The Digital Age Is Making Us Physically and Mentally Lazy? - Comments

  • ToTieBinds

    ToTieBinds (100)

    United States
    The technology we have today undeniably makes us physically lazy, hence the reason we have such a high obesity rate in the world today (or at least one of those reasons). It also pretty much wipes out any patience people have due to how instantaneous it is. I should know, I'm having trouble waiting for my dinner when I go out with my family because my brain just screams "I want it NOW!"

    It can make you mentally strong or lazy depending on how you use it. Like if someone uses the internet to debate with people about controversial topics, they're using it well. However, you know for certain that people "wHo TiP lYk DiS LoLz!1!!!!" aren't. But I guess it's okay because anyone who types in chatspeak is more than likely to have been a retard in the first place.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 12:37am
  • FnHeroes

    FnHeroes (100)

    mentally, yes. Physically, lets talk about it.

    Basically, without talking too much because im tired, noone can blame technology for lack of exercise is what im saying. People make their own choices. *Yawns* tomorrow ill elaborate if i remember.
    October 28th, 2008 at 07:19am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Definitely physically. Mentally, not quite so much.

    I recall a time when almost no one had a cell phone, when only certain people had access to the Internet. That was less than a decade ago. And while these technological advances should be celebrated, they should be slightly hated as well. Kids now spend the majority of their time playing video games instead of playing outside. It's rare to come across a child reading now. To me, that's ridiculous. I was never an athlete, but I would always choose playing outside (or occasionally reading) to watching television. So technology definitely affects physically.

    Technology makes things easier by reducing the time needed to do something. One example of this is the calculator. However, if you do not enter the math or the functions correctly, the answer will be wrong. So technology depends upon humans.
    Extreme reliance on technology is what makes us mentally lazy, not just using the tools.
    October 15th, 2008 at 10:56pm
  • Draco_Familiar

    Draco_Familiar (100)

    United States
    For people who remembewr that there was a time when there wasn't anything like the stuff we've got now, you;re right. They understand that your life isn't over when your cell phone needs repiar, that you can acttually walk to your friend's house. The poeple that don't use a calculator for arithmatic.

    But look past the sensible people who use tec to thier advantage, and you can see the pleathora of people who relie on technology for everyday life. The people that decide that if the remote is missing, the buttons on the TV suddenly don't work. The people that can't remember simple grammer laws, or how to add 5 and - 80. In general, the people who can't function without thier technological advantage. (these poeple annoy me, just thought I'd say that)
    October 15th, 2008 at 09:34pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    I think that it could be making us mentally lazy in the sense that it can have a negative effect on our attention span. What with the increased use of television and the internet, it's less common than it was in the past for us to take time out to read a book or something of the sort. Everything is fast because it's not uncommon for people to lose interest more easily.
    October 15th, 2008 at 10:04am
  • Opium.Rainbows

    Opium.Rainbows (100)

    Thank you! It's good to see people writing something original, rather than "omg homophobia is gay!!!!" or "lablez r for soup cans!!!!!"
    October 15th, 2008 at 06:36am
  • ResistThePressure

    ResistThePressure (100)

    United States
    I think the mentally lazy thing comes from the fact that you can find anything on the internet without having to do any work - just google it and BAM, instant homework assignment.
    But I do agree with everything else. Good, well written article. Very informative, insightful. By the way.
    October 15th, 2008 at 03:55am
  • auteur aspirant

    auteur aspirant (100)

    United States
    I kind of agree with Peido the Mute on some things. Besides the computer, I'm not big into technology. I tend to use library books instead of the internet, and I rarely use my cell phone to talk to people. I don't have texting on my phone because a lot of people who text are very rude answering and typing out messages.

    I do believe calculators are ruining how teenagers learn math. I hate that we have to use them because my teachers don't show us any other way to learn half of my math course, and I have too much trouble figuring it out on my own. Most people have a lot of spelling errors in handwritten essays whenever I look at my classmates essays, because they are so used to spell-check.

    I think the internet does have its benefits, and it is both positive and negative. I know a lot more about certain issues involving politics, medical diseases, self defense techniques, and how to manage money.

    Without my iPod, I probably wouldn't do as much exercise. It helps entertain me while I'm running, or walking my dog. It is a nice distraction.
    October 15th, 2008 at 03:48am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    I find technology a burden really. I miss the clunky old landlines and when no one had cellphones except for our parents because they were expensive and it was unecessary for children or teens to have them. I'm sort of gifted in the computer area and it bores me because anytime my parents don't get anything or anytime a classmate doesn't understand something, I have to help them- and that's a lot of the time spent on other people's work and not my own.

    I don't think we are so much lazy mentally as we are just plain dependant. Recently our school has chosen to keep us from using calculators in class as we are too dependable on them to do the work for us, and I think that is exactly what technology is to us. We use computers to do our research for most of the time. I've actually started using books again because I have poor internet connection on my computer and my dad hogs my parents'. I have no choice.

    As quick as the internet is and as nice a fact as that is, I'm trying to live without it. I don't text or call people on my cellphone all the time. I use maybe 20 minutes a month on my cell, and maybe text once a month. I watch little tv, and mostly read or buy movies or tv series on dvd. I really blame the technology for how violent our society is, and sure it's a stretch, but I have my reasons.

    Another example of how true it is that we're dependent is this friend of mine. Now, I've seen pictures of her as a child and she was over weight, but not horribly because she swam and ran and played. Now the most excersize she gets is on the Wii or by playing Rock Band drums. I have spent countless hours at this friend's house and just hanging at the mall. All we ever do is watch tv, play video games, or go see a movie. It's insane, I have no friends who can live without their precious technology and I have no friends that will run with me or play tennis or any sort of sport. I am the most active of my friends, and I find that sad.

    I hate most of the technology of this generation, and I pretty much hate my own generation because of their habits and dependence on trivial objects. Maybe I'm too influenced by Christopher McCandless, or maybe I'm just independent.
    October 15th, 2008 at 02:59am
  • Scarlet Bell

    Scarlet Bell (100)

    United States
    Without the internet I would have never found out about therianthropy, you can't find the word in a common school dictionary, or at a public library and a lot of people are relutent to tell people in the real world about it. Heck most people I've met (over the internet or sometimes a rare real world person) have NO idea what it means or is.
    October 14th, 2008 at 11:34pm
  • fleshyle

    fleshyle (100)

    United States
    I love this article :]]
    You know, people are also arguing about how technology is destroying originality in art work and effort, but it's all just ideas spilling out no matter how and in my opinion I'd rather be wasting pixels then wasting the paper from trees<3
    October 14th, 2008 at 10:16pm
  • Psyche Adrenaline

    Psyche Adrenaline (200)

    United States
    Great article. I concur.
    October 14th, 2008 at 05:44pm
  • Penguin.

    Penguin. (350)

    United Kingdom
    p.s. sorry for the spelling errors.
    October 14th, 2008 at 05:14pm
  • Penguin.

    Penguin. (350)

    United Kingdom
    I agree with you. Yeah, okay, maybe we don't have to pick up the phone to chat to our friends and we don't have to write everything out by hand, but with the knoledege we can get from one internet page could open up peoples mainds to anything!
    October 14th, 2008 at 05:13pm