Don't Label Me!

Don't Label Me! OMG, look a those 'emos' hanging around the mall...
I hate those 'preps', they think they're are all that...
Watch where you're going you 'geek'...

Do these scenarios seem familiar? The choice of words selected? Emo, prep, geek, nerd, jock, goth, punks, skaters... You could go on forever with the never ending list of pathetic labels.

But the question is; why labels? Why use them? The answer is not easily given, but one answer is very clear; bullying.

Bullying plays a major part in 'labeling'. Usually a bully will use such names to degrade their peers around them. Supposedly, it is to make them feel powerful, and may add to their personal status. i.e popular.

To put someone down, by labeling them by what they wear, their music preferences, IQ level, hobbies etc. is down right mean, and can lead to people who are being bullied and labeled, depression, low self-esteem etc.

The most popular labels around today, usually found in high schools, are: emo, prep, chav, jock, nerd, goth, punk and skaters. Other labels like 'wog' and 'fob', that were once offensive and classified as racism, are now widely used to describe how proud a person is to be of that heritage.

Emo is the abbreviation of the word emotional, and is widely given to those who wear black, listen to rock music with depressing lyrics, and self harm themselves. They are usually classified to be depressed and like to seclude themselves from situations. It is an awful label, and is usually used to degrade a person.

Prep is a label that is used to degrade a person but it can also show a person's status. A prep is a person who is rich, and happens to think they are better than other people. Usually cheerleaders in high schools are considered prep, or preppy. They usually wear bright colors, and wear mini skirts. Their choice of clothing usually has to be leading labels, and expensive.

Jock is one of the most accepted labels around. Jock is actually an abbreviation of the word 'jockstrap', usually worn by athletes. Jocks are characterized as being overall fit, and known for their athletic achievements and sports. Sports include gridiron, basketball etc. and are usually very popular.

And lastly another well-known label.

Nerd is a label given to those who are incredibly smart and have a high IQ. They are usually picked on by the jocks, and are usually playing video games, doing homework, and anti-socializing. They are sometimes grouped with geeks because of their choice of clothing; tucked in shirts, pants worn up over the belly button along with a belt. They usually wear their hair with gel slicked flat, accompanied with strong glasses.

These are just four of the most well known labels around.

And to add to the use of labels; if you do not fit into any of the labels in the list, you're classified as an outcast. This system of classification is downright mean, and useless. We need to stop this, before it becomes worse.

What ever happened to fair play?

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