American Racists

American Racists America is indeed a melting pot. People of many different cultures live there, and many of these cultures are accepted. A person who is, for example, a mixture of German, Polish, and Russian would be considered an American, if they were in fact born in America. However, if someone who was only one of these ethnicities and was born in a different country, they may be treated differently.

If one were to walk into a Chinese restaurant, which are quite common in America, one may hear the Chinese owners and workers speaking their native tongue. One may also hear many quiet conversations between Americans discussing how they disliked someone speaking a different language. They may make a remark about the Asians' ethnicity, or even make rude faces in attempt to look like one of the workers. The saddest part is: the Chinese owners and workers almost always know they are being discriminated for speaking the language that makes them most comfortable.

Asians are not the only ones Americans discriminate. People of Middle-Eastern culture are perhaps the ones discriminated the most. All are blamed for America being on bad terms with Middle-Eastern countries. People call them "terrorists", and make jokes about them bombing America. They are treated as though they personally were responsible for the 9/11 attack.

Mexican people are also discriminated often. There are many jokes about all Mexicans being illegal aliens. They are constantly told to go back to their country. Some people do not even bother to learn Mexicans' names. They may be called something like "Jose Quervo" or "Pedro", or sometimes even just "the Mexican", as if they do not matter.

Europeans are not as highly discriminated, but there are colorful names such as a Polish person being reffered to as a "Pollock" or a French person being called a "dirty Frenchman". There are jokes about Italians, usually associated with the Mafia, and jokes about Irish people, usually associated with drinking. Germans are commonly known as "Nazis" and a Romanian may be called a "vampire".

Americans also discriminate against each other. Caucasians may be known as "Wonderbread" or "crackers". African-Americans may be called "gangsters" or "cocoa crime time". There are certainly names that are considered more offensive, but they should not be used, even for informational purposes.

Not only are Americans afraid of people from different countries, but of different religions too. Pagans, Jews, Atheists, Satanists, and Muslims are commonly discriminated against. A man with a turban may be called something as fowl as a "Towel Head" and a woman with her robes and veil may be called something just as horrible. A person who is openly Jewish may be called a "dirty Jew". People may completely avoid a Satanist and call a Pagan a "witch" or make jokes about magic. Atheists may be constantly interrogated about their beliefs, people of Christian religions attempting to push them towards Christianity.

In summation, America is full of racists. Certainly not all Americans are racists, for, that would be racist to accuse them of such a thing. However, society has made many of them that way, and people need to start making America a better place.

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