Should Abortion Be Illegal? - Comments


    OCMCRD (100)

    United States
    My Dad Had Sex With An Old Drug Buddy Of His.She Ended Up Pregnant,And Her And My Dad Were Together For Awhile.But Her Friends Convinced Her That My Dad Was Bad News.So She Started Hating My Dad,So She Had An Abortion.
    It Tears Me Up To Know That She Has That Right To Take My Half-Siblings Life Before They Had A Chance To Live.Heck,I'd Care For THem If No One Else.
    August 18th, 2008 at 05:10am
  • myscriptisahorcrux

    myscriptisahorcrux (100)

    United States
    I wrote an essay about how abortion is wrong. In class. I belive it should be iilegal
    August 18th, 2008 at 03:38am
  • folk you please

    folk you please (250)

    United States
    I'm against abortion, but I also say if a woman wants to get one, it's her body and let her do whatever she wants to do with it. The government shouldn't have any say over what a woman does with her body. I don't care if a woman has had or will have an abortion because I have no say in the matter. [i]It's her body.[/i]
    If the government wants to shove it's nose into our personal lives I say fuck them.
    August 17th, 2008 at 08:23pm
  • Rosalia

    Rosalia (800)

    United States
    I noticed something today while I was making breakfast and it reminded me of this article. When you buy a carton of eggs and make an omelete, aren't you taking away a life of a chicken? It seems the same as abortion. for those how are against it, do you eat eggs??
    August 17th, 2008 at 07:06pm
  • Kurdt Kobain

    Kurdt Kobain (150)

    United States
    If you hate abortion-- THEN DON'T DO IT.
    But at least let those who want the option be able to get one.
    Why the hell should someone else decide whether or not you can get an abortion?
    It's like telling a rape victim, or someone forced into sex, that they have to deal with it and raise the kid.
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:38pm
  • Reggae Hit LA

    Reggae Hit LA (250)

    This is why I hate about the "well, she had sex, she should live with it" argument.
    Do you understand how hard it is to control our primal instincts and to ignore our hormones and to ignore something that's been keeping the human race alive for thousands of years? That's like telling something they shouldn't eat if they don't want to get fat. That's like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    And besides, humans are social creatures, and we don't have sex merely for the purpose of procreation. We are not like other animals. We engage in sexual intercourse for a plethora of reasons, such as, to show love, for pleasure, and sometimes just to get our rocks off. But in those situations, I'm sure that a kid resulting from this experience is the last thing on someone's mind. [b]Not every girl who gets knocked up is some irresponsible bimbo who forgot a rubber[/b].

    The fact of the matter is that women deserve to have the choice, and even if hey don't want to take advantage of it, even if they personally think it's abhorrent, what's important is that there [i]is[/i] the choice for other women. The [b]freedom to have that choice is what matters[/b], not if you want it or otherwise. The freedom is what matters.
    August 16th, 2008 at 12:41am
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    Oh ok Koffin Kat,
    I get what she meant by now,
    But when you think about it,
    The Anti-Abortions are Anti-Choice,
    That's the point I was trying make.....
    Simply because they vote to abolish Abortions (Well make 'em illegal)
    Which would take away the women’s rights to abortion...

    “you personally don't get an abortion, but i still have the choice to make based on my morals and everyone remains somewhat happy and peaceful? which sounds better to you?”


    “would it hurt you if i, someone you've never met in your life, got an abortion? why would it be any of your business?”

    I don’t mean to sound rude of any sort, But I also said the fact that as long as it’s not my blood, What does it matter to me? I don’t know if this was directed to me or not, but I just wanted to put that out there… Again sorry if I sound rude, I tend to come off sarcastic…

    “one thing on that whole "abortion should be the mother and fathers choice"
    umm...who is having the chold?
    I highly doubt that the father will be horboring, and squeezing out that child.
    I think that it shouild include that father, but it isn't his body...If he wants a kid so bad he can go to some girl who thinks abortion is murder.”

    It doesn’t matter who’s giving birth, I think that’s a biased opinion, if you were a male would you want your girl friend/wife/fiancee even a girl you slept with to get rid of a child that’s yours? Please think about it instead of just replying “It’s her body!” that’s his kid, he should still have the right to stop the procedure… Unless she’s for sure going to die if she gives birth, but a mother’s instinct is to do anything for her child… So that’s a touchy debate there…

    “SOme girls who don't/can't gat an abortion turn to drugs and alcohol...thay poison themselves to get rid of the kid...some of them turn into seriouse drug addists or alcoholics, and die...I think that the like clump of cells who isn't even aware that he /she is alive is so not on the same level as a person who really is "alive".
    Besides...abortion is WAY beter, Ithink than slowly poisoning yourself, and the kid.”

    I agree to a certain degree, I think that if they turn to drugs and cant afford a child, they shouldn’t have sex, also abortions aren’t cheap and necessarily they’re a lot better than using a hanger or anything, but they’re not safe neither for the mother…

    “Also...women who do get abortions aren't "punishing" the baby. most opf the times they make that choice, because they are doing it for the baby.
    Like if they couldn't take care of it, or it would be too much financially or physically for the woman to have the kid (all those doctors visits aren't free). Thay aren't doing it because they hate the kid.”

    I made the comment I did, because most Anti-Abortions use the term “when they willingly have sex and get an abortion, it isn’t the baby’s fault that her mother is irresponsible, why punish that fetus?” So that’s why I put what I had to put… But as I said up there, doctors aren’t that expensive, I’m part of a doctors office and I only have to pay twenty bucks, but also abortions aren’t cheap neither…

    “And sometimes you really can't get a hold of a condom.... accidents happen...A LOT. And what are you supposed to do with a situation of rape? "Please sir...don't force me to have sex we you, but if you do, please use this" fight back..and by then it might be too late.”

    So you know that comment about the condom, is because a girl said that not everyone can get a condom at the time so they have sex without it, so I made my comment then that’s a sign not to do it… Rape is a totally different situation when it comes to this topic about having a condom…

    “would you get mad if I got my leg amputated?

    It was part of my "blood" of living and growing.”

    I know you said below your comment about how you’re not comparing a leg to a human, but you actually are… I get what you’re trying to say, but again you cant compare a leg to your body… If it’s my blood, then that’s a potential niece/nephew that could have his/her life and I’d take care of him/her. If it’s not my blood then I don’t really care, you can do what ever to your leg but it didn’t mean that you didn’t get a chance of lie… Again my opinion only goes to my blood/family, others I don’t give a damn about.

    “If you were raped, get an abortion. If you willingly had unprotected sex, that's just hypocritical and irresponsible. You had a choice whether or not to use a condom, you chose not to, the baby is your fault. You need to live with it if that's the case.”

    Question to you: Why should you be able to get an abortion when you were raped? Understand I’m not cold hearted, but I mean if you believe a life should be able to live, then why cant that life live? ^_^ Always wanted to get an answer about that….

    To everyone, I’m glad we can maturely debate about this, most of the time people cant control their anger and start calling names. I give everyone here props, I’m very surprised no one has called me an idiot because of my misunderstandings of what people say… ^_^
    August 15th, 2008 at 10:43pm
  • if you're a trout

    if you're a trout (100)

    United States
    If you were raped, get an abortion. If you willingly had unprotected sex, that's just hypocritical and irresponsible. You had a choice whether or not to use a condom, you chose not to, the baby is your fault. You need to live with it if that's the case.
    August 15th, 2008 at 05:18pm
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    one thing on that whole "abortion should be the mother and fathers choice"
    umm...who is having the chold?
    I highly doubt that the father will be horboring, and squeezing out that child.

    I think that it shouild include that father, but it isn't his body...If he wants a kid so bad he can go to some girl who thinks abortion is murder.

    Also..( as I think I said before, but I'm not sure, so I'll say it again).

    SOme girls who don't/can't gat an abortion turn to drugs and alcohol...thay poison themselves to get rid of the kid...some of them turn into seriouse drug addists or alcoholics, and die...I think that the like clump of cells who isn't even aware that he /she is alive is so not on the same level as a person who really is "alive".
    Besides...abortion is WAY beter, Ithink than slowly poisoning yourself, and the kid.

    Also...women who do get abortions aren't "punishing" the baby. most opf the times they make that choice, because they are doing it for the baby.
    Like if they couldn't take care of it, or it would be too much financially or physically for the woman to have the kid (all those doctors visits aren't free). Thay aren't doing it because they hate the kid.

    And sometimes you really can't get a hold of a condom.... accidents happen...A LOT. And what are you supposed to do with a situation of rape? "Please sir...don't force me to have sex we you, but if you do, please use this" fight back..and by then it might be too late.

    would you get mad if I got my leg amputated?

    It was part of my "blood" of living and growing.

    No you wouldn't. It's my stupid leg. It I really want to chop it off, and have enough reason too, you wouldn't really get too mad at me.
    I'm not saying that abortion is the samwe as a limb, but it is the only understandable argument I can think to do when I'm this tired. all amke a good argument...
    August 15th, 2008 at 03:42am
  • byebyefucker

    byebyefucker (150)

    i didn't see this before.

    "Uhm, Anti-abortion is pretty much the same as Anti-choice, if you didn't know...."

    i'm saying it shouldn't be. everyone's morals are different. if it were made illegal, it would, to me, take away my right to decide what happens to my body. if it were made legal, would it hurt you if i, someone you've never met in your life, got an abortion? why would it be any of your business?
    August 15th, 2008 at 12:44am
  • byebyefucker

    byebyefucker (150)

    "You shouldn't try telling people that they have to be PRO-CHOICE in order to win anything, they all have their own point of views on things and trying to tell them how to think is just being a dictator..."

    koffin kat is right.

    i never said you had to support abortions. if you go back and re-read what i said, i explicitly stated IT IS PERFECTLY FINE to be anti-abortion, but not anti-CHOICE. pro-choice is not pro-abortion, and i sincerely doubt anyone is pro-abortion.

    you may think it's murder, but i don't. how would that be settled? you tell me i don't have the right to get rid of what is (to me) essentially a parasite? you personally don't get an abortion, but i still have the choice to make based on my morals and everyone remains somewhat happy and peaceful? which sounds better to you?
    August 15th, 2008 at 12:37am
  • Reggae Hit LA

    Reggae Hit LA (250)

    Squirrely.Kassi, sorry but I think you also misunderstood what braineater. was trying to say as well. She was simply stating that if you don't like abortions, you don't have to get one, you don't have to like them, no one's forcing you to like them or get one. It's kinda like how I'm 'anti-McDonalds'.; I don't like their establishment, I don't like their foods, but since other people obviously do, I don't have a right telling them what they can and cannot do to their bodies and I just stay away from that sort of place. I know abortion isn't the same thing as fast food, but it seemed the simplest way to try and describe what I was getting at.

    Being anti-abortion and anti-choice are two different things. Being 'anti-choice' would mean that you would be willing to take away a woman's fundamental right to her fertility. Being anti-abortion means that even if you don't like abortions, even if you think it's immoral, you make a conscience decision to not get one if the circumstances arise, but you also understand that there are many women out there who like having their choice, their reproductive rights, and you just live it with and not make a fuss.
    August 14th, 2008 at 11:20pm
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    Teehee I put this in one big thing instead of cutting it down into different comments, so that it isn’t spam… ^_^

    "you can't win with this debate, so pro-choice is the only way to avoid conflict and it's unfortunate that 'pro-choicers' are automatically labeled as god-hating baby killers."

    You shouldn't try telling people that they have to be PRO-CHOICE in order to win anything, they all have their own point of views on things and trying to tell them how to think is just being a dictator...

    “I hate it how some people are slanderous towards people who get abortions but really what does it have to do with anyone except the person who gets it done?”

    I understand exactly what you’re saying right here, well the first part as of the second part, I feel it doesn’t have anything to do with the person unless it’s their blood that’s at stake…

    “Abortion should only be the decision of the parents”

    I agree it should be up to the mother AND father of the child, but as I said if any of my brother’s girl friends get an abortion, I will beat her head in with a baseball bat, I say this because I’ll take care of my nephew/niece and them ‘un-able’ to raise a child is a lame excuse (but as I said this only goes towards my family)

    “I think that abortion should be legal. And the desition to use that choice should be made by the mother.”

    I have to disagree, I think it should be up to the mother AND father… I think just because people feel that the men are the reason they’re pregnant that they shouldn’t have to say, isn’t the truth. I think men have the right to say whether they want the child (unless it was rape, but of course you’d never know if it was really rape or not seeing as some women do lie).
    August 14th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    "be anti-abortion ALL YOU WANT! it's fine! just as long as you are not anti- CHOICE."

    Uhm, Anti-abortion is pretty much the same as Anti-choice, if you didn't know....
    August 14th, 2008 at 10:53pm
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    Oh ok Koffin Kat,
    My bad... lol...
    I was on the phone,
    and me being on the phone plus trying to read and comment legitametly (sp?)
    Is not a good combination lol... :]
    August 14th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    I think that abortion should be legal. And the desition to use that choice should be made by the mother. Because if we don't allow that choice people would try to find other ways to get rid of the unborn child. But abortion because the baby isn't the right sex or that you get pregnant all the time then just get an abortion is ridiculous. And if the child was a product of incest or rape etc, then you should definatly have the choice no matter what.
    August 14th, 2008 at 09:51pm
  • minimaldisagreement

    minimaldisagreement (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Abortion should only be the decision of the parents and the fact that you can actually have one up to 24 weeks is shocking because at that point it can survive! But i am not for it or against it because it really depends on the parental situation at the time! and it is only the parents that should have a say!
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:41pm
  • Modern Myth

    Modern Myth (100)

    United States
    It should be a matter of choice for the woman.
    I mean, the Government isn't going to be like, "No, you're not allowed to abort this baby, so, we're going to watch you Closely and make sure you don't get rid of it, and, if you can't handle taking care of it, we'll take it away."
    But, it really shouldn't be done after about the third month of a woman's pregnancy, cause, then it'd be dangerous to the unborn baby, and the mother herself.
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:39pm
  • Anna12345

    Anna12345 (100)

    United States
    I can understand how rape, incest and others along that line might want an abortion; But I'm really sure getting an abortion because you want a girl or something like that is just... wrong. I don't think it should be illegal because there really are some times where the person has no control over what happens or are forced into having sex, and some people say you can't be 'forced' into having sex but It is possible and happens all the time.
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:12pm
  • AlternativeAdele

    AlternativeAdele (100)

    Abortion should be up to the person getting the abortion, not anyone else. It's ultimately going to affect them not anyone else... I hate it how some people are slanderous towards people who get abortions but really what does it have to do with wnyone except the person who gets it done?
    August 14th, 2008 at 11:57am