The Lack of Religious Respect - Comments

  • Amaranth999

    Amaranth999 (100)

    United States
    God. I really hate articles like this. Sure, you make a good point. Respect religion and shit. But unless people ALREADY want to respect the religion, they're not going to after they read some article. Perception is reality, and if someone perceives something as stupid, in their world, it IS stupid. And more power to all the ignorant people in the world. They MAKE LIFE INTERESTING.

    What I REALLY hate is Christians playing the victim in all of this. PLEASE. EVERY religion is getting bashed.

    Hell, muslims and stuff are getting bashed because of people calling them terrorists. It's stereotyping.

    Not all muslims are terrorists (Most of them aren't). Not all satanists want to sacrifice your children (There are only a few of them that do). Not all Christians want to burn witches (Sure, they did in the past. But you can't judge people based on other people's actions). Not all Wiccans are evil (Witches? Yes. Evil? No). Not all athiests are pushy in your face people who tell you what is stupid (And the ones that are would be like that anyway. It's in their genes. It's not BECAUSE their athiests.)

    So can we all agree to leave each other the fuck ALONE? Please?
    December 21st, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • Paint The Roses Red

    Paint The Roses Red (100)

    United States
    How do you know that the atheists aren't just trying to say their opinions? And I have seen a lot of Christians bashing atheists for their beliefs.
    December 4th, 2008 at 02:07am
  • Kevin_an_Sesshy_rock

    Kevin_an_Sesshy_rock (100)

    United States
    This religion that says "Thou shall not kill" tells several people to kill and wage war. This book is absurd.-A. LifeLess.Rose

    ok Ima christain but see I still get mad and cuss even though I try not to and all that happenes to other ppl that arent christains but see to lifelessrose jus a few words, first you said you read all of the bible if you did you would have seen the part about
    "there is a time to make peace
    their is a time for war"
    and it goes on and then you would have also seen the part about god telling Abrham to kill his son but at the last sec when god was sure(even though he prolly already knew)that he was gonna kill his son he sent an angel to stop him.
    and the point of the story is "you just have to trust god"
    ferther more, god had to get rid of some people because the as the bible says if you touch the annioted you are cursed, and in those days that was one of the few ways to hurt someone not gossping or something, but it seems that you skiped a few bits you need to read it again and you might need to change how your eyes look at it to get it fully because Im sure if I looked at it not wanting to belive it I wouldnt ether.
    October 15th, 2008 at 06:36pm
  • TristSaysStfu

    TristSaysStfu (100)

    United States
    "What they don't realize, or just don't care to acknowledge, is that there are people that are Christian on the site, including myself. They just have no respect for people that happen to believe differently than they do."

    I think that they don't really disagree with the religon itself, but more of the beliefs of the religon. There's a differance in saying "I hate Christans" and "I don't belive this". And when you say that people need to show more respect for people differntly than they do, then why don't you do the same. It seems like every time someone tries to bring up an argumneent, Christans throw up the bible and say "God says this!! Jeus belived that!! Look at that quote in the bible!!"

    I'll respect your religon when you start respecting the fact that everyone doen't follow the bible- it's just a book!
    October 13th, 2008 at 04:38pm
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    To poeple like Melanie.Mayhem

    Just something to think about.

    SO if someone said that their religion told them to rape and pilage little boys, and then abuse their wives, chidren, nieghbors etc, you are supposed to say... "Oh thats nice, I respect the fact that you want to kill me."?

    i'm thinking not.

    I realize, that that isn't what Christianity, is about, and you don't want to rape and pillage little boys and blah blah blah, but really... to some poeple it seems that stupid.... so if I want to say, "I personally think you are a little crazy for believeing in this" Then shouldn't YOU respect THEM for their thoughts...

    Just a thought...

    9Sorry for my grammar/spelling mistakes...
    October 7th, 2008 at 10:10pm
  • AllegraBrook

    AllegraBrook (100)

    United States
    Yeah,I know exactly what you mean. Cool article. ^^ Rock on!
    October 7th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • Dreams.of.Someday

    Dreams.of.Someday (900)

    United States
    I agree completely with you. ^_^Nicely written, too.
    October 7th, 2008 at 04:44am
  • Iago-Disco

    Iago-Disco (300)

    Not to be pedantic, but i just need to quickly respond to the idiot down the page a little who probably thought they were being quite intelligent when the picked on the word 'jihad'.
    I believe they said something along the lines of: note the word 'jihad', its nothing to do with christianity. Although the word is islamic, its more relevant to christianity than any other religion i can think of. Basically it means 'Holy way' and can be applied (or declared) against anything, be that concept, person or group.
    Christianity, since it's inception, has been a world leader in the decleration and perpertration of Holy Wars, on everything from paganism, to alcohol, to sex and most recently in the case of america; Terrorism. So help me god if anyone says 'America isn't Christian, it's a country'. Shut up. Read the speech where Bush declares war on terror... I think you'll find God is mentioned a number of times..
    Anyhoo, i think my work here is pretty much done... there is so much to say and so few people willing to listen
    Keep up the good work

    October 7th, 2008 at 04:34am
  • ashleeanne

    ashleeanne (150)

    United States
    I agree with you completely.
    Though I'm Athiest, I still can't believe that someone can go an say, "You shouldn't discriminate anyone for who they are!" one minute, speaking of homosexuals, then go and say, "Christians are stupid and homophobic," the next. People have just as much right to practice their religion as I do not to, as well as anyone has the right to make any of their own decisions. There are just alot of people, on both sides, that need to get over themselves. You can't bash someone's beliefs and expect them to respect yours, that just doesn't work.
    October 7th, 2008 at 03:42am
  • Olivia Colby

    Olivia Colby (100)

    United States
    I like this article, because you're right for the most part. But (the inevitable) I, being Atheist, feel the need to point out that if my mother decided to baptize me like my father wanted, would not be the person I am. Religion is largely a choice, but there are people forced into this belief by parents. There are Apostolistics in my town. I'm related to them. They get a kick out of screaming at me for wearing pants. It's a two way road. I'm definitely glad you tackled that one side, though.

    Now read that last line again.
    October 7th, 2008 at 01:41am
  • melanie.danielle

    melanie.danielle (100)

    United States
    "It has been the cause of countless deaths and hundreds of jihads."- A.Lifeless.Rose.
    Note the word Jihad. That has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. Even if you believe that Christianity is pointless or stupid, why bash other people who do? What this basically boils down to is respect; which I believe is at a huge deficit on this site. Amazing article, Geesecks, it's about time someone spoke up.
    October 7th, 2008 at 01:19am
  • NilDesperandum

    NilDesperandum (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    First of all, this article is very well written and I fully second everything you said.

    Secondly, I find it difficult to believe that everyone who has commented has read the article! It talks about respect for all religions, including those of no faith, and yet there are so many people just ignoring what has been said and going on their own opinions, which apparently are solid proof and anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot. I have complete respect of everyone's opinions, and have never tried to bottle feed my faith to anyone, nor tell them what they think is wrong; so please do not insult and patronise me by telling me what I believe in is silly or unrealistic.
    I also wonder if anyone has similar views on other religions (a few of which are far more radical than Christianity) and upon what basis.
    October 6th, 2008 at 11:14pm
  • Narcissus

    Narcissus (100)

    United States
    I agree. I'm Christian and I'm not going around telling people that they are going to go to hellif they dont believe the same exact things as i do. People should be able to believe whatever they want to believe and not be punished for it. People keep bringing up the Crusades but does that really have anything to do with here and now? With what we are discussing? I thought we were discussing how people feel the need to tell everyone who is not their religion that their religion is the best and that they are condemned to eternal damnation if they dont believe in it. if you are atheist, be athiest. If you are agnostic, be agnostic. if you are jewish, muslim, buddhist, whatever, be jewish, muslim. buddhist, or whatever! Dont shove your beliefs down other peoples throats just because they have a different set of beliefs. I am friends with people of so many different religions. it really doesnt matter to me. Thanks so much for writing this i am really truly thankful someone has spoken about this ive been feeling this way for a while.
    October 6th, 2008 at 10:49pm
  • A.Lifeless.Rose.

    A.Lifeless.Rose. (150)

    United States
    Though I am an atheist I have read the bible and am fairly informed on the Christian beliefs. A true Christian who followed the bible wouldn't really care that others didn't like their religion. Christianity is called silly because if you think about it, it really is. How does it make sense to love everyone, except some who disagree with your god. Basically here's what Christians believe you talk to a man in the sky who watches your every move and hears your every thought, then when you die you either go live in a magical happy golden place or you burn forever in a pit of fire and get poked with a pitchfork. This religion also completely the concept of evolution which has quite a bit of evidence backing it up, you know the crazy little fossil record and those lunatics called scientists. This religion that says "Thou shall not kill" tells several people to kill and wage war. This book is absurd. The religion is not respected because it has lost all credibility. It has been the cause of countless deaths and hundreds of jihads.
    October 6th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    ALso, the reason peopel bring up history (The crusades) is becasue, believe it or not that is part of the religoin. Don't underestimate poeple hundreds of years ago, just becasue they didn't know aboutt he pathogorean Theorym, doesn't mean that they didn't have any morals and where just giant apes who spoke in small sentances, "I like food. Me Christian!"


    They knew what the f**k was up.

    They killed eachother just as we do now. I bet they were not as stupid as you would like to believe they are.

    Think about it. Christianity is an extrememly vioolent religion, It's no Mayan Empire, but It's not exactly fairy dust either.

    Christans would burn women ALIVE if they thought taht they were a "witch"

    I'm not sure I wanna believe in something taht made other poeple think they needed to burn someone in order to "stay pure"

    Anyway... good points all around, sorry if I sound ignorant or something, just aying my piece...
    October 6th, 2008 at 10:09pm
  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    hmmmm... I get, I get...

    But I think the thing that makes non christians not like christians and think they are "Shoving their renigion down poeple's throats" is because of they way most christainsput it forth... EX.

    " I love Jesus, and he died for our sins. God loves us all you just need to open your heart and see the light of pur ritghous God, or you will go to hell."

    It's the self rightousness that really gets people.

    Also, you could say that some people believe that christianity IS silly, that it doesn't make sense at all and they don't get how someone could ever truly believe it, just as a Christian person thinks that their riligion isn't silly, that theirs is the right one.

    It's all about opinion, and as long as poeple remember that an opinion can never be a fact it should be good.

    But I do get what you mean.
    October 6th, 2008 at 09:55pm
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Yeah, I agree with what you said about the bashing. People I know constantly rant about Christians 'shoving religion down their throats'. That doesn't usually happen." (lightning.)

    Unless you mean purely on Mibba, I don't think you can make that claim. I live in London, and there are people all over handing out leaflets, and the select few shouting into megaphones, and the fair number who get on busses and proceed to tell everyone they're going to hell. Without exception, these people have ALL been Christian. I've been stopped in the street before and asked if I was worried about going to hell! The bizarre thing is, I'm not one of those kiddies with dyed hair and studded jewelry. Just because I was wearing black, she felt the need to check the state of my immortal soul. Very kind of her.

    But like MrsBryarForLife said, I've got Christian friends who don't try and tell me what to believe in. I respect that. If you can believe in what you want to believe in, and you can let other people believe in what they want to believe in, I respect you.
    October 6th, 2008 at 04:33pm
  • Doodlebug.

    Doodlebug. (100)

    United Kingdom
    *applauds loudly*

    Although I do believe it is my duty to tell people around about what I believe in, abI can't stand it when somebody mentions the fact that they had an encounter with a "Bible basher" or somebody who tried to force their beliefs on somebody. That just makes it harder for me to try to approach somebody else about the topic of religion.

    Your article was well-written, I must say.
    October 6th, 2008 at 04:03pm
  • Triptophobia

    Triptophobia (100)

    Wow, there seem to be a fair bit of Religion articles lately.

    I just want to say that there is a difference between "Christianity is silly." and "I believe Christianity is silly." There is a difference between "bashing" something and "disagreeing" with something. I'm all for voicing your opinion (as you did here), but as long as it's done respectfully. I love to hear about different religions and listen to people's beliefs, as long as they listen to mine.

    One of my friends is Christian, and she overheard me talking about how some of my gay friends were getting married, and immediately started going on about how I shouldn't be friends with them because I'll go to hell, and that they are horrible people for being gay. She also refused to listen to my side of things and tried to disagree with anything that might prove her wrong. I also have another Christian friend who I didn't even KNOW was Christian until we were talking about what radio station we listen to, and she said that she listens to the Christian radio. She's so nice about everything I believe in!

    I live in a very multicultural area, so I get exposed to many religions and beliefs, and I am very thankful for that. It also means that people have to deal with the fact that not everyone believes what they do. I think that it makes people more accepting.

    Also, you said that respect has to be earned, yet you also said that you should instantly respect someone because they wrote a poem or something about their beliefs. That kinda annoyed me...

    But thanks for writing this article. Have a nice day ^_^
    October 6th, 2008 at 04:02pm
  • inactiveaccount.

    inactiveaccount. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah, I agree with what you said about the bashing. People I know constantly rant about Christians 'shoving religion down their throats'. That doesn't usually happen.

    I'm an agnostic and I respect both beliefs :).
    October 6th, 2008 at 01:13pm