Furries- Freaks or Not?

Furries- Freaks or Not? If you don't know what a furry is, it's a fan of anthropomorphic art. Anthropomorphic or "anthro" art is animals with human characteristics (Bugs Bunny is an anthro rabbit for example). The term "furry" may also be used to describe an anthro animal, even if it has no fur.

Some of you are probably thinking, "Furries? Aren't they those gay people who dress up and do it in animal costumes, draw XXX animal art, and 'really love' their pets? Those freaks?" I'm here to set things straight.

First off, furries are not people who think they are an animal or have an animal's spirit. Those people are called "Otherkin" and they may or may not be a furry. Furries may, and it seems often wish to be their animal, but that's essentially the same things people wishing they were someone more famous, rich, or different.

Those animal costumes are called fursuits, and while some of them may do it in them, don't some people find latex or leather as appealing? It's really just a different way of "having fun." Some people just like to have fursuits to wear for Halloween or for furry cons. For those who have been to anime cons, have you dressed up like an anime character for one? It's not that different.

The art, yes there is some bad stuff. There is also non-bad stuff. In pictures and other art, are there not clean and dirty pictures of people? Different people like different things. If you don't like it, don't look for it, and leave those who do alone.

Bestiality is what some people think all furries do. If you don't know what it is, for the love of god, don't look it up in something that will show pictures of it. Anyway, most furries will never even think about doing that. Most furs, and most people, think it's just wrong. But some people do it, furry or not.

From what I have seen, most furs are gay or bi. Notice I say most, not all. This is true, simply because there are a lot more male furs than female furs. I don't know the exact statistic, but I'd say a female for every ten males is an over estimation. Again, it's just different likes and dislikes, and no one should condemn them or anyone else for it.

The media has given some bad image to furrydom. Bad stuff also makes for exciting news. how interesting would the news be if everyday it was, "Good evening. Today everything is running smoothly. No one important died, there's no major conflict with anyone, and everyone's happy." That wouldn't make for a very exciting news story, now would it? Bad stuff is interesting. Interesting sells.

Calling myself a furry takes a lot of guts, and as my friend said, it shouldn't. I hope everyone who needs to be will be less prejudiced.'"

This is from a journal on Deviantart.com that I can relate with very well and I'm happy the person who wrote this journal entry is letting me use it to prove a point.

See, I'm a fur as well and it really makes me sad to see people freaking out over a lifestyle they think they know everything about. If people would at least make an effort to try to talk to furs and get to know them, then maybe there wouldn't be as big a discrimination as there is now. But sadly, that ma never happen because most people are too ignorant and stubborn to admit to themselves and the people they hurt that they're wrong.

Hopefully this article at least opens some eyes and allows people to think before they judge a person's lifestyle.

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