Gay Marriages - Legalized?

Gay Marriages - Legalized? The United States of America is all about equality, right? And The United States of America is all about expressing yourself freely with out prejudice, right? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines equality as “the quality or state of being equal”. It defines prejudice as “an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics”.

Well, what about those people who can’t express themselves freely, without getting judged or having derogatory words said about them because of who they love? Or what about those people who don’t have equal rights because of their sexual orientation? I strongly believe same sex marriages should be made legal in The United States so that those people in homosexual relationships may have the same rights as those people in heterosexual relationships and, if they wish, be able to take their relationships to the next level.

10% of the population in the U.S. has exposed themselves as homosexual compared to the 12.1% of United States citizens that are Afro-American. The Afro-American population is considered a minority. There are laws that were made to make things equal for minorities; shouldn’t this include the gay community? Shouldn’t all men be equal no matter what? In the 19th century, The Declaration of Independence was signed; one of the things stated on this vital U.S. document was "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." It didn’t say all men are created equal, unless you are a man and you have a sexual preference for other men. The government of The United States worked so hard to make things equal for minorities in the community, now people aren’t getting equal rights because of the sex they prefer to have relations with.

Think about this; if you truly loved someone, and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them, wouldn’t you marry them? Well, what if someone told you no, you couldn’t because you both were the same gender? How do you think that would make you feel? A marriage is an intimate or close union. It is a ceremony where two souls are united. Sexual preference should not matter! Love is love! It has the same definition for everyone, no matter whom it is that you decide to love. If you would want to be able to marry the person you wanted, wouldn’t you want that for everyone else, because we are all equal?

According to many behavioral geneticists, there is a gene that is in some males that make them gay. You are born with your genetic makeup. You don’t get to pick it. Another thing that a person can be born with is autism. You wouldn’t tell someone born with a disease like autism that they couldn’t get married because they were born with it, so why would you tell someone born gay that they don’t have they right to get married? There is genetic code for autism and homosexuality, shouldn’t they be treated the same?

Many people are against gay marriages because in the Bible, it says homosexuality is a sin. In the bible, doesn’t it say that all sins are forgiven? So if all sins are forgiven doesn’t that mean homosexuality is forgiven as well as any other sin? Another thing the Bible says is that you shouldn’t judge a person; that is also a sin. Therefore all of those people judging people for being homosexual are on the very same page as them, sinners that were forgiven. Once again saying everyone is equal.

The Declaration of Independence, an important document to The United States, clearly states that citizens have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every citizen in The United States has the right to pursue what makes them happy. It doesn’t say everyone, except homosexuals, have these born rights.

I believe same sex marriages should be made legal in The United States of America because all humans are created equal; no matter what your age, race, religion, or sexual preference is. We are all people with feelings and emotions. All people should be treated the same: fairly and with justice. All people should be able to make their own choices for their lives and life styles, especially with who their life partners are. If you believe the same way, that gay marriages should be legalized, vote! Next time you have the chance to vote for legalizing gay marriages, do it. You could also start a petition and send it to your local congressmen. This inequality won’t change unless people stand up for it and fight to make things equal for everyone.

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