The Lack of Religious Respect - Comments

  • Giraffe;

    Giraffe; (100)

    I thank you for posting this.
    March 21st, 2010 at 04:00am
  • Sundance Kid.

    Sundance Kid. (100)

    United States
    Never seen this happen....must be some sort of secret society who lure people into this secret place on Mibba and insult religion....
    March 20th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • yo.

    yo. (100)

    United States
    I've never seen anyone being disrespected on Mibba because of beliefs.
    October 8th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • Elizabeth11895

    Elizabeth11895 (100)

    United States
    I'm just like you. I don't support those other things, but I don't talk bad about them. Most people know I'm a Christian and they don't do their usual stuff around me and I just tell them it's fine because they aren't the only ones that do it.
    September 13th, 2009 at 04:13am
  • My.One.And.Lonely.

    My.One.And.Lonely. (100)

    United States
    the beliefs have nothing to do with it.
    Th reason some christians/atheists behave the way they are is because of personal problems with religion. Maybe 'God' didnt answer their prayers the way they wanted to. Maybe 'God' is the only thing they know. I used God with parantheses because he is merely an idea to some people and because he is the first thing to blame. Being a Catholic, i use God as a source of strength and just to have a feeling that there IS something out there. But I dont use Him to solve my problems. I know that if something doesn't go my way, it was probably my fault. After being 'religiously abused' (as my psychiatrist puts it) I began to hate God. There was one point where i even wanted to worship the devil.

    But then i realized, it wasn't God that had done this, it was the people whose interpretation of God was so wrong in my mind. Everyone has there own version of God, whether he is some guy with a beard and flip-flops sitting on a cloud and smiting everything in sight or even their best friend.

    People have to stop blaming whole religions for their problems and start blaming actual people.
    September 11th, 2009 at 11:04pm
  • Spirit-rockstar

    Spirit-rockstar (100)

    United States
    I totally agree my parents taught me to respect others beliefs and I'm a christian and I try not to force my beliefs on others.
    September 8th, 2009 at 09:36am
  • Koofee

    Koofee (100)

    Why is it that almost every article that speaks about religion is only about Christianity and Atheism?

    There are other religions out there.

    Just saying.
    September 7th, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • Ann Silex

    Ann Silex (300)

    United States
    Thank you for writing this.
    I'm always attacked online for being an open catholic, and it's kind of funny that people throw homophobe at me when I'm a slash writer.
    I know I'm not the cause for hate. It's some religious people, but i feel that the amount of hate in the world would be much less without people bashing religion.
    and to the comment below mine, i'm sorry that that happened to you, but this happens. there are extremists everywhere. What they believe, and what is true, is not the same. The fact that you let that shape you so drastically is sad.

    Oh, and I'm not to victim. I'm the girl that got beat up for being a catholic by other christians. It's not the religion, it's the people.
    September 7th, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • NanananaSomerF

    NanananaSomerF (150)

    United States
    i went to a Lutheran school up until fourth grade.

    it was total hell.

    i was in first grade when i was first told that i was going to hell because i told my teacher that i didn't think god was real, and it was my TEACHER that told me i was going to hell. i'm in seventh grade now and i can remember her exact words like it was yesterday:

    "girls like you end up trash! this generation will be the downfall of humanity, and as long as i'm alive i will not stand another insolent child. do you think god loves you, Somer Lynn? do you think he'll take you to his breast when you die? you're going to end up in hell with all of the other aitheists".

    i told my mom, and my mom told me that she couldn't have said that. christians and teachers don't say that to little girls. for the next three years i had religion shoved down my throat- maybe i'm biased, and i'm sure i am, but i don't believe that all "christians" have morals, and i can't STAND it when all these "christians" start to play the victims here. and even though i'm not a "christian", i still believe everyone deserves respect. they don't have to EARN it from me- imagine this scenario:

    it's the first day of school. you're new teacher tells you to go up to the board and do something. what do you say? "no thanks, ma'am, you have to earn my respect before i do anything for you".

    i'm sorry about being mean about the article, i got the freedom of speech, right? don't go stomping my opinions.
    August 12th, 2009 at 04:49am
  • CyFi

    CyFi (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, I agree. I'm not a Christian, but I support them 100% because they have morals. I don't judge or disrespect people because of what they believe in(though I hate homophobes -.-).
    July 25th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • TheInevitable

    TheInevitable (200)

    United States
    A true Christian will be accepting of any belief. If someone is claiming to be a Christian while insulting you on your beliefs, they aren't acting like one. I like to call these people "Sleeping Christians".

    Saying that you believe is far too different from living the belief, and many people fail to realize this. Chrsitians are not not bound to like what you do wit your life, but God does indeed expect them to hold you in the highest respect, as they would with one of their own. Christians should love you, and it's a shame that so many people can't seem to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to being "Christian".

    "Christian" is from "Christianos" which means "Christ-like" in Greek, and the rude ones certainly aren't very "Christianos".

    [b]Christian or not, people should try respecting one another unconditionally for a change.[/b]
    July 16th, 2009 at 07:33am
  • Perihelion_

    Perihelion_ (300)

    United States
    I think I just might love you!

    lol, XD
    June 20th, 2009 at 10:57pm
  • pseudonym.

    pseudonym. (100)

    With freedom of speech, I think it's all about if you dish it, you should be able to take it.

    As far as religious respect goes...I don't have a religion, and I don't believe in Christ. In any other place but my current city--where most of us aren't Catholics--people sincerely hate me for not believing in what they do.
    May 10th, 2009 at 04:04pm
  • erin.whatserface.

    erin.whatserface. (160)

    You make a very valid point, and for that I commend you.
    The arguement of 'free speech,' though, is a two-way affair.
    Freedom of speech (and, for that matter, religion) goes both ways; you have every right to post your own opinion, just as anyone else on this site does.
    You may not like it, but that doesn't give you any right to silence it.

    I do, however, completely understand your point- it sucks to have someone call you stupid or moronic for your beliefs.... but that's part of the package. When you choose to believe (or not believe) something, and make it public, you accept that there are going to be people out there that disagree and aren't afraid to tell you so.
    It can be quite constructive, actually, to have your beliefs questioned in an intelligent, debatable manner. It can only make you a more informed human being. :)

    Nice article, in all. :)
    April 27th, 2009 at 02:30am
  • Saccharose

    Saccharose (100)

    United States
    i find this laughable. most of the time it's those with faith are the ones that insult first. and guess what? that insult didn't need to have an exclamation point after it, nor contain dirty words. all it takes is for someone to mention part of their faith that basically says what 'whatever' "thinks' this should be this because of this. or in short, whomever gives off the "i'm right and you're wrong" attitude. and it shows through in the article. that's what get's the safe - nasty replies.
    April 23rd, 2009 at 12:00am
  • Eagle

    Eagle (350)

    United States
    This was a nice article. I have experienced a lot of what you had to say on this website. I try to stay calm and collected, but it's a little hard to win there isn't any respect coming from the other side. I am a Christian and I want to spread what I feel. I am so tired of being sterotyped and called an idiot. The door swings both ways. I wish there was more manners in the world. It would make speaking about what we believe a whole lot easier.
    March 2nd, 2009 at 07:18pm
  • XtomJames

    XtomJames (300)

    United States
    There is a very simple answer for why people disrespect christianity; mainly christianity has already disrespected them. This may seem abstract, but let us consider say the Women's Rights issue, many christians who are anti-womens rights or women's equality (still even to this day) used and still use the generic he found in the bible as a means to oppress women.

    Further, unfortunately, many christians use things like "chick publications" as a means to get to people about who they are. Making them feel lowly and disgusting. In this, people disrespect religion, not just christianity mind you, but any religion that does this. It is just that christianity is in the limelight, its out there publicly doing these things andso it will be criticized the most.
    February 13th, 2009 at 05:55pm
  • Sparkly Masquerade

    Sparkly Masquerade (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hm. Well ... this is difficult. I'm an atheist, but I wouldn't abuse a Christian because of their religeon - if I'm nasty to a Christian, it's because I don't like them, not their religeon. However, I do have to say the favour has not been returned ("hellwhore" being among some of the more creative insults), and currently I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth. I read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins - and, despite him being an "aspirational" figure (what with being the third most intelligent man on the planet and stuff) I found that I disagreed with him, sometimes vehemanantly. SOME atheists may bitch about Chrisianity, but just as many Christians bitch about atheism. Neither can be grouped into the "baddies"/"goodies" pile - quite simply because there shouldn't - and in most cases, isn't - one. The quote "respect another man's religeon, but only to the extent to which you respect his opinion that his wife is beautiful and his children smart" is one of the cleverest things I have heard, because it describes what SHOULD be done perfectly - don't go out of your way to slag the other off, it exists, deal with it, don't whinge if one doesn't agree, that's their opinion and they are entitled to it as much as you are to yours. Ignorence as caused the rift - and I am in no way suggesting that the people on here are ignorant - but only acceptance and tolerance can heal it. Some will always be predjudiced - it's human nature. This is where I disagree with the comment below - no one should have to put up with ANY crap, no matter what anything they are - I think you are perfectly entitled to post this article, if it is what you think. This site is not for one group only, and shouldn't be seen to be so, and as I said, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Don't sterotype - it won't acheive a thing.
    February 3rd, 2009 at 07:37pm
  • WheresxYourxHeart

    WheresxYourxHeart (100)

    United States
    Oh my god. Not another Christian whining about how unaccepted they are. Give me a break. You're 85% of the U.S. You want to be put down? Trying being Jewish or Muslim or an Aethiest. Or -gasp- a minority. As a majority, you really have no right to complain. There are other people out there who are on the receiving end of just as much, and often more, crap than you, so get over it.

    I myself am Christian and you wouldn't catch me dead trying to pass off a sob story like this as an article. I've seen as many Christians gang up on non-believers as aethiests and other religions as well. And guess what? That's human nature. Plus, their claims of religion being silly are the same as Christian claims that there's a god in the first place. It's called the opposition. It's life. Get used to it.
    January 26th, 2009 at 03:19am
  • smokeandmirrors17708

    smokeandmirrors17708 (100)

    United States
    certainty is the flaw in religion and aethisum, you can't know if there is a god or if there isn't a god, i'm and agnostic there could be a god the could not be lets leave it at that
    January 26th, 2009 at 02:49am