Everyone Should Have the Right to Be Happy

Everyone Should Have the Right to Be Happy Growing up I’ve always been told the most exciting part of life is finding that special person, your soul mate, and getting married. The ultimate goal seems to be marriage but the United States Government has decided it is their right to take the privilege of marriage away from homosexuals.

I’ve heard multiple reasons like religion, homosexuals cannot have children, morally wrong, and preserving the traditional family.

I’ve always heard God loves everyone, until you start talking to someone about homosexuals. Numerous times at my school or anywhere for that matter, when homosexuals are brought up people throw out “They’re going to Hell” or “God doesn’t love them” or something to that extent.

Really? Isn’t this the same God that I’ve been told loves everyone and forgives us for our sins?

It’s a paradox and a disgusting one at that. Not to mention that is only looking at it from a Christian stand point. What about all the other religions floating around America? What about separation of church and state?

It’s true that homosexuals can’t have children but what about adoption? Millions of children are in foster homes or orphanages with no parents and in desperate need of someone to call parents that will love them but they aren’t adopted for one reason or another. Homosexuals can’t produce children but they could provide loving homes to the ones already in the world.

The fact that people can even begin to disagree with gay marriage simply because it’s immoral is a joke, especially in America. America is a country of wealth where a lot of people are out for money and themselves, forgetting about their neighbor. We don’t seem to care about our fellow human beings anymore. People act bigoted and treat others all based on their previous biases. Teens are our drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and having relationships with little fidelity. All of this goes on blatantly daily and no one blinks and eye.

But homosexuality is the immoral thing in America that takes precedent over all else.

The traditional family is thought of as being a Mom, Dad, and a child, maybe two. People act as if that is the only way a family can function but the reality is that isn’t even really the traditional family anymore. What is happening more and more often is a Mom and Dad get married, have children, get divorced. The divorce rate has risen drastically in America.

Plain and simple love is love no matter who you are, what color your skin is, or your sexual preference. Homosexuals love their significant others the same way a heterosexual does. It’s ridiculous to be in the year 2008 and still have such a bigoted and narrow minded view. There is no reason that it should be illegal for gay marriage to exist. It’s ridiculous and stripping people of a basic right.

There is a war on; people are dying daily. The environment is in bad shape, the economy is horrible, jobs are being lost, houses being foreclosed, and the cost of living continues to rise while minimum wage stays the same.

There are so many things that are more detrimental to society.

We live in a time where there are so many reasons to be unhappy. If you can find that one other person you’re meant to be with and want to marry them no one should have the right to stop you from that regardless of your sexual orientation; especially in a country where one of the fundamental elements that it was founded on is the pursuit of happiness.

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