Should Abortion Be Illegal? - Comments

  • im ok with abortion i think that its the women's choice.

    i think that if we ban abortions then people will either just do it illegally or dump the baby in the dumpster/ kill it
    December 27th, 2008 at 02:38am
  • *sigh* Such a sore, sore subject.

    In my personal opinion, abortion is killing another human being. However, there are some cases where abortion should be allowed. If the mother is going to lose her life because of the unborn child, or if she was raped by someone.

    The one thing that I ABSOLUTELY can't stand, is when people (not just teens) who have unprotected sex get abortions. It ISN'T the babies fault, it is YOURS. Just because you don't want the kid doesn't mean someone else doesn't. And it isn't the child's fault in rape cases either, but it certainly isn't the mother's. There is where your exception lies. When it is not the mother's fault. But when you do something as reckless as having unprotected sex, you should go ahead and have the baby, and give it to someone else. But also someone who will be able to take care of the baby in a healthy, stable environment.

    But, that's just my opinion. C:
    December 22nd, 2008 at 01:07am
  • To Fine.China.

    Have you ever had a child?

    I'm pretty sure you haven't...because it is the most painful thing you will prolly ever fell. (Not like I really know, but I'm pretty darn sure of it)

    And did you say " Lack of babies"

    Did you know that there are 6 BILLION PLUS poeple on the earth. I'm pretty sure at least ONE in A hundred is an orphan.

    Couldn't that person incapable of getting a kid the natural way, get one from a third world country? They're teeming with kiddies that need homes.

    And what date rape drugs?

    Or how about suicide?
    If A girl got pregnant, she might commit suicide. Isn't losing teo lifes WORSE than losing one, or is the babies alleged life sudden't more important?
    What if the kid turned out to be the next hitler?

    Poeple die, lives end, and that's the way it is. I would rather a person "killed' a life that never was, than a life that had already started.

    Oh oh... (I might have said this before)

    What about miscarriges!

    A woman who miscarries MURDERS her unborn kid.

    October 12th, 2008 at 01:50am
  • Abortion is somewhat good. Yes, you're killing a child. But maybe a teenage girl can't take care of the baby and feels that adoption isn't good. Does she want to bring the child into a world where it can't be taken care of? What if a teenage girl got raped? Why would she want a child to remind her of getting raped? Abortion is good in certain cases. Plus. It's the mother's body.
    October 6th, 2008 at 02:53am
  • I think that abortion should be illegal in all cases except when the mother’s life is in danger. There are so many families that are unable to have babies and want them. With abortion legal, these poor families would have to wait an incredibly long time due to the high demand of babies and the lack of them. Also, responsibility is a huge factor in this. Abortion is an easy escape for teenagers who want to have sex. It’s like they don’t even have to worry. You forget that you should only have sex if you’re ready for the consequences. Incest shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but if it did, there are families that are willing to take care of a mentally challenged child. With rape, adoption is available. And on top of all of that, you’re throwing away a life, someone’s lover, someone’s bestfriend.
    October 5th, 2008 at 06:15pm
  • And ummm...onewaytogo..

    I'm pretty darn sure anti-choice means you are against any abortion at all. you are against the choice for anyone to have an abortion

    Anti-abortion is when you don't think abortuion is right but you won't take away the right to get one.

    I think you should get a dictionary personally...
    September 21st, 2008 at 12:46am
  • Okay... I just want to say this...

    If you are going to say your opinion , please back it up... if you say "It should be illeghal... I'm right.' that doesn nothing, you mihght as well have not commented... I have to say this becuse it's annoying me.

    Why/why not shoutld be be illegal?

    it mkaes you seem sorta stupid to just say what you think with no "evidence"

    I don't mean this in a mean way or anything, I'm just stating my thought...
    September 21st, 2008 at 12:44am
  • I am not really for abortion but i would rather have it legal so the mother if is desperate to get rid of the baby she doesnt need to go to a black market abortion person and risk dying...
    September 18th, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • No I don't think it should be illegal. It's a woman's choice to terminate the pregnancy.
    I think it depends on the circumstances. Though I don't think that not using a condom is legit.
    Though I suppose it the woman was raped, had been impregnated, then I would guess that yes, she might want to get rid of the fetus. So in that case I would make an exception. But that's about it, in any other case I'd say raise the damn baby yourself.
    September 18th, 2008 at 09:38am
  • abortion should be illegal everywhere.
    enough said.
    September 7th, 2008 at 07:54pm
  • ya know, i really dont know its like if you dont want a baby dont have sex end of story you might not want to say no but just say no because it is 100% perventable then kinda murdering someone its your fault dont make the baby have to suffer i dont think it should be illegal but i def. dont like it it's kinda like murder
    September 7th, 2008 at 08:30am
  • Abortion should definately be illegal.
    September 6th, 2008 at 09:38pm
  • Anti-choice; supporting or advocating legalized abortion.
    Anti-abortion; opposed to abortion or the legalization of abortion.
    Go buy a fucking dictionary.
    September 6th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Trying to dictate what people can and cannot do with their bodies and trying to deny them their fundamental reproductive rights, no matter what fancy label you wanna slap on it, is bullshit.
    September 6th, 2008 at 10:13am
  • I find it a bit interesting that some people play the "oh, that baby could go on to do great things like ____" card.
    Yes, but that baby could also grow up to be a crack addict or kill six [i]million[/i] people.

    Interesting how much history wanted Hitler, isn't it?

    Supposedly, his mother wanted an abortion but was talked out of it by her doctor. So there you go. Because one man lived, six million died.

    There's also the argument that if he had gotten into art school he wouldn't have become a name we all flinch at.

    Of course, if it weren't for Hitler, history would be different. The atomic bomb wouldn't have been invented, at least not so quickly. No Israel....but then again, possibly no Middle Eastern conflict.

    So maybe we would have been better off without Hitler. Who's to say?

    I am definitely Pro-Choice. If you want an abortion, have one. If you don't, then don't. Let others make their own decision.
    September 1st, 2008 at 06:36am
  • This is going to sound horrible. But.

    There are 6 billion people on this earth.

    the earth can only hold 3 billion before we start going downhill.

    The thing is. Every baby takes thousands of diapers a year for maybe....3 years. all these disposable diapers are made of-you guessed it- plastic.

    We also need to think of the safety of the entire world.

    the more people you have the more likely we are eirther going to
    a. kill eachother off
    b. get into and epidemic
    c. globnal warming will kill us off.

    I'm not saying that poeple should stop having kids, I'm just saying that the population is already becoming destructive.

    IF you make abortion illegal, you will also have women going to on the street doctors, and dying from that, but you are also making it so that the population can do nothing but expand.

    Also... in the case of an epidemic.

    Would you rather see your ENTIRE FAMILY die before your eyes, or some embryo?

    on another point.

    Every time a girl has her period, a dead human egg is leaving her body.

    You could easily accuse that girl af murdering her unborn child.

    what about women and men who get themselves fixed. they are killing so many innocent could be babies!

    what if a woman has a miscarrige.

    She just MURDERED her child!

    I still stand firm in my belief that it is the woman's choice more than the fathers.

    The father doesn't have to carry it. he doesn't have to have it. And if it ends up bad, he can always split.

    The thing is, yes, it is partly him, but he should not be able to choose. His input is important, but it's not his bogy. Just like he shouldn't have a huge input on wether you get a pap smear or something.

    The thing is. It may be part him, but for the time being it is in HER BODY. For the time being it is 3/4 her an 1/4 him. She trumps.

    I apologize for my gramar and spelling. I try to check it, but lot's of things seem to go unnoticed...
    August 22nd, 2008 at 01:17am
  • I'm not against it, nor am I for it.
    Abortion is well... understandable in some cases, for example rape, or if the child would suffer due to lack of funds to buy food/clothng/housing.
    Like so many of you have said, "It's the womans choice, it's her body." Yes, I agree with that. And I also agree the father should have some say (unless it was rape of course).
    Someone actually said to me the other day that a child isn't really alive until it takes it's first breath. Now, I'm not sure I believe that, but it is a pretty good argument.
    Abortion should not be banned. Because, as someone said before (don't know who) The woman would just turn to drugs/alcohol/unlicensed doctor, and end up almost killing her self just to get rid of the unwanted child. Now would we really want that?
    Isn't it better just to give them a choice. A safer way to get rid of an unwanted child? Sure it may be murder to some people, but to others, it's only to stop the baby from suffering.
    That's just my opinion, but yeah. I don't think banning abortion is the way to go.
    August 21st, 2008 at 02:14am
  • Also, I'm not sure when women or men for that matter were given the right to kill a child. Reguardless of where the child is located.
    August 20th, 2008 at 09:48pm
  • I am against abortion. I am against taking a human life, especially the life of someone who cannot protect themselves.
    August 20th, 2008 at 09:46pm
  • If abortion became illegal then thousands of woman would have to go to unsertifyed doctors to get one and would probly end up dead because the so called"dotors" didn't really know what to do. So im totally for abortion. And it's my body i want to do what i want to do with it. no one should be able to be allowed stop me but my parents.
    August 20th, 2008 at 02:57am