Living With or Without Others

Living With or Without Others Relationships can be important to one person, whereas the other person says they can live without. I am the kind of person who thinks they are important and cannot live without them. Now you all know where I stand on the matter. Now other people can look at them as more trouble than they are worth or too much responsibility. There are many ways to look at them from both points of view, whether it is a romantic relationship or just having a few best friends among other good acquaintances. Relationships are mutual feelings and security among two or more people.

Lets look at the pros:

  • Relationships provide a sense of meaning and necessity.
  • They allow you to share your secrets and desires with a sole person or group.
  • Relationships let you help out others with their problems and in turn they help out you with you problems.
  • They can allow you to be yourself with that person or group without feeling the sense of pressure or a certain standard to follow.
  • And overall, relationships can be fun and worth-while.

There are many more, but these are top reasons.

Now the cons:

  • They require you to be there whenever someone calls for your help, advice, et cetera.
  • Relationships require responsibility.
  • They require loving and caring for that person or group (lover or friend).
  • When in a relationship, you have to give the utmost commitment, or you shall loose the person with you in that relationship.
  • There are many more, but these are top reasons.

Now most people that look at this at first without he experience and knowledge of knowing what a relationship is like is going to say "Those cons are extremely tough", or "The bad outweighs the good". Others on the other hand will say vice-versa and "I think the cons are little to pay for the fruits of a relationship".

As I said, I am the second person described. The reason being, I have lost my friends one time or another due to a petty argument or some other reason. This caused me to go on for sometime without their help, advice, company, et cetera. I realized as i am sure some have also realized, that I cannot live without that person(s). They mean a lot to me and help me in a lot of ways than can be described.

The people of the other party (the first described response) have probably lived without a relationship because they have chosen to, or because they thought they didn't need a relationship. They realized the responsibilities and have figured they outweigh the good of a relationship.

Now I have tried to defend both parties, but cant help to be a little biased in the light of relationships due to my opinion of them stated already above. I think they are necessary and have chosen to write this article to shed a little light on the good and bad of relationships. You (being the reader) and decide whether they are right for you or not...

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