Trick Or Treating, Is It Really SAFE?

Trick Or Treating, Is It Really SAFE? For each and every year of my life on October 31st I would dress up in some silly costume, be it ab princess or a vampire, and be let loss in my city, begging strangers for candies and other sweet treats. It has now come to my attention just how dangerous this holiday, which actually is not a federally declared holiday, is. Even in some of the nicest towns there are still sexual predators and Halloween would be the perfect night for them to pray on little kids running around unattended by parents. It's not safe.

Every year we are warned about candy, and the fact someone could have drugged it. "Never eat anything that is homemade or looks like it's been re-wrapped. wait until you get home and let your parents check your candy before eating it." Not likely. I know I wasn't the only kid who's parent's had a strict rule on my candy intake per day. The way I saw it, the more I ate while out, the less my mom could take from me. I'm sure other kids have inherited this and that it is still practiced. It just proves that kids won't listen and that puts them in more danger of being drugged.

This year on the news there was a bulletin saying that registered sex offenders could not have they're porch light on, open their door to children, or give out candy. That was only in the county where I live though and I don't know if they did that everywhere. Also just because the cops come and check once who says that the predators will listen and obey all night long? Letting kids run around, even in neighborhoods they know by heart, is very dangerous, especially because it seems that parents are getting less and less strict on the “don't talk to strangers” rule.

There are also dangers that parents don't even think about, such as bullies. It happens at school so who says it won't happen on Halloween? I have witnessed first hand and heard of my little kids being bullied by older kids for their candy. Stopping this problem doesn't mean keeping your younger kids in it just means making sure you go with them or having them go in groups of three or greater. Kids are always safer in groups and the safest with an adult.

I'm not saying Trick Or Treating should be canceled but parents should go about it a different way then most do. Yes there are dangers in almost everything but if your careful more than likely you can keep yourself out of a bad situation while enjoying the holiday of All Hallows Eve all while getting free candy, and I mean who doesn't love free candy? I know I sure do.

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