Why should Homosexuals be doomed to eternal damnation?

Why should Homosexuals be doomed to eternal damnation? I don't believe that any person would choose to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Who would want to face all that ridicule? Honestly, what kind of person wakes up one day and says "Wow, I wonder how I'll get people to make fun of me today."

I'm sure most people know that Catholic - and many other - churches' religions include the rule that all homosexuals go to hell. Why? The reason for this rule is that God made man and woman to love the opposite sex, not the same.

Okay, sure, maybe liking someone of the same gender is not completely ethical. But, so what? Who, in their right mind, would choose that kind of life? Why would anyone want to face a life of being made fun of because of who they fell in love with. Nobody can help that kind of thing.

I am a practicing Catholic. That does not, however, mean that I have to believe in everything it teaches, no matter the contradictions of others. In my opinion, it is wrong for them to judge who is doomed to eternal damnation based on their sexual orientation. It's not just that. I bet you many catholics have been swayed at one point or another by one of their own sex. You can't tell me that you've never seen a boy/girl (whichever you are) and thought something along the lines of "Wow, they're really attractive." Not to mention other, less pure thoughts.

Believing that homosexuals don't deserve to go to hell, does not mean that you support homosexuality or that you're going to turn gay just because of it. To me, it just means that, you know, I'm not a homophobe, and I'm not about to ridicule someone because of some unfortunate mishap in fate.

Take a walk in their shoes. That means walking down the street everyday and, if you've come out of the closet, knowing there are people staring and judging you - even more so than if you're straight - because of someone you dated or fell in love with, or kissed that one time at that one party.

Catholics are a little begrudging in saying that "Okay, maybe you can't help it, but you do have the power to act on that impulse."

For crying out loud, it's either act on it or face a life of loneliness because you missed out on the one person that might have been able to make you happy! Would that be worth it? Having to simply let that person pass by because you're afraid. Having to live with not knowing what it could have been like if you had simply gone for it.

Some think that homosexuals are just weird. If everybody only took the time to reach out and get to know them, they would find that they're not all that different. I've met men I would have swore were completely straight - until I met they're boyfriend. Some of the funniest and nicest people I know are gay.

They're not different, or unworthy, or worth less than us just because of who they like. They're just people. I believe God chooses what is good and what is evil; not man.

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