The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year December rolls in and with it comes cold weather, Holiday excitement, and good cheer. As opposed to the previous eleven months, people care about their neighbor, about the homeless man on the street, about the people who don’t have a place to be on Christmas day. People donate their spare change to the Salvation Army and various other organizations. We give our time to Soup Kitchens, wrapping presents at orphanages, and do various charity work. We are kinder to our neighbors and make more of an effort to be nice to everyone, including complete strangers.

Why does this only happen in December? There are homeless on the street all year. Why can’t we harbor these concerns year round? Charities need donations all year. Why does it take the holidays to give the people the initiative to have good will? The needs that exist in December also exist January through November.

Well, I think it is time we harvest these values we hold so high in December all year round. Everyone talks about changing the world, this is a great way to start. I believe in caring about each other and loving one another all the time. It’s not a silly, socialist, or unachievable thought. We can do this.

This year we elected the first African American President. Yes, we can change our attitude. Yes, we can change our perspective. Yes, we can make it the most wonderful time of the year all year.

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