Self-Mutilation: Disease of Attention Gainer.

Self-Mutilation: Disease of Attention Gainer. Self-Mutilation.

Most people would expect that self-mutilation is a neurological disorder and is dealt with in the practices of psychiatrists and psychologists alike. That has been proven incorrect.

In the psychiatric field self-mutilation was dubbed: incurable in the 1970’s. People who hurt themselves purposefully were called “Some sick cookies.” They were cast aside and they weren’t treated for what is a common “disorder” today.

As many articles before mine have stated: Self-Mutilation has been around, more predominant now than any other era, since the 1950’s of the first reported cases. There have been many more throughout history, but those were more religious acts than anything else and people of 21st century would more than likely dub them religious acts still.

But Self-Mutilation has been stated to have been caused by: Emotions/Mental disorders, but it isn’t located any where in: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders. As stated in the self help book: Cutting they describe what disorders are not in this book, to be:

This failure on the part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual to consider a severe, physically endangering, and sometimes life-threatening psychological behavior as a disorder means that clinical efforts to understand the problem are in danger of remaining on the back burner. For victims and their families, this means that most who suffer will continue to do so.

They’re basically telling you you’re going to remain a cutter. You and your family will continue to be ruined. Because they don’t think its treatable.

I believe they should take more research and effort into figuring out why people continue to cut years after they have been diagnosed “cured.” They should take more time into taking care of the self-mutilators than sending checking them off as people who will never get better.

Standing on the side of a recovering self-mutilator, I believe there is hope to get better. And for the psychiatric society to write us off as in curable, and therefore cancel treatment and just send us to group therapy or write us a prescription for bi-polar disorder. [usually.]

Even though psychology majors are meant to study the habits of a mutilator, and the anatomy of their disease, they like many others, would refuse to treat.

I think it should be placed in the Manual and be written as a disorder and have research done on why so many mutilators relapse and why many of them end up doing it in the first place. Even the problem has been treated and they’ve said to have gotten over it. Years later, are still doing it.

Some think mutilation is just an attention craver and then when someone explains the situation: most, not all, say the problem they mutilate over is nothing compared to many others. Since I don’t know any one personal who is this way, besides the hypocrites in school who I don’t ever pay any attention to, I don’t have anymore to add to this statement except they don’t usually get the full story, only the bits and pieces they’re allowed to hear from the mutilator.

With your opinions please explain if you believe Self-Mutilation is a disease of just a person trying to gain attention.

If any one is someone who harms themselves and takes any offense to anything I have said, please do not be upset. I tried to cover all self mutilation subjects with the word: Mutilation. If it offended you. I tell you my apologies now.

Source: Cutting by: Steven Levenkron author of Anatomy of Anorexia.

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