American Racists - Comments

  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    I also believe Audrey T pointed out a lot of good points as well.

    The more I think about it, in this article you're somewhat discriminating against Americans.
    January 12th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • acid tongue;

    acid tongue; (150)

    United States
    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure that every country in the whole entire world has racists. English racists, Spanish racists, Middle Eastern racists, Chinese racists, and surely American racists. However, America is not full of racists. There are some Americans who are racist, but personally I feel that number is outweighed by the number of people who ARE NOT racist.

    Maybe you should be more open-minded and do a little more research before writing an article, because, like many others have pointed out, this is not very factual.
    January 12th, 2009 at 12:12am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    Wouldn't this be racist against Americans if American was a race?

    America isn't the only place in the world full of racism. Didn't Prince Harry just get in trouble for racist comments? And I know that in India just a month ago there were Americans and Europeans who were killed for being just that. And isn't there still a big stink between Jews and Muslims? I am American and I'm proud about it. I have no reason to hate another person if they have not personally done something to me, or the people I know, or to my country.

    Racism is something strong and it shouldn't be flung around or assumed as a major characteristic of any one race or country. People are individuals. You can't go around blaming every little thing wrong in the world on one country.
    January 11th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • Disenchanted Evening

    Disenchanted Evening (100)

    United States
    This article bordered on ridiculous.

    [i]Certainly not all Americans are racists, for, that would be racist to accuse them of such a thing.[/i]

    First off, that contradicted nearly every point that you made in your article. You spoke as if each and every American were the same: a closed-minded, discriminatory "racist" with no respect for others.

    I actually found this more than simply was offensive.

    [i]Americans also discriminate against each other...Asians are not the only ones Americans discriminate...One may also hear many quiet conversations between Americans discussing how they disliked someone speaking a different language...Not only are Americans afraid of people from different countries...[/i]

    I'm American. I may not be the most patriotic person in the country, but I do know when people have crossed the line between making a point about my country and being blatantly offensive. There are far more respectful, understanding, and open-minded people in America than you have illustrated in your article. I would be very interested to know in which part of America you live, because, frankly, you've got a really warped view of most of modern America's mindset.

    In summation, please consider more than your immediate surroundings or what you see on the TV before writing an article.
    January 11th, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    There was just so many things wrong and completely untrue in this article.

    Starting with your blurb: [i]Since America is such a large country, many American people are isolated.[/i] No, because America is such a large and DIVERSE country, many Americans are exposed to many different cultures.

    [i]Not only are Americans afraid of people from different countries, but of different religions too.[/i]

    ^ 'Americans" are not "afraid" of people from different countries. SOME Americans are PREJUDICE against people of different countries and religions. There's a difference.

    [i]Certainly not all Americans are racists, for, that would be racist to accuse them of such a thing.[/i]

    Just saying that at the end of your article isn't going to negate all the offensive assumptions you've made. I have no idea where you're from, but you've got a lot of things wrongs. You may want to do a bit more research about racism and prejudice in America before you write an article about it.
    January 11th, 2009 at 09:35pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    "In summation, America is full of racists."

    That's hardly true. Yes, like any other country, America has it's racist, but it's most certainly not 'filled with racist.' That's such an drastic overstatement.
    January 11th, 2009 at 09:27pm
  • A.Lifeless.Rose.

    A.Lifeless.Rose. (150)

    United States
    All people are prejudice, it's just a fact. You just deal with it. Yeah it sucks. No we can't do anything about it. People make up their minds, you can't change it.
    January 11th, 2009 at 08:05pm
  • z3ez

    z3ez (110)

    United States
    Instead of rephrasing what Lacey Mosely and Geesecks said I'll just say I agree with them 100% as a Christian. Not that anybody cares, I mean it's Chritianity, how gives a fuck if Christians are discriminated against.

    Oh and to DRAMA QUEEN, my friends and I make race jokes torwards [i]each other[/i] all of the time. We're not mean, we're not hateful, and we're certainly not rascist. We're joking with each other about stereotypes, I joke about my own race all of the time. I'm half mexican half white and one of my other friends is as well, and we jokes about being coconuts because we're brown on the outside and white on the inside. It's nothing but a light hearted joke we make against ourselves because we have a sense of humor and don't take every little thing seriously.

    The mexican and black kids at my school are called "gangstas" when they dress like fucking gangstas not because of their race, even a lot of white kids are called the same because of the way they dress and act. It's not a rascist statement, it's usually a fact. Some people actually do live up to the stereotypes of their race.

    This is a well written article, but if you're going to cover rascism try to be just a little bit more fair rather than acting like it comes from one specific source. Rascism was around [i]long[/i] before America was.
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:47pm
  • Nicole Narcotic !

    Nicole Narcotic ! (100)

    United States
    Yeah. You're totally right. It's all us Americans' fault.

    No offense, but I'm sick of hearing this. We're blamed for everything. It's insane. We've got people of different ethnicities in almost every branch of government. We will soon have a black president in the White House. We're SO racist. Tell me about it.

    I've got friends of every race, creed, and religion. Sometimes we tease eachother. Sometimes my friend, who is African-American, comes up to me and says "You white people are crazy!" and we all have a good laugh. I don't know what country you are from, but I gaurantee your country is just as racist as America if not more so. People do NOT have the right to burn our flags. Just the fact you wrote this article is being discriminatory. And you DO seem to be mixing up discrimination with racism. They're different.

    If you had put the WORLD is racist I probably would have agreed. But when you single out a country, that's just wrong. Completely, completely, wrong.

    Everybody has said something discriminatory in their lives. You included.
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    Mollirot, America is a scapegoat for the world's problems. We didn't cause the problems alone; so did every other country on the world. Everyone hates us because they can't take responsibility. I'm sorry, but that seems to be the truth.
    January 11th, 2009 at 06:04pm
  • The Lovecraft

    The Lovecraft (500)

    well, first of all, technically, the examples you gave were, in majority, not cases of racism, but xenophobia, at most. but I don;t think it's even that in most cases. it's just people establishing stereotypes to defend themselves in front of the unknown, which, as we know, is the thing that scares people most.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:56pm
  • Oh Desdemona!

    Oh Desdemona! (300)

    oh god.
    don't even get me started on how rude people can be when I tell them I'm PALESTINIAN for god's sake.
    it's like -_-
    they're like "woah! are your parents terrorists?" and I"m like -_- and they're all "just kidding man" like ha. ha. that is SO funny.
    and like "why don't you wear that weird thing on your head?" and I'm like "that 'weird thing' is a HIJAB and I don't wear it 'cause I'm not Muslim, genius."
    like come on.
    and I'm Canadian. we're supposed to be multicultural up here.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:53pm
  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's a shame how this article seems to be quite true.
    And America wonders why "everyone is out to get them". It's this kinda stuff which is why people burn your flag in other countries.
    But let's face it, no-one's really colour blind (just like the Avenue Q song says).
    Well-written article, and it's clearly struck a chord with the Mibba community- seeing as you've gotten this many comments.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    I also believe that it is false that society has created this racism. Most of the time, racist children are spawned from parents that are racist as well. People are more apt to develop racist view points from their families, versus society in my opinion.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    I personally believe this article has a good point, but negative epic points to the author. This article is very one-sided, and when documenting on such a controversial subject, one should cover both sides of the topic. This makes it sound as if all Americans are racist, which is definitely false. It also fails to point out that perhaps the other races mentioned could be racist against Americans as well.

    I am definitely 100% against racism, and I believe that it is truly sad that some people are so close minded to other cultures that are out there.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:21pm
  • John W. Lennon

    John W. Lennon (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    There are a lot of Americans who are racist, but there are also a lot of people from different ethnicities who discriminate against Americans. I'm English, and when I went on holiday to France, there were a group of French kids on our campsite who made fun of me for about a week because I was English.

    Racism is everywhere, not just in America.
    January 11th, 2009 at 01:44pm
  • I Rock

    I Rock (200)

    United States
    Ok, I hate racism, and people who are prejudiced are all cunts that can kiss my ass.

    But, I have no problem with a little joke here and there.
    As long as it's all in good fun. If it's not meant in a hateful way then I'm fine with it.

    But that's just me. Some people may feel diffrent.
    I really don't care if people call me a terrorist, as long as I know they're just joking.
    because I know I'm not, and they do as well.

    But I totally get ur point and this is an amazing article! :D
    January 11th, 2009 at 01:01pm
  • Missand

    Missand (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Some people have failed to mention that it's not only white people that dish out racism. Black people do at aswell. It works both ways.
    January 11th, 2009 at 12:02pm
  • Miss.Understanding

    Miss.Understanding (100)

    United States
    No matter what someone may say. We all are racist in some way, no matter if it's just a joke or slip of the tongue, or we're teasing a friend.

    It'd bound to happen, when you mean it to be cruel, that's when it starts to get bad. You'd think that after so much that has been done, there would be less hate towards african americans, or asians ect ect. But no, for the most part, people still hate people who are different in anyway.

    Like that group of so called 'Skin Heads' who planned to assassinate Obama, the ignorance of people continues to astound me.

    Very good article.
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:56am
  • nutmeg-smithy-165

    nutmeg-smithy-165 (100)

    United States
    my mother and her 2 siblings were called "Mickey Wop" or "Finny guinea" because they are half irish and half italian.
    mexicans aren't the only illegals in this country. there are more from all over the world. i welcome them into the country but if they don't speak english i have a problem. my great-grandmother didn't have signs in italian to help her get around.
    and what pisses me off is when and african-american person comes up to me or we have and altercation and says that my family has been against his family since slavery started. no they haven't. i'm 3rd generation irish, italian, and german. my family hasn't been her since the revolutiolnary war or whatever. (this has happened to me too by th way)

    racism is everywhere.

    And Drama Queen me and my friends make fun of people of different ethnicities too. a lot of people do. so take a chill pill and calm down.

    ok article.
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:20am