Let's Be Realistic People

Let's Be Realistic People I recently was discussing something that was on my mind the other day, along with my sister. We had been on the phone, for quite some time and she started asking me how my time away at camp for a month had been.

I began telling her about one of the issues there, that really just irritated me. There had been a boy at camp, whom everyone gave a hard time because he wore skinny jeans, and band t-shirts, they accused him of being "emo." I was probably one of his only friends there that week, and he wasn't "emo" at all. He simply liked that style of clothing, and those bands, and that style haircuts.

Skinny jeans are a HUGE style now a days! People all over big cities, men and women, are wearing them! There is nothing wrong with them! Its a style, and it will eventually fade out. Just like everything else. So if you have a problem with them, then just hold your breath, it will go out eventually.

That life appealed to that guy at camp. So why did everyone get so upset about it? I have yet to fully understand. We are all different. We have different skin tones, different tastes in clothes, music, pretty much EVERYTHING there is to think about.

But the people at camp wouldn't stop bothering him. They kept talking about him saying how only skinny jeans were made for girls, and how sick it was that guys would actually wear clothes like that.

That really made me go off. You are getting mad at THEM for the clothes THEY wear? I pointed out the booty shorts, baggy pants (so there butts stuck out), and low cut shirts so their breasts were showing. Isn't THAT a bit sick, about how our country is? Look at stars like Britney Spears, or Madonna even for that matter, look at the clothes THEY wear, and compare it to the things that Gerard Way and Jade Puget are wearing.

Nothing sick about that now is there? I hope this doesn't start a feud, for those were not my intentions. I just simply needed a rant.

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