Keep Believing!

Keep Believing! You know that anticipation that gets built up when you ask for your first cell phone and you are very confident you will get it? Well That feeling is felt when the use of faith comes in to play. Faith is the ultimate source for confidence, in my opinion. When you have strong faith, you don't need to know the truth or see it to believe it, you can just trust in whatever proof you have that it is the true thing and that it exists or that it is going to happen (whatever "it" is).

The true definition of faith is... confidence or trust in a person or thing based on a belief that is not necessarily true or prooven. When someone brings up the topic of faith the first thing that comes to mind for most people is religion. Yes, faith is involved with religion greatly. Without this element in religion, religion wouldn't exist to the extent it does today. But faith is not only incorporated with religion, but also the daily lives of us all who use this virtue to its full extent.

Faith is simply believing in something that is not necessarily factual as stated above. People use faith in the situations at school, work, spare time, and generally a lot of times a day. When someone uses faith, they have hit the ultimate source of confidence, but not in all cases. If you have a strong sense of faith and use faith a lot, then you are probably an overall confident person. If someone does not use faith then they are more likely to be meek and insecure in their own thoughts and a very unconfident person in their life.

Now it is obviously different from case to case as to whether or not a person is how I described based on their use of faith. I am just simply stating that having a strong sense of faith can benefit you for the most part. You will be more confident. Faith also will make you a positive thinker. You will have confidence and faith in all things that you believe in and then you will not be so pessimistic.

I have just realized in the past few years that with the world and the way the economy is and just general happenings and the status and position of things in today's world, people do become more negative and don't have the faith they used to and they become very unhappy people. Times are tough for a lot now and because times are so tough it is harder and harder each day for us to be positive and faithful in things. Trust me, I have experienced this first hand, but my strong faith in daily things and my Catholic faith is helping me continue to be positive and confident.

So I am done ranting about faith, but on a final note, I encourage all who read this, to heed my advice and take my words to heart and try and be a more faithful person, not just in religion, but all things. I am confident that faith will keep you going and will help you out in the long run. It will be hard at first, but with a little trust and continually practicing this virtue, you will be better off in the long run! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles.

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