Obama Drama?

Obama Drama? Racism. The word is tossed around daily. Of course, it isn't abolished and sadly, most likely never will be. It seems, though, the tables have turned, especially in one high school in Indianapolis, Indiana.

When I think of racism, I think of old white guys calling black people bad names. Growing up in the southern region of America, I heard many slurs including the infamous "N" word. Even now that I live in the northern region, I hear the word, but it is rare. The thing that gets me the most is, I hear black people being more racist against the white people now, especially in my school.

Don't get me wrong, I am not racist. I do not support racism in any form. I am a huge Barack Obama supporter. But I'm noticing that most of the kids at my school that do support him do not understand him at all.

The OD Squad. When I first saw the graffiti on one of the walls of my school, I laughed. The Overdose squad? Really? Then, I found out what it really meant. The Obama Drama Squad. It doesn't really sound that extreme or anything, but when you hear about what has happened, it definitely is.

"It's the black kids beating up the white kids who don't support Obama." said Ashley Taylor, a senior at Decatur Central High School. Taylor, 18, is an African-American student at my high school. Her brother is part of the OD Squad. She went on to talk about how Obama would not support this "squad" in any way if he only knew about it, and I agree whole-heartedly.

We have the freedom to speak out against or for a candidate, and for many other things. I don't understand why people are being scared into keeping their opinions to themselves. The Obama supporters at my school go around screaming Obama's name. If someone simply said that they believed McCain would have been the better candidate, they would get beat up. It's happened. I know of at least 3 fights that occurred on November 5th, the day after Election Day. One of the fights was a result of a girl telling her friend that she supported McCain. That was all that was said. For some reason, that didn't sit well with another student and that student proceeded to yell at the girl until they threw a punch. What happened to freedom of speech?

What would Barack Obama say or do if he knew what was going on? I'm sure if this is happening in one school, it has to be happening in others. I hope that the President Elect does find out about this and does speak out against it. School is a place for learning and these ridiculous fights that are taking place are taking away from its purpose.

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