Stereotyping And Labeling

Stereotyping And Labeling Emo, punk, prep, emo, goth, candy kids, nerd, hippy, geek, poser, skater, rocker, scene, jock, gangsta, etc; the list literally goes on and on and on. These words are used to describe people in one word. I, like many others have seen the effects of labels. Labels can be used in many ways for the good and the bad. Most if not all of us have gone through it. I’ve read article upon article about labels and I guess I’m adding another but I felt like I should add my own opinion on the matter.

I honestly feel that there is nothing wrong with labels. There is something wrong with how they are usually used. Often these labels are used in a discriminating way to mock people. There’s definitely something wrong with it then. Emo seems to be the most highly mocked label out there. Do a YouTube search on “How to be Emo” and you’ll find multiple videos all of which (that I’ve seen) are mocking.

One of the most known videos I’ve found and seem to see everywhere is a perfect example of “emo discrimination”. Read through some of the comments for the video. This is an example of labels being used wrongly. If you dress emo you must be emo or in the opposite manner, if you don’t look emo you’re not emo. It’s all a “fit the profile” sort of thing now.

Now, I’m all for labels but when they are used to hurt others or to cut other people down then I believe there’s a problem. Schools, parents, law enforcement, etc seem to be doing nothing about this saying it’s just another fad. I’ve seen people being harassed because of a label others put on them. You can go to your parents; they say something to the school and nothing happens. Half the time the student who’s harassing others is never even spoken to.

Some of the other labels such as nerd or geek also can be hurtful. There are many words that mean the same thing. Words like, loser, dork, dweeb, etc. A nerd is usually an individual whose IQ exceeds his height. They’re usually made fun of and bullied because of their intelligence. In some other cases nerds are people who do not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers or classmates do.

These people seem to have it rough much like those who fall under the emo category. These two groups seem to be the most bullied. At least from what I have seen and researched. These labels are ones that are usually used to discriminate people and thus, are used in a horrible way that I do not support. The way these labels are used on a person, is not okay.

Preps and jocks on the other hand seem to have it good. They’re usually known as the populars. These people usually follow the trends set and are up to date with the latest fashions. They are often known for having the money, the clothing, and the stuff. Often preps believe the world revolves around them.

Now, normally these kinds of people are known for “ruling the school”. Sadly, in most cases these people aren’t the friendliest.

There are so many different labels out there and for each a different definition and a different misconception. Labels and stereotypes are for the most part just pointless words used to classify people into categories because of what they wear, what they listen to, and how they act.

In most cases, the people labeling others usually have no idea what they’re talking about. In such cases like if you listen to the band ‘My Chemical Romance’ labels say you are an emo. Sadly, this isn’t true. Just because you listen to that band does not mean you are an emo or anything like it. In the same sense just because you wear a lot of pink, are a cheerleader, and have blonde hair does not make you a prep.

The best definition for stereotyping I could find that I believe is right is this one;

A perception of a person or thing that applies those attributes most commonly associated with the group that such person or thing belongs to, regardless of whether that perception is true. This word has gained a negative connotation and is more commonly associated with discrimination, when in reality it is a natural mechanism used by people to better understand the world. This is why when someone says "hockey player" you think of a white guy, or "rapper" and you think of a black guy, or "city" and you think of things like skyscrapers.

Stereotypes are often good and helpful things, but discrimination on the basis of prejudice/stereotypes often has negative effects.

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