Males Wearing Eyeliner: Why the Big Deal?

Males Wearing Eyeliner: Why the Big Deal? Over the last couple of years I've noticed that males get a lot of bullying from wearing eyeliner. I'm writing this out to ask the question. Why? Why bother? It's normal for men to wear eyeliner as it is for girls to plaster their faces in make up!

Let's go back centuries. Back to the times of the Ancient Egyptians. Their men wore eyeliner and never got bullied. It was part of their culture and if I'm right, to this day it still is. I bring this issue up as I have been watching programs on the Ancient Egyptians and the sudden realization hit me. So why do people keep bullying them?

Tutankhamen wore eyeliner and he was a pharaoh! Nobody questioned him or even bullied him about the eyeliner. It was pretty normal for them to walk around with eyeliner on but in recent times, it's not anymore. If a guy walks down the street then he gets labeled "emo" or whatever or even "cross-dresser"! How horrible!

A lot of my friends and I have discussed this and have all got the same opinion. Bullying people just because they wear eyeliner is stupid. If it was like that all those centuries ago, a lot of people would have gotten into serious trouble but now, you do it and get away with it without realising you're hurting that persons feelings.

Think about that. Think about your actions before you do something and think about the Ancient Egyptians.

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