Suicide. Selfish or Courageous? - Comments

  • I love the way that your article is organized and the fact that you left the sources at the bottom of the page. Your article is very well-written and gets the point out there.

    This is a very touchy and opinionated subject for me, because I have contemplated suicide many times, the latest time only a couple of days ago. I don't know how to get rid of the thoughts.

    I think that your facts and statistics are definitely right. At least, they seem so in my opinion. When I watch a show that tells the viewer about people who have committed suicide, I think about how that would feel to die using the same tactic as the person who already has committed suicide.

    And sometimes suicide can be selfish. It might be selfish to the friends of the person. After all, they all love the person. It wouldn't be fair to the parents and everybody associated with the suicide victim.

    But it can also be courageous. Have you ever seen Dead Poet's Society? When the boy commits suicide, he is standing up for himself and everybody around him. He makes such an impact. I'm not saying that he ever should have committed suicide, but his bravery brought about a change. And you can really tell if you have seen the movie.

    In the old days in Japan, samurais and shogun used to commit suicide if they failed to do as they were told or they failed their master. They are showing great courage and loyalty. But that is a completely different matter...

    Thank you so much for posting this article! I think it had to be written. Good job! :]
    October 25th, 2010 at 03:53am
  • I don't think its either. It might be selfish, due to the fact that they'll be leaving behind people who care and love them.

    But at the same time, it's them saying, I've taken all I can, I'm willing to pay the price. But I still don't believe anyone should commit suicide, please get help. And killing your self would not be paying the price.

    I don't think telling someone that what they might do is the ultimate act of cowardice is helping at all. It's making it worse, and hurting them, telling them they are cowards. Help them out. Listen to what they say, urge them to get help.

    Now I understand some of you might have lost some one due to suicide but that doesn't mean you should go on hating people or yelling at people saying 'Your stupid for thinking of suicide', you should help them. So other families or friends don't have to go through the pain you did.
    August 12th, 2009 at 05:32am
  • It's very selfish. Think about what you said: most people who commit suicide are young people. All younr people have ups and downs and go through periods of darkness and despair. To just throw away your life, likely hurting a lot of people in the process, is the definition of a selfish coward.

    I wouldn't tell someone that was considering it that they were being cowardly and selfish; that wouldn't help. But it doesn't change the fact that the act of suicide is very selfish.
    July 21st, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • suicide is the ultimate act of cowardice.
    May 25th, 2009 at 08:24am
  • But...what about the people that love you?
    Are you willing to leave them behind...? Because you may kill yourself if that is your choice, and it's easy to agree. You take your own life and that's it...the end.
    But what about the people that love and care for you? Your pain may end, but their pain will be the beginning. They feel the pain too....
    It's easy to say "I quit..."
    Life is a challenge. A challenge that will help you grow stronger if you face it head on!'s just a tragic and sad way of giving up on life. And it's easy to do it...and sadly...many do it because of it's easiness.
    But how many are willing to be head strong?
    How many are willing to take on life?
    People that live their lives, even if it's horrible, even if it's tragic, or even if it's torture...those are the people that are truly courageous. Why? Because they don't give up. They won't give up. They refuse to give up. And that...takes true courage. There have been millions and millions of people that kill themselves because they are tired, or for whatever reason they want. But hey, that happens. Life is no fruit cake. It has its speed bumps, but you can choose to either take it easy or just crash.
    Life is something that we can choose to either face on, regardless of what bad situations we may encounter, or just quit...and give up. Kill yourself, fine. But don't consider that courageous, because you made your choice to kill yourself and because life is horrible to you or because you've been through a lot of terrible things.

    People that sacrifice their lives for others...that's courageous. Why? Because they actually did something. They died for a reason, a good reason, to save other people from whatever tragedy. People that risk their lives for courageous. They've laid down their lives to save others, that is not foolish.


    But as for the people that commit suicide because of their own reasons...they are not foolish, but inconsiderate. No true reason to take their own lives...they just take it because they feel that they cannot keep going through their "Horrible" life any longer. Therefore, when they die. Not only do they hurt themselves, but others around them. Their families...the people that love them as well as other people that truly care for them.
    Sacrifice and Suicide are two completely different things.

    You. are. never. alone. Even if you make think it.

    I am truly sorry if you feel that suicide is courageous. Respectfully, to me...suicide is not an act of courage...but a cowardly act. Giving up is cowardly.
    I am also sorry if I have offended anyone with this comment...but I felt obliged to say something about this matter.
    May 17th, 2009 at 03:25pm
  • I do not believe that suicide is selfish. I also don't believe that someone committing suicide is some other persons fault. If you think that you need to commit suicide, then talk to someone .I know it's hard to do, but you have to. It's not selfish to take away yourself because you're in pain.
    May 4th, 2009 at 12:12am
  • bacteria. puts up a good argument and I've seen it that way before, but I honestly think it's selfish. Sometimes it's hard to recognise when someone has depression. Some can be such good actors that you never suspect a thing. Depression can happen to anyone, even the happiest person in the world.
    Suicide not only hurts the person who commits it, it hurts family and friends. Those who are left behind hurt so much, I don't think it's fair to do that to them.
    Life is a gift that is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted.
    April 29th, 2009 at 11:36am
  • Suicide is selfish. You kill yourself not caring what other people that care about you have to deal with. I have no sorrow for people that kill themselves. My friend Mikey killed himself over a girl, that to me is selfish. Do I feel sorry for him? No, I feel sorry for his family and what they are going through.
    April 25th, 2009 at 06:19am
  • Suicide isn't selfish, not really, but it most certainly is not courageous. It's silly. Whoever is saying they want to die, may be depressed and I understand that, but it's only a way of escape. The people who have attempted suicide and survived immediately did not want to die as soon as they had swallowed the pills, ect. Suicide is serious, and according to the Bible, a sin. Not courageous. If more people had God in their lives, then I bet less suicides would happen. It's really a shame when some body takes their own life.
    P.S. To Anyone Who Is Offended, Mad, Or Upset At My Use Of Religion: If you don't like it, lump it. Just don't come complaining to me about it.
    April 24th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • Everyone has a right to die. Everyone at one point will die. I believe that if you want to commit suicide you should go ahead. It is not my job to disagree with you or stop you. The outrage against suicide is ridiculous. One cannot truly be free if society taboos the very thing that makes us human: death.
    April 4th, 2009 at 01:00am
  • I have to disagree. Suicide is in no way courageous. Instead of choosing to fight, you(not you personally but those who commit/attmept suicide) are giving up. It is a coward's way out of life. Maybe not noticing was selfish but that doesn't mean that committing suicide isn't as well. You are willingly leaving the people you care about, and who care about, alone with only memories and the aftermath of a tragedy.

    To say suicide is courageous is basically condoning the act and saying that it is a good thing. Why not be courageous and slit my wrists, or pull a trigger, or down some pills? No. I'm not saying that a suicidal person is bad, please don't get me wrong. I think it is horrible that ANYONE could be so done with the world but they have to be strong enough and brave enough to fight.
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:13am
  • I don't think suicide can be classed in any way. Every incident is individual. If a person is sick (mentally or physicaly) who am i to judge them? I know how suicide can affect a family, and i think the only word that can be used to describe suicide is sad.
    March 19th, 2009 at 06:20pm
  • Another matter of opinion.
    March 19th, 2009 at 12:20am
  • I'm sorry, but I really disagree.

    People who kill themselves for cults or something...they're crazy. The disrespectful ones are the ones who are walking around talking about leaving the world. I know someone who lost a good friend to suicide, and not a day goes by that I don't think about it. On the deceased's birthday (he would have been 18), the whole day was a bit dreary, especially for my friend.

    Everyone has's a fact of life; and to take the easy way out, and leave everyone (including those you love) to not only deal with the world YOU yourself had to bear, but also the burden you put on them by your actions is absolutely detestable.


    It only leaves people empty.

    R.I.P. Cody...we will always miss you.
    March 18th, 2009 at 09:59pm
  • You know what's courageous? Making your way through your problems with help and support and coming out alive to tell your story of survival. Killing yourself when you hit a few obstacles? Selfish.
    March 18th, 2009 at 02:30am
  • Hoorah, someone actually bothered to post where they got their stats from!

    It wasn't a bad article but maybe you could have done an age corrolation.

    That's why I support 'see me' which campaigns for responsible programming. To stop people getting ideas from programmes such as Casualty or whatever for their own suicide.

    Suicide is neither selfish or courageous - it is a tragedy. Pure and simple.
    March 16th, 2009 at 02:10pm
  • To me, suicide is the easy way out of life. I don't find it selfish, but to find it courageous is an outrage. I've been there.. I've tried.. a couple of times. I found it wasn't worth it. I found myself cowardly and horribly ashamed of myself that I would stoop to such cowardice and try to run from my problems instead of facing them. It took some very important people to make me realize that life gets better rather than killing myself and wasting a life that could mean so much one day to someone. Killing yourself is an act of cowardice; not selfishness or courageousness. I am a coward. I admit it. I have attempted to get out of life the easy way and I am a coward because of it. As are the rest of the people who kill themselves or try to, whether they admit/admitted it or not.
    March 16th, 2009 at 09:19am
  • the only way suicide isnt selfish is if it's euthanisation.
    euthanisation should be legalised for those suffering major illnesses like cancer, aids, etc
    March 16th, 2009 at 07:58am
  • I can not even begin to think of a way such a stupid thing could be considered corageous! That's because it is in no way what so ever courageous. It is selfish and a horrible thing. Don't rob the world of a great person which you are even if you don't see that. I know people who have though about it and it would be an epic loss for them to not be around. I promis you that you would be robing the world of someting great by commiting such a terrible act. I suppose this wouldn't cover 100 percent of the time but the majority of the time i think im on the right track.
    March 16th, 2009 at 07:52am
  • It is neither.
    March 16th, 2009 at 07:19am