Christianity: The Easy One to Blame - Comments

  • Christianity gets blamed for a lot because 33% of the world is Christian and 85% in America. Christianity is what a lot of people know about so naturally that's what they would use to validate their arguments.
    And, like you said in your article("it has to do with the fact that Christianity has stood up and announced its views.") Christians do make their opinions known. Anytime an opinion is made public there is going to be someone that disagrees.
    But, I liked your article, it was well written.
    January 18th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • I dislike them because whenever they have a disagreeing opinion they hide behind the bible.
    January 18th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • Yes Christians aren't the only ones opposing those issues, but they take the most flak because people in North America are mostly Christain. It would make no sense to cite Judiaism or Islam in these arguments with religion; they aren't big enough.

    Christians have the largest North American population and the most people following it, therefore, most of the people agaisnt these issues are going to be Christian, hence why the Christians are taking comparitively more fire.
    January 17th, 2009 at 11:14pm