The Lack of Religious Respect - Comments

  • shawnaxmartine

    shawnaxmartine (100)

    United States
    Im a catholic and am 100% for gay marriage
    "treat others how you would want to be treated"
    ^^would you want people running around going WRONG! right in your face? NO

    I just got back from my bible study classes and my teacher stated that evolutionism and everybody else who were not catholics were all wrong... seriously no:\
    October 5th, 2008 at 05:17pm
  • onewaytogo

    onewaytogo (100)

    United States
    Actually, when I was reading a "Christianity" article, there were Christians saying stuff like the Big Bang is silly, or stupid. And then people who don't believe in God reacted the same way and did the same thing. I don't find it rude, I just think it's someone's personal opinion. I don't go around saying, "You're a Christian? That's completely stupid, stop believing in your God and come join the Atheists and Agnostics!"
    I simply say why I don't believe in God, and why. I may sound sarcastic and rude to you, but it's not just Christians that I debate with.
    October 5th, 2008 at 05:13pm
  • Draco_Familiar

    Draco_Familiar (100)

    United States
    THANK YOU!!!!
    Point one for Comon Curtesty!

    I'm Lutheran, and when I meantion that, alot of people get put off, and can't wait to to pull some joke or the like. But my belief doesn't make me go out and try to convert people, or to damn all homosexuals (sorry, but that's just not cool), or even to walk up to a Muslim or Jew and scream, "Heathen!" Now, I can't say I'm the best Christan you'll ever meet, but I don't appreitiate being lumped into the same category as some crazy who ignores the tolorance clause in the Bible. Diversity even exsists in religon. BELIEVE THAT!
    October 5th, 2008 at 05:10pm
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    I'll admit that I am totally biased by saying this because I was raised to believe this. I believe Christianity is silly. Does that mean I'm bashing? No it doesn't. I simply have an opinion about the beliefs and am not singling anyone out.

    I agree with Kurtni 100%.

    And besides, Christians are a majority, how can you not expect them to be bashed by the little guys?
    October 5th, 2008 at 05:04pm
  • Jace Lightwood

    Jace Lightwood (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Here here Kurtni; I respect what you are saying but Kurtni does have a valid point :]]
    October 5th, 2008 at 03:42pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I agree with Kurtni.
    Well written, but... oh, Kurtni already said everything I wanted to say...
    And why did a bunch of Google ads pop up on my screen? O.o Did that happen to everyone or just me?
    October 5th, 2008 at 03:25pm
  • guilty pleasure

    guilty pleasure (100)

    United States
    I don't follow any religion, but I do agree that its dumb to insult or harm someone for what they do or don't believe. And I say harm because this one girl threatened to fight me because I didn't believe in God. It was so messed up, I didn't even say anything to her about it, I just mentioned that I don't follow any religion and she tried to push her religion on me and when I said I wasn't interested she got all pissy and threatened me
    October 5th, 2008 at 03:23pm
  • Oh Desdemona!

    Oh Desdemona! (300)

    "While I understand people getting upset over the gay marriage issue, along with a few others they disagree with, I don't see how they think they have the right to tell people they shouldn't believe in God (or are stupid for believing), yet demand respect for their own personal beliefs."
    I'm sorry. That phrase there really bugged me. You're saying you understand people getting upset over gay marriage but not religion. Just as much as people have a right to believe in God or anything else, they have a right to marry whoever they want to; I don't understand the problem with that.

    "I've never once seen a Christian on this site do any of these things"
    I'm sure there are. I could find some if you'd like, honestly. As much as there are straight people bashing homosexuals, atheists bashing christianity, and Jonas-haters bashing Jonas-lovers, there will be christians bashing something.

    "you shouldn't lump everyone into one category and assume they're all the exact same."
    This is just another issue over stereotyping and labelling. It's always gonna be there, people are always going to do it; no matter what it is, religion or hairstyle.

    "Freedom of speech is one of our rights, but so is freedom of religion"
    Freedom of speech paired with freedom of religion pretty much equals freedom to express your beliefs. but as much as people are free to say what they believe in, people are free to say what they don't believe in.

    In conclusion, it's all a matter of opinion. This whole article was an opinion. But, that's not the point, the point is, there will always be haters, lovers and neutrals. You've gotta deal with the haters, pretty much. Just keep it clean.
    October 5th, 2008 at 03:23pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    "People post rude comments saying that religion 'silly' or 'pointless'."
    I don't consider that comment rude at all- it's an opinion. Just because you disagree with something doesn't make you rude. I'm sure you consider atheism silly, but that doesn't make you rude. Calling religious people silly would be rude, but calling a belief silly isn't.

    "I don't see how they think they have the right to tell people they shouldn't believe in God"
    Earlier you mentioned freedom of speech- so I don't see how you can be against people expressing a belief. In many religions it's a moral principle to spread the belief of God- it would be hypocritical to not expect people to spread their disbelief in God.

    "You wouldn't be too fond of me if I told you that your beliefs are pointless or stupid"
    If you told me my [b]beliefs[/b] were pointless, I'd be happy to debate them with you, but I wouldn't consider that rude or disrespectful- it's just a belief that you hold different from my own.

    "Religion is a personal choice and is really no one's business."
    When you make the choice to post about it publicly on a website, you're inviting other people into your business to discuss what you say.

    While your article was excellently written (it flowed well from idea to idea, you have nice word choice, revolved around one thesis) I think what you consider "bashing" is not bashing at all. Bashing would be saying "You're a stupid idiot for believing in Christianity." I rarely see that occur. Things like "I find Christianity to be pointless" are not bashing any person, but expressing disagreement with an idea. And, just like you used the first amendment to argue for freedom of religion, the first amendment also gives us the freedom of speech to disagree with ideas we find to be wrong.

    "I've never once seen a Christian on this site do any of these things."
    Would you like links? Smiley
    October 5th, 2008 at 03:01pm
  • Telenovela!

    Telenovela! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you so much for making this point!
    The bashing of Christianity on here has gone on for much too long.
    I'm sure that the vast majority of Christians on Mibba don't insult Atheists for not believing on God. So why should we be insulted for having a faith?

    Great article.
    October 5th, 2008 at 02:04pm
  • petalhee.

    petalhee. (100)

    Thank you for writing this article.
    October 5th, 2008 at 02:01pm
  • Minor Fish

    Minor Fish (100)

    United States
    Well you saying that talking about your religion is freedom of speech, I am ok with that and all (has long as it doesn't sound like your trying to recruit) but when people insult others, that is also exercising their right to freedom of speech, I mean I think its acceptable unless they are attacking you with unnecessary things, I don't believe that people should believe in all these religions but religion has saved lives, so I don't see it has a bad thing, well that is all I wanted to say~
    October 5th, 2008 at 01:33pm