likeitmatters (500)

    United Kingdom
    Without meaning any offence, naturally as I don't know you, I completely disagree with your opinion. I feel homosexuality is natural and perfectly acceptable.

    I've read a book giving advice towards the issues you may come across in life. It was written by Christians and they personally urge you to feel that homosexuality is fine and even have a quote given by a practising homosexual Christian.

    I've also heard recently about the Christians separating heterosexual and homosexual practisers. I personally, despite being a strong atheist, find this absolutely disgusting. People have a right to follow their religion without being put under some new disgusting form of sexuality based apartheid.

    May I say that people who sinned were stoned to death. Surely this is worse than 'lying with another man as you would lie with a woman'. In the years I've been studying R.E, I've always thought God was seen as forgiving and didn't encourage violence. And murder is one of the seven deadly sins, correct?

    I must also say that God flooded the planet when he was angry with us, only warning Noah. And he banished Adam and Eve from the gardens of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. Fair enough, they disobeyed him [i]but[/i] he was the one who wanted to test them by putting the fruit in the garden. And, for being naive, he decided that Eve can be responsible for all women having pain in childbirth.

    I respect your opinion. I'm not going to keep going because, believe me, I could for hours. I respect your opinion and don't think any less of you and don't judge you. I hope you'll do the same. This is not me trying to change your opinion. It's just my opinion as you have given yours.

    This was really well-structured. Someone top of their English class? =]
    July 13th, 2008 at 06:25pm
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    Peoples opinions stop mattering to myself, personally, when they discriminate against people who did nothing to them.
    July 13th, 2008 at 06:04pm
  • jadedhavok

    jadedhavok (100)

    United States
    I don't agree with you opinion, but that's completely cool because it is [i]your[/i] opinion. I'll give you kudos because this was a really well structured arguement. Its way better than the ones you usually see which are basically "homosexuality is wrong, you're going to hell". There's no "why" there, which at least you knd of anwsered.

    The thing is, I hate religion. When you think about it, ninety percent of our wars stem from religous beliefs. Millions of people have died in the war between Isreal and Pakistan for no reason other than beliefs based upon books written thousands of years ago, probably written by some very bored old men. If we were more concerned with just loving one another and less concerned with sin, well... I think there'd be a lot less hate, a lot less death, and a lot less senselessness.

    If there is a God, I'm okay with him judging me when I did. I'm okay with the fact that I'll probably end up in hell for my beliefs. I'm not going to defend a religion that claims love is wrong, and homosexuality is just another way of loving.

    But, honestly, the bible also states that slavery is okay and that its perfectly okay to stone someone. Face it, God... He's a vendictive asshole. He floods the Earth when he gets pissed and kicked Adam and Eve out of paradise for eating some goddamn fruit.

    I respect your opinion and I actually had a little fun offering mine. Have a nice day, I'm gonna go eat an apple. ;)
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:56pm
  • Zed

    Zed (100)

    United Kingdom
    I just wanted to point out to Oh Bang! that love has everything to do with a religion-or at least for Christians. The whole of the New Testament spoke about how you should [i]love[/i] Jesus Christ.
    I, personally, thought this was a well structured and well written article. I think you've thought out your argument well, and you're giving your opinion.
    Some of these comments make me kind of mad. I don't personally agree with GreyWings' opinion, but at least I respect it. All over this site, you have people talking about how something is [i]their opinion[/i]. Don't start saying something is stupid just because you don't necessarily agree. Learn some respect, people. Present your own opinion, but acknowledge that others have a right to state theirs.
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:32pm
  • Penguin.

    Penguin. (350)

    United Kingdom
    Both sides of my family are really religious, ones even a fucking deacon, but my uncles Gay and none of them see it as against the church.

    Not all catholics have that angle on things, infact, half the people that attend my parents church are openly gay...well maybe not half, but quite a few of them.

    I agree with Cocaine.
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:14pm