Should Abortion Be Illegal? - Comments

  • Squirrely.Kassi, you have obviously misunderstood my point. A mammal is considered living if it has [i]both[/i] brainwaves and a heartbeat. In scientific terms, it is not a living animal organism if it lacks those two traits. I said both were needed to classify it as a living animal, not either/or.
    August 14th, 2008 at 07:59am
  • I think it should be legal with limitations. If you're going to have sex then face the consiquences. If you're not ready to have a child then don't take the risk.
    August 14th, 2008 at 05:54am
  • some of you are being ridiculous.

    although rape provides a small statistic of pregnancies/abortions, would you tell a woman who was pregnant as a result of a rape that she was 'immature' and 'needed to use a condom next time!!11' no, you wouldn't. it wasn't her choice.

    if you had an illness that made it dangerous (as in YOU WILL DIE during a pregnancy), would you forgo sex all together? stay completely celibate for the rest of your life? i really, really doubt it. in that case, would you get an abortion? why wouldn't you, if you and the FETUS - NOT BABY, FETUS- would die as well?

    deciding to have sex shouldn't and mostly doesn't have anything to do with being mature or ABLE to handle (emotionally/mentally/financially) a pregnancy. accidents happen, condoms break, pills fail.

    like i said before, be anti-abortion ALL YOU WANT! it's fine! just as long as you are not anti- CHOICE. as you can tell by this comment, i may disagree with some of you. it may make some of you angry if i were to ever get an abortion, and it would make me angry if i didn't have the choice.

    you can't win with this debate, so pro-choice is the only way to avoid conflict and it's unfortunate that 'pro-choicers' are automatically labeled as god-hating baby killers.
    August 14th, 2008 at 04:59am
  • I believe abortion should be allowed in all cases. It's her body - it should be her choice. Plus, I don't think it would be fair if they didn't have a choice in the matter - how they have to be bound to the baby that they're carrying while the father is free to run off and have nothing to do with the child if he wishes.
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:57am
  • Uh! I hate how people always assume that ALL women getting abortions "forgot their condom" It may be a good majority, but not every single women can be in the same situation. You pro-lifers are absolutely absurd. You cannot, and will not, say that it is murder up until it has a heartbeat, because, plants and other foods such as vegetables and fruits, are technically "living." They just have no mind, no thought. That is basically what the fetus is like up to 10 weeks. I hope you go eat an apple so I can tell you that it's murder. Oh, and just to let you know, 100,000 women died in the United States when abortion was outlawed. So think, clump of cells, or mother and clump of cells.
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:35am
  • Allowed in all cases.

    I love women, and for them to not have the rights to their own bodies is absurd.
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:14am
  • kirara, Uh there's a big difference between a vegetable and a fetus... lol...
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:37am
  • Koffin Kat love you girl but if you know anything about a fetus,
    It starts a heart beat in the first few weeks of developement,
    So that comment about it isn't a living mamall til it has brain waves or a heart beat,
    Uh it kinda has a heart beat... :)
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:35am
  • To the comment about "not carrying around a condom or getting ahold of one"
    Frankly if you don't have an F-IN condom then obviously you know 90% chance you'll get pregnant,
    So any one who has sex without a condom and is like "OMG I GOT PREGNANT?!"
    Aren't the brightest bunch, and should take responsibility for their whorish ways...
    Always have a condom, If you can't get a hold of one, (Which I highly doubt)
    Then don't have sex, it's a sign... Duh...
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • I can't really complain about Abortions,
    I've been called a hypocrite,
    But I always feel if it isn't my blood,
    I don't really care...

    I agree (a little) with africanxangel she makes a good point,
    If you feel you're mature enough to have sex,
    Why not have a child?

    I feel that some women should take responsibilities in what they do...

    A question I've always asked is to those who are ANTI-Abotions unless the female was raped,
    What makes that any different?
    Just because the mother either willingly or unwillingly doesn't change the unborn kids innocence right? (That's my question)...

    Only thing I'd hate to see if Abortion becomes legal,
    Is that I've heard that teenage girls can get an abortion,
    WITH OUT their parents consent...
    I know many girls parents will be VERY angry,
    But they still have the right to know...

    I'd hate when I get older and have kids,
    If my daughter got an abortion without my consent if she's a minor,
    Even when she's an adult... (Simply because she's my blood)....

    So that's my opinion, hate it or love it, respect it...
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:28am
  • I believe that abortion should be illegal. i believe that the US government is a little twisted personally. All Im saying is that its wrong to kill an unborn child. It was your choice to have sex. Dont blame the baby for your misake. People have no business having sex before their married anyway. I dont care what people say, ABORTION IS WRONG AND IT NEEDS TO STOP! If you ever watch lifetime youd know. People with consciences have a real hard time giving up their unborn children. The fetus inside of the mother is PART of the mother. And for people who say that they dont agree with us pro-lifers I think they're wrong. I dont think you could fully understand how wrong abortion is until youre actually faced with having to abort your own child. And no I dont have a child, but I think that if you mature enough to have sex that you should be mature enough to face the music and raise your child. So all Im saying is. ABORTION SHOULD BE ILLEGEAL.
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:20am
  • To EmoKidd--x:

    No, we [i]can't[/i] let the government decide and frankly, that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. The government cannot decide for us because that gives the government way too much power and history has shown us, as government grows, liberty decreases. If they can take away a woman's right to abortion, next thing you know, they'll be taking away our right to use condoms and birth control pills and then what will we have? Authoritarianism.

    Sorry, but just because you believe that abortion is wrong to [i]your[/i] morals doesn't mean that it's wrong to other peoples, and it [i]certainly[/i] doesn't give you the right to make a choice for another person's body. And yes, [i]nikkinightmare[/i], it should be the mother's choice. Because that fetus is acting on a parasite on her body. Because as science has shown us, the fetus is not a living mammal until it shows brainwaves and a heartbeat. Because [i]you[/i] don't have the right to take away the reproductive rights of another human being.

    Sorry Pro-lifers. I'm not saying your views aren't valid, I'm just saying that in a free country, abortion is something that is going to remain legal and you're just going to have to put on your big-girl panties and deal with it. You don't have to get an abortion if you personally think it's wrong. But don't try to keep other women from having one just because [i]you[/i] thinks it's immoral. [i]That[/i], and I'm sure many people will agree with me, is inherently wrong.
    August 14th, 2008 at 12:35am
  • I think it should be legal...
    Like the 50 year old man, should not be telling you what you can or cannot do with your body.

    And do you really expect everyone to carry around a condom?

    what if you can't get a hold of one?

    the thing is, it's the womans choice. You can call it murder, but what do you think when you eat ham?

    prolly "good ham"

    Not "OMFG the PIG was MURDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I'm not saying that a fetus is a pig, but it's sorta the same thing... you end the life, but because it's your own species you feel bad... what about the pig? he had a concience, a personality. he was Alive, and breathing, and he could feel fear, and all that.

    in a way,. he is more alive than most early fetus'.

    I'm not like...a vegitarian or anything, but yeah....

    I'm not really sure if I make sense to anyone else butt. hey.

    Oh, and to Emojidd-x the government ifs made up of the people who live in the country... YOU are the government... the guys sitting in the big chairs are just waiting for you to write them a letter and tell them what you want. they are the middlemen.

    oooh... i almost forgot.

    I knew a kid who got his girlfriend pregnant, and she didn't believe in abortion. SO what did she do? She slowly poisoned it by drinking and doing drugs.
    I personally think that is WAY worse than a qiuck abortion.

    And yeah. Maybe it does hurt you a bit by getting an obortion, but what about childbirth? that hurts you too. After it, some women lose the ability of bladder control. Imagine being like...19 and in diapers again. that's not fun either. ALso streatchmarks, loss of sleep if you keep the kid, and countless other things. Childbirth isn't really safe either.

    well, nice article. I love it when people are willing to write on sensitive subjects. Very good.
    August 14th, 2008 at 12:30am
  • To me, I know abortion is kinda like murder and thats bad and all...but I mean if the baby gets aborted, then theres some reason it didnt have a life.
    And honestly, why would you want to be born into a world where the mother didnt even want to have you?
    To me, its the woman's choice, it doesnt mean its the right choice, but its her choice.
    August 13th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • Allowed in all cases.
    It makes me sick to think that making it illegal would even be considered.
    If it was, I'd move out of the country.
    August 13th, 2008 at 08:48pm
  • There's two ways you could look at this.
    One, you could say, oh no it shouldn't be illegal, I mean what if it's a really bad situation and the example person, as mentioned before, leaves their newborn baby in a dumpster? We wouldn't want that at all.
    But then you could look at it from a different point of view and say, well I think they should make it illegal, it's the single person's fault if they don't carry a condom, if it was illegal people would be more careful about sex. And also abortions can cause damage to your internal organs, so yes, it should be illegal.

    Looking at it from both points of view, I have this to say to you all:
    Let the government decide. Because in the end, it could both turn out better and worse in different ways whichever way you look.
    August 13th, 2008 at 08:08pm
  • I think that abortion [i]should[/i] be illegal, but who says people won't do it anyway? But instead of making it illegal, I think women should be more aware of how much harm it [i]does[/i] cause to your body. It's more then killing an unborn child, it's also damaging yourself. Someone needs to teach the facts.
    August 13th, 2008 at 07:01pm
  • Yes, abortion should be illegal! It's murder. It shouldn't be the mother's decision to end the baby's life. Think of the poor baby that doesn't have a say on whether it lives or dies. There's plenty of other solutions.
    August 13th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • Abortions used to be illegal in Romania, and an average of 59 woman would die per day from "street abortions".

    Illegalizing it will only cost more lives.
    August 13th, 2008 at 08:32am
  • Bravo, other commenters.
    My thoughts?
    Allowed in all cases.
    I notice another article on Mibba calls abortion 'murder'. Well me and my friend discussed it and agreed that murder isn't exactly the case.
    The heart starts beating after a few weeks right? So they say it's muder to take away something that has a beating heart. But it has no personality.
    It's like saying that eating a vegetable is murder. The vegetable is alive, it had the energy to grow and mature, but it doesn't move, doesn't speak. So itf it's living, is it murder?
    The fetus hasn't taken a breath of air, it deosn't have personality. So why is it murder?

    Very good article! :D
    August 13th, 2008 at 07:23am