Homosexuality vs. or With Christianity? - Comments

  • Ann Willis

    Ann Willis (400)

    United States
    I just wanted to comment about what just_call_me_dookie said. The argument that this article was trying to make was that to be gay and preach is hypocritical. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible thus to be a preacher and to sin frequently is against God's law. You don't have to agree with God's law. That's why he gave us free will. So we could make the choice to do as he says or not to. If your choice is not to listen to him then that's fine but you shouldn't expect to go to heaven because you chose the world. And if you chose to fallow the world on a regular basis with out repenting then you shouldn't be the leader of a church. Your choice is not to listen so don't lead others who are trying to fallow him away from his path. If you struggle with being gay, or alcohol, or being a drug addict, or being a frequent lier, or being an adulterer or any other sin then you clearly aren't strong enough in the faith to lead others that's just what the bible says. for Christians it's sad because we know that every person we see will either go to heaven or to hell. there is no middle ground. We walk a narrow road and the window into heaven is small. Many will not make it. Sorry if that seems exclusive but it's a hard life to live. Just thought I would clarify that .=D
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:00am
  • VilliamLaura

    VilliamLaura (200)

    United States
    My complaint about the Church is that homosexuality IS natural. I realized that after seeing that it occurs in nature quite frequently with animals. That means God meant it to occur sometimes because they're fucking CREATURES for Christ sake! They don't even know what's going on and they think it's natural.
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:39am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    Honestly, I tend to believe in people more than books.
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:39am
  • Silly_Girl

    Silly_Girl (350)

    United States
    Are you serious? Actually serious?
    That if you're christian and a homosexual and you're not sorry then you will go to hell? Is that what you are saying? Are you that blind? Are you that judgemental? Please correct me if I have misunderstood this article.
    I am repulsed at the fact that anyone would think that homosexuality is wrong.
    THEY ARE PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU AND I. They're no different. All they are are just people with a different orientation. That's it, that's all. It is not a sin.
    See, this is exactly why I think religion is completely bogus. It breaks my heart that one person would not like another person because the bible says that who they are is wrong. That's horrible. That's disgusting. Not liking gay people is like. . .not liking food to me. Gay people didn't do anything to you.
    I think it's horrible. This is a heart shattering article if that's what you're saying.
    I've heard that God loves all his children; why can't you?
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:30am
  • Kissing.Sin

    Kissing.Sin (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    'God' created free will.
    'God' chose not to interfere with human free will, letting us choose our own paths.
    Homosexuality is a choice of free will.
    No-one should be allowed to say whether it is wrong or right, especially not the Bible, law or anything.
    Free will is what we were given, choosing our own paths.
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:28am