Racism and Sexism in Politics

Racism and Sexism in Politics With all the talk of I'm voting for Obama because he's black and I'm voting for McCain because he has a female V.P., the question of how much effect racism and sexism have on American politics trumps all others, at least for the moment.


Many people have recently been saying things along the lines of If you don't vote for Barack Obama, you are racist. Many more assume that most blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black. The decision of whether or not to vote for someone should not be based on color. If someone is going to vote for someone purely because they are of a certain race, they are not mature enough to vote. Period.


How many women out there were going to vote for Hillary but switched to McCain because he has Palin? My guess is quite a few. I have the same opinion here. If you are going to change your vote because of gender, you are not mature enough to vote. Might I suggest Mr. Biden get a sex change to please female voters? Or even the male voters who are voting for McCain because they think Palin is attractive? I'm all for feminism and a female president or vice president, but if I don't agree with the politician, I'm not going to vote for them just to attain the glory of a female in office.

Now before you start with the hate comments, hear me out. I was not really suggesting that Joe Biden get a sex change. I am trying to show how ridiculous this has become. I have no political affiliation and I couldn't vote for either even if I wanted to. All I am trying to say is that before you support someone, make sure you support their policies and ideals first. Don't support Obama because you like the idea of being a democrat, support Obama's ideas. Don't support McCain because you like the idea of being a republican, support McCain's policies.

I realize that a lot of people already do this, and if you are one, applause to you.

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