"God Made Adam and Eve Not Adam and Steve." - Comments

  • I liked this, very nicely done.
    But could you please focus on grammar too? Especially apostraphies. Just a tip xD
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:31pm
  • I agree, great article, blah blah blah.
    What I [b][i]really[/b][/i] commented to say was that if you don't want to see an article about something, don't read it. Ignore it. If it REALLY bothers you that there are so many articles about it, then just avoid looking at them. If it bothers you that much, then jeez, why would you read it, hm? Seriously, kidds.
    June 17th, 2009 at 04:36am
  • And i thought my article was good. Yours is truley awesome. =)
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:27am
  • I keep being called lesbian, I'm guessing it's because I'm very indepentant and don't show my emotions often...
    like Frank Iero wrote on a t-shirt: Homophobia Is Gay.
    June 10th, 2009 at 05:21pm
  • Homophobia is the stupidest thing on earth
    let people be who they want to be, you dont like the things they do then just dont watch them do those things, you have the right to look away.
    you dont have to go around yelling to the world i hate gays and all the stuff they do!
    Thats just wrong.
    Homophobia is stupid and so are the people that are homophobic, they are people just like you and your afraid of them just cuz their gay thats really shallow. Im sure there are things that you do that other people dont like so why dicriminate and be freaked out about gay people.
    This is a ridiculous phobia and people need to get over it and accept everyone for who they really are.
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:29pm
  • To say homosexuality is like the plague is sickening.
    I was pleased to see half of students accepted it though, that's a start.
    June 2nd, 2009 at 11:00pm
  • A relative of mine lives in Little Rock, and her friend, who was homosexual, had to run from lynch mob ropes.

    Here, in Romania, we never hear about that kind of thing. Reading some of these articles makes my jaw drop, because here, everyone treats everyone like an equal.
    May 8th, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • Okay, so that pretty much totally summed up how I feel about homophobia.

    And to add to the subject of banning gay marriage, I have this to say:

    It's unconstitutional. Banning gay marriage infringes upon citizen's rights, homo/bisexual or not, to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. States can't decide if it is or not because the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and if a state's law contradicts with the federal law, the federal law will be the law, no matter what.

    Some people might try to worm out of this loophole by stating that God intended men to love women and not other men. Well, that would suggest that the United States has a "national religion," which the Bill of Rights forbids. It's completely unfair and disgusting that people let their prejudice get in the way of the law and what's right.
    May 4th, 2009 at 09:50pm
  • If the 2 People can love each other why are people complaining?
    Love is Love
    Homophobia is Awefull
    February 8th, 2009 at 01:10am
  • I agree with ChazzSevenfold.

    I live in a very conservative, small state with an almost non-exist gay community. Most of my town professes to either Catholicism, Mormonism, or a Protestant Christian faith. Homosexuality is not approved of and it is veiwed as a bit of a joke. I don't think I have met a person who actually admits to being gay my entire life. Criticize all you want, but thats just how it is.

    I'm actually nuetral on the homosexuality subject. Call me ignorant, but if it doesn't affect my life I don't spend too much time worrying about it, especially at my age. Homosexuality doesn't bother me at all, but I'm not claiming straight people are the devil either.
    January 24th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • I agree absolutley!

    I think religion puts it in a very archaic way, and personally I think they put it that way to create the man/woman role that puts the women below. Its just an idea of what might have been part of it.

    In anyways homophobia is terrible

    I'm a proud Bi girl
    October 24th, 2008 at 12:46am
  • i think it is partly the way you are brought up
    but, i havn't been brought up with a family who think gays are okay.. or bi , but i am bi, i make my own choicesin life and i have my own mind. people shouldn't be influenced to hate gays by what they read in the bible or anyone else around them for that matter
    i love that i am bi, sometimes i don't even use the word bisexual
    i prefer open minded, its normal to me, people should be able to love who they love and not be hated, i could fall in love with a guy , or a girl, sometimes im more lesbian and sometimes more straight, depends who i see that i find attractive
    ive had girlfriends and boyfriends
    i love having both and im not ashamed if im with a girl
    i love that i am comfortable with my sexuality and so should everyone else :)
    love their sexuality i mean *
    October 21st, 2008 at 07:37pm
  • I don't think they is anything wrong with being gay at all. people who say its wrong because the bible says so need to look at it this way: not everybody is religious and actually care about whats in the bible. And the people who think its wrong i think THERE the disgusting ones for being so small minded
    October 19th, 2008 at 11:35pm
  • To any people that think "oh, they can just NOT be gay"



    I'm "bi" (also known as sexually confused) and I have a VERY gay friend. (lesbian)

    We were talking, and she told me that "I don't WANT to be gay. If I could go back in time and have the choice, I would be straight". I know that I can't help that I feel attraction towards women, and I know that my friend can't.

    Why would anybody make the choice to become a fiercely hated minority that deals with bigotry, violence, and all-around bullshit every day? No SANE person would.

    I didn't just wake up one day and say to myself "hey, you know what? I think I'll try being gay today". I'm blessed in the fact that I was raised in a very open home, and the fact that I have the friends I have (gay and understanding people) so I didn't have to fear my sexuality. Of course, it's always a scary thought to think that at any time somebody would come up and knock you in the face just because you fell in love with the same gender, but I'm not going to lock part of myself up to please some of the fucktards that walk this earth spewing hate and idiocy past their "holy and righteous" lips.
    October 19th, 2008 at 04:49pm
  • Okay, three words....
    Homophobia is gay.

    You shouldn't hate or even FEAR someone because they like the same sex they are, It's just not right. People in Massachusetts deal with it, so can the rest of America.
    October 17th, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • I'm really just intrested and fascinated with the shit gay people have been through, and when i get bored, i look up articles and homophobia, and people that the Day of Silence has been dedicated to, guys (and maybe even girls, haven't heard of any though) who have been killed and tortured because of their sexual orenitation.
    Gay people have just as much the right to be happy and love, and be in relationship, same-sex or not. Homophobes are just ignorant shitheads who are cruel and dont know shit. Especially religious ones. I'm Christian, im Jesus' number one fan, and i heard that the bible doesnt necessarily say that homosexuality is wrong- that if two men or two women sleep together LUSTFULLY then its wrong and unlawful but if their in a relationship then its perfectly fine. I read that two days ago, and i kinda believe it.
    God loves everybody, no matter what color, race, or sexual orentation, God couldn't or wouldn't hate anybody if He tried.
    So gay ppl deserve to be happy just as much as retarded straight ppl with fucked up views do, so ppl should shut their dirty mouths. I'm really becoming a stong beleiver and supporter of gay rights and people.
    And it seems to me that anyone who isn't straight, white, and has a decent amount of money, and a nice house has a shitty stereotype attached to their shirt.
    Hate this country.
    October 16th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • "they say... if someone hears a fact from 24 different sources, he/she will believe it. they've told us, oh, you're born 'that way', it's ok to love another guy."
    GET THE **** REAL!
    change is always possible, no matter the situation. a child can become a killer, a killer can become a mother, a mother can become a teacher, a teacher can become a hermit, a hermit can become a psychologist. i'm female and i admit that i understand having feelings for another female. but actually... being... close to that person is completely sick, ill, unnatural, disgusting, and perverted.
    and no, i make no apology for the truth."

    If I want to have feelings for, love, have sex with or be in a relationship with another girl - then I'm damned if I'm going 'change' my feelings to suit ignorant fucks like you. :)
    October 15th, 2008 at 07:05pm
  • i think it's stupid how people are against gay people. i'm bisexual and me and my friends that are lesbians/gays have been picked on, been called names etc. and supposedly back in shakespears time, most men back then were bisexual, or so i heard. so how can the world go from that many people being gay and people not caring to now, where if people come out they have to worry about getting picked on or getting beat up for it. idk that is how i feel.
    October 15th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • The topic has been shot to death, but an important issue never-the-less.
    October 14th, 2008 at 11:38pm
  • Okay, I lied.

    That comment wasn't "Just 'cause".

    That comment was for silent wanderer; the ignorant ass that cannot possibly say "change is always possible," and speak for other people.
    October 14th, 2008 at 11:22pm