Wiccan, Paganism Or Witchcraft - Comments

  • This is a decent article, but maybe a question to ask yourself when writing about something like this [as in something that has had many, many articles about it] when you are writing it you should ask yourself: "What point do I want to make in this article that makes in different than every other article written about this topic?"
    Because this was an OK article, but frankly I've heard it all before. And I honestly couldn't tell if you were trying to convince people to become Wiccan, or telling them not too. Making your thesis clearer and making it more original would take this a lot further.
    January 31st, 2009 at 06:31am
  • I'm Wiccan.
    I didn't care for this much and it made my friend pretty mad. I'm not trying to make anyone angry here but I think you shouldn't have jumped back and forth between your opinion and everyone else's. I'm glad you brought up the subject but maybe I would have stated it differently? Some people might take it the wrong way (unless you were saying) not to be/become a Wiccan.
    But that's just my reasoning, message me for a continuation.. Maybe?
    January 31st, 2009 at 03:55am
  • *Gets prepared to get her throat ripped out*
    I didn't really enjoy this article, considering I am also Wiccan and you did not give any good reasons as to why people should or should not practice the religion. You also didn't tell anything about the religion or the fact that paganism is a different kind of Wicca.
    I'm also questioning how you do not believe in god when witchcraft is based off of the earth, which our gods and goddesses create.
    Although I do congratulate you on bringing some attention to the religion, I really think you need to be more specific with things and next time, don't jump between being personal and referring to the rest of the world.
    I hope you can accept that this is not a stab at you, nor do I dislike you in anyway as I do not know you. I was merely hoping to initiate a conversation/debate. a non-harmful one 0_0
    thanks for reading my semi rant :|
    message to continue?
    January 31st, 2009 at 12:44am
  • I am a solitary wiccan, no-one in my family is wiccan but it is something i understand and it helps me to see who i am in life, i've been wiccan for 2 years and i find it really fascinating because you can always discover things about yourself and sometimes the world around you :)
    January 30th, 2009 at 07:47pm
  • I'm starting my Wiccan practise.
    Now.. I belive in god... belive that we come frome two species of ape and belive in the god anubis... aah well.

    Anyway, good article, my mom is a pyshic reader, kinda and does readings. She said,

    "Don't do anything bad" and... "Don't do something to manitulite people." and... "Do not create something for your benifit."

    But yeah, all go for it!
    January 30th, 2009 at 07:10pm
  • I'm Wiccan.
    My parents are christians but their open on everyones religion and when I was small they read me mythology instead of what most parents do (Ex. make their kids read the Bible)

    But I must admit. When I turned 12 I didn't want to be a christian because I realized that most christians are two faced (but who isn't)
    And that most contradicted themselves. So~ after spending a long time in my head trying to solve my questions.... I realized that for every person, their is a type of belief. (Even Atheist's)

    Then when I told my Mom I was Wiccan because I could understand the religion better then the Bible she told me something that knocked me off my feet.


    It was weird. Awsome, but weird. Here my mom knew what our family consisted of but she was never going to tell me.
    I felt akward by such a huge secret but it made me realize that mom never wanted me to be wiccan but when I did find out she let me see all her books and tarot cards.
    I think it was destiny of heritage. Or just faith.
    January 30th, 2009 at 04:02am
  • oh wait this was the wrong article. hand on. no wait. gah sorryi sounded pretty assy just then. lol. whoops. just read it. yeah its a gud artcle.

    no idea how i did that. haha
    January 29th, 2009 at 08:40pm
  • ok welll by the way u r sayin i think its pretty wrong to tell people what not to b. its different for everyone so just because it doesn't work out for you doesn't men u shud say don't join a coven or don't be a wiccan. i mean personally i think its a rather interestin religion and very personal.
    i do beleive that wicca is looked down upon tooo much and does deserve some credit. i though paganism was bad and sligtly different to normal wicca but there you go.
    this article was well written though :)
    January 29th, 2009 at 08:38pm
  • Nice article.

    I love the idea of having your own personal Book of Shadows, in as far as keeping a record of your favourite things etc. Though I'm not in agreement with a lot of the rituals; though those are dependent on coven.

    Hand fasting is beautiful though.

    However, I'm a Christian, and I do think there's a God, though I think he's something our brains can't quite comprehend, not the old-man-in-the-sky, and not necessarily the perfect being everyone talks about.

    Again, nice article. ^_^
    January 29th, 2009 at 07:41pm
  • Nice artical.

    I am Wiccan, I do belong to a coven.

    It isn't right for some people, just as you said, but just because it isn't right for you doesn't mean it's unjust. Many believ that it is devil worship, when It's not, that would be Satanism.

    Over-all though, good job.
    January 29th, 2009 at 06:10pm
  • Nice article,
    I personal know a few Wiccans.
    And most times, when looking back in history, Wiccas aren't exactly the witches that we dress up for Halloween.
    Wiccas are skilled with herbs and could heal the sick (and other stuff)
    Thats why they were killed in the many witch hunts, because they could heal the sick - why not be able to make them sick.
    And thus, the evil witch myth was born!
    Wiccans are so not like that - andI like how you made that point in your article.
    January 29th, 2009 at 04:16pm
  • It seems to me that Wiccanism is more of a form of philosophy than religion.That's cool,very interesting.Good article.
    January 29th, 2009 at 07:40am
  • Though I only skimmed your article, I have to say I agree with what I glimpsed at. I am a pagan myself and I strongly agree with the fact that you can't become one, you just are. Just be cautious on who you share that you are with, most people get the wrong idea and think that you worship satan, which is 100% untrue, for how can you worship something you do not believe in? But if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask, but it seems like you know your stuff already.
    January 29th, 2009 at 04:41am
  • Good article ^.^
    January 29th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • My mum's a wiccan.
    Great article- very nicely described and in a way that feels un-preachey. ^^
    January 29th, 2009 at 01:43am
  • My family is Wiccan. You do not have to be in a coven to be a Wiccan. There are thousands of solitary practitioners out there. Also, you do need to study the rituals and how to be a responsible witch, and there is a code of morality, such as "an it harm none, do what ye will." Also, the bit about how you don't believe there is a god but still practice Wicca confused me; two figureheads in Wicca are the Horned God & the Triple Goddess =S
    The spelling and grammar was good, but I would have liked to see an article illustrating the actual beliefs of Wicca. If you want to learn more, read [i]The Spiral Dance[/i] by Starhawk or anything by Doreen Valiente.
    January 29th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • I'm Wiccan.
    Great article.
    January 28th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • I',m pagan, awesome post :D
    January 28th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • Good article. I am learning about Wicca but not for becoming one. I just like hearing and learning of beliefs and such. I find often that teens (for the most part) that join a coven or claim to be Wicca is doing it for imagery purposes which is irritating, even if it is not Wicca. I like how your article had tried to convince those teens other wise.
    January 28th, 2009 at 06:45pm
  • I really wish I knew more about Wicca. I wish I knew why people "hate" Wiccans.
    January 28th, 2009 at 06:09pm