Christianity: The Easy One to Blame

Christianity: The Easy One to Blame For quite a while, Christianity has taken unwarranted criticism from people worldwide. It seems that in our world today people feel they have the right to insult and degrade this religion, and I have to ask, why?

In life and on the Internet, if there is ever a topic of “questionable morality” raised, Christianity is the first institution to be attacked. What do I mean? Well...

Take the issue of homosexuality. Some believe there is nothing wrong with this choice in life, while others believe that it is unnatural and do not accept it. If anyone chooses the latter argument in a discussion, voices are raised about Christianities out dated belief system, the religions discrimination and the idiocy of it all. Well lets look at the facts. No, Christianity does not agree with homosexuality. But then again, neither does Islam, or Judaism. Hinduism and Buddhism are undefined, neither agreeing nor disagreeing strongly. And what says that those who disagree with homosexuality must be Christian? Or that they follow a religion at all? (Also a short point I’d like to make is that just because a person does not agree with homosexuality does not mean they’re a homophobe.)

Abortion is another issue regarding which, most negativity is aimed at Christianity. Once again why? Well here the answer has little to do with abortion itself, it has to do with the fact that Christianity has stood up and announced its views. Christianity publicly believes that a fetus is a human being. And the question of abortion has always been: is the fetus considered human? If yes, an abortion is murder, (and I dare you to find a religion or even a (sane) person that no qualms about murder). If no, then there is no problem with abortion. So Christianity gets slated because it chose a side, where other religions are either too indecisive or scared to choose. This decision also rarely has any sway on large amounts of people. So what gives people the right to insult a religion that in all honesty has nothing to do with this problem?

In many countries, issues such as gay marriage and abortion are put to a vote, some places they say Yes, some places they say No. There is no argument as to whether the majority disagree with the outcome, as the majority chooses the outcome. In many countries freedom of speech and freedom of religion are held in high regard. Is it impossible to accept that religion is not always responsible for speech? Some Christians agree with homosexuality and/or abortion, some don’t. This is the same for Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, Wicca, Atheists, Agnostics, Scientologists Confucians, Taoists... Name a belief system, and you’ll find people on both sides of the argument. So before you decide to blame Christianity for all of life's problems, actually look and see if it is the religion causing the outcome or was it the average person on the street? Members of a religion rarely follow it word for word. Just think: no religion condones murder, but how many wars can you think of, that were blamed on religion?

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