Wicca Misconceptions

Wicca Misconceptions Looking through Mibba articles, I noticed there was only one Wicca/Wiccan and other then two about pagan holidays and christian holidays intertwined, there are none about paganism either.

I'll focus mainly on Wicca though. Most people believe Wicca came around in the 1920's to 1950's, although popularized during that time, it's not exactly true. It may have been named around that time, but most consider Wicca to be a form of Neo-druidism. Druidism is a religion and a way of life that has been around before both Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It is said to reach as far back as 10,000 b.c. (meaning 12,008 years ago as of the day this is posted).

There is speculation about how far it goes back, some saying only 6,000 or 4000 b.c. I've read so much about how Wicca is new, but it's not. If in fact Wicca is based off of Druidism, as my form of Wicca is, it is one of they oldest religions.

Judaism is about 3330 years old according to most texts(1300 bc), Islam is only about 1400 years old (500 to 600 ad), Christianity is 2000 years (ad.) You'll have various reports, although in order Druidism, Judaism,Christianity, and Islam. It is a fact as far as anyone knows, paganism is older then any monotheistic religion.

Going of course on age, a misconception about Wicca and Paganism is that you worship the devil. This is slightly impossible, one on the age theory Wicca and paganism goes before the time the devil existed (As the devil, Satan, Lucifer as what Christians describe is considered a Christian creation). Another part is that, Wiccans do not believe in the devil/Satan/Lucifer/or whatever. So how can you worship something you do not believe exists?

Wicca is a nature based religion, preferring to stick to natural remedies, healing and the earth. Going onto rules, we have nothing set like the Ten Commandments, but we do have the Wiccan Rede, or 'laws'. For an example, there is the Three Fold law, and the Wiccan Rede.

One version of the three-fold law is: "Ever mind the Rule of Three, three times what thou givest returns to thee, this lesson well, thou must learn, thee only gets what thou dost earn". Taken from a version of the Wiccan Rede by Doreen Valiente (1964): Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will.

Wicca is basically, nature, spirituality, and karma. There is so much more I could explain, but I just wanted to touch on the subject that Wicca is not a new, and delusionist's religion. It also isn't 'evil' like some may think.

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