The New Generation: Laudable or Laughable? - Comments

  • It's a pretty good article.
    As for the disrespect thing, I do kind of think that we have that problem. But then again, didn't every generation? Maybe it's because I try to respect my elders, but sometimes I'm shocked at what people say to teachers and other adults.
    November 20th, 2008 at 11:17pm
  • I don't like to be grouped with the whole 'generation y' thing. I'm not disrespectful. I don't make hasty, rash decisions.
    =/ I can't see my generation being any different from older generations. This morning, at the post office I saw a fifty year old guy call the manager a 'fuckwit'.
    I don't know who comes up with these generalizations.

    I didn't mean to sound offensive, it's just my opinion. :) Nicely written article.
    November 19th, 2008 at 09:04am