Why is Grammar Important on the Internet? - Comments

  • 100% AGREE!!!!
    September 23rd, 2009 at 03:44am
  • I have to admit. I am one of them - ON OCCASIONS. Only when I'm really tired of typing all those words in the computer. But apart from that, I try my best to not make a mistake. : )
    September 9th, 2009 at 06:41pm
  • It's funny when people complain about spelling when they spell grammar as 'grammer'.
    September 8th, 2009 at 05:58am
  • Do not get me started on this.

    It's not even just kids anymore. It's teachers. My health teacher wrote up a power point and had more errors in spelling and grammer than he had words that were right. I just about killed him. Oh, and last year, I had a LA sub that mixed up 'your' and 'you're' a few times.

    I don't have perfect grammer, and I know that, but at least I try! I can understand it if you slip up once and a while, but when it's constant...

    And chatspeak? I can't understand it! My knowledge or chatspeak is something like this: lol, lmao, brb and ttyl. Seriously, that's all I understand.

    Great article.
    September 8th, 2009 at 05:38am
  • Without using correct capitalization yet using correct punctuation ( and vice versa,) your posts can still be confusing.

    Try, 'Without using correct capitalization AND correct punctuation, a post can become confusing. Using one without the other can still bewilder some.' Within parentheses, it's not ( text,) text. It's (text), text. Also, you use 'alright' quite often, when it would be more correct to use 'all right', or even to use the word 'fine'. " . . . to abide to." is poor grammar in and of itself. " . . . to abide by." would, again, be more grammatically correct.

    You were right in your last paragraph-this does have plenty of grammatical issues (I actually typed this while I was reading the article, instead of after).

    I did like the article, though. You pointed out several common mistakes. I just wish the LOLers would take your advice.
    September 8th, 2009 at 04:09am
  • you would really get a serious trauma if you learned spanish and then talked to me on messenger xD. lol.
    September 7th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • Bad grammar bothers me simply because I can't understand what I'm reading. In school, I've had to edit papers with such terrible grammar that I had to get the person who wrote it to read it to me. I can deal with words that are spelled wrong, but misplaced punctuation gets on my nerves. If I see a fanfic with no spacings or punctuation I'm not going to read it. This article makes me feel like I have to be gramatically correct in my comment or I'll get in trouble or something :)
    July 31st, 2008 at 12:21am
  • I'm not particularly good with grammar but when people "TYP3 LI33K DiiS" it makes me think "What an idiot."
    July 26th, 2008 at 06:23pm
  • And, I know I'm not good at spelling and grammer, so I run my stories and stuff through spell check and my nifty editor. Now I know that some people do not own these things, BUT I feel that if I put in the effort to make my stories easier to read for all, why does the person next to me, writing a full blown story in all chat speak, think she/he is SPECAIL.

    Now I can't say I am impecible in spelling and grammer, but I make the effort right? Notice I put RIGHT, and not write, or rite or, God forbid, ->.

    This is what happens when you use the three R's to teach children english. The three R's without the "S" I mean. "S" being spelling.
    R number one, Reading, reasonable right? R number two, Writing, okay, maybe not spelled with the expected "r", but it sounds like it. Finally, R number three, arithmatic, WHERE THE HECK DOES THE "R" COME FROM IN THAT?

    Anyway, I concurr to this article.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 03:33am
  • I wove you.

    July 23rd, 2008 at 03:16am
  • I so agree. I get so annoyed at my friends. One the other day, said quit correcting me. I snapped at her and said then don't use slang, ebonics, poor spelling and other crap with me!
    (Yes, I do use slang, and such.. but not things like I don't know nothing... A double negative.. and when I read it I think it means I do know something. Like my friend would say: I don't want to do nothing with him. He stinks. Well.. long story short.. she got mad because I told her the way she said that meant she wanted him.)
    I can dream with punctuation.. to an extent. I have an ex friend that I use to want to just slap. She never used any punctuation at al, not even periods.

    I can deal with leet/1337 because well.. I dated/date gamers, and well. that's their language(they play online games).
    Now, random capitalization/rAndOM CaPitAlIZAtioN, I really want to slap that person to death.
    I know some people are in a hurry in typing and don't notice they misspell (that's right kids, it's misspell not mispell) a word, okay. Yet if you do it repeatedly without even attempting to fix it...can I slap you too?
    Yes, I use lol, nvm, wtf, and such.. but I restrict that to chat rooms, (unless I can't cuss...then I use wtf/wth so I don't get in trouble).
    Although... unless it's texting, please don't replace you with U, are with R, and etc.
    = >..< =
    July 22nd, 2008 at 06:24am
  • To me, the only thing that really bothers me is the random capitalization. Everything else is fine. Just because someone types like that doesn't mean their English sucks or anything. Some people just find it faster to type "wud" instead of "would" or "brb" instead of "be right back". If you want to blame someone for that, blame texting. People used to have to pay for how many words they typed.
    July 20th, 2008 at 11:54pm
  • and another thing that's annoying is taaalkkiingggg likkeeee thisssss.
    yeah my friend's friend kept doing that to her when she was texting, so my friend just ignored her. and her friend was like 'why'd you ignore me?' and she was like, 'cause you were talking like a drunk.'
    July 19th, 2008 at 02:17am
  • but that doesn't really fit into grammar, does it?
    July 19th, 2008 at 02:12am
  • you forgot rAndOm cApiTaLizAtIoN.
    July 19th, 2008 at 02:11am
  • Also, it's kind of funny that a couple of the kids commenting here about how they hate bad grammar can't even spell the word "grammar" right.
    July 17th, 2008 at 06:07am
  • Grammar isn't that much of a pet peeve for me. Someone types "your" when the correct word for the sentence would be "you're", big fucking deal. Really, the only time it should be a problem is when you can't even understand what they're saying. Some people aren't fast typers, others just might be slow learners in this specific subject. How in the hell is this killing people, anyways? It's not like making a typo or not caring enough to spell-check will shut down your internet. Of course, there are exceptions (i.e. stories, debates, etc.etc.), but when it comes to chatting online...really now. Give it a break.
    July 17th, 2008 at 06:02am
  • I agree with mybatteriesdied. =/
    You dont really need to correct anyone on how they wish to speak. We all get taught in school ad stuff, but people choose to talk like that because it might seem easier for them or they feel more comfortable with it. When I see someone correct someone repeatedly, I instantly think they're bitchy. It's insincts, I guess.
    July 16th, 2008 at 01:16am
  • Dude, school rocks.
    I'd rather be smart and go to school than be an uneducated mo-mo.
    July 15th, 2008 at 11:45pm
  • I totally agree. I guess I could understand using chatspeak in chatrooms and MSN, AIM &c. But otherwise it's just...irritating. Especially when people use 'leet' or just make words longer and incorrect. It's easy to understand people talking on IM using 'u' and 'r' and abbreviations and stuff. But using words like 'yewh' for pretty much every single word is a completely asinine use of time and effort.
    July 15th, 2008 at 10:03pm